Originally Posted by Ryland
Why are you revving the engine up to 3,000RPM??? even merging in to traffic on the freeway it's rare to need to rev the engine up that high.
#4 is the tube I'm talking about and most part stores do not sell it, a Honda dealer might charge you $15 for it or Honda Automotive Parts sell it for $7 and a few bucks for shipping, if you order that tube get part #3 as well, you can not get to that tube by jacking the car up, you need to find someone with small hands, to get the grommet (#3) out you need needle nose vise grips.
A cold air intake will let you hear the engine more because it will de-tune the air intake and make the engine louder/rougher/rattle, I don't know of any positive effects that it could have.
so I got the grommet the 90 degree pcv valve and the straight one. all of them were aftermarket since my dealership wanted a lot for them and had to special order them.
I replaced the one on the top which was bad. No clicking noise when shaken.
Now for underneath and wierd part.I looked over the car again and ended up draining the oil out and removing the oil filter to get to the #4tube underneath. A LOT easier to repair than getting under intake manifold under the hood.First thing I noticed looking at it from underneath car after oil filter is that it wasn't tight all the way in there. I also just noticed the old grommet on there i didnt think it had one at all. just really dirty. bought to go clean it put everything back throw oil back in start er up hopefully runs lot better. just thought id post the removing oil filter part. definetely made the job easier