I created a new thread to share the modifications and results on my Acura EL 1.6L.
"1999 Acura EL or Civic EX sedan - dropping Cd from 0.33 to below 0,20"
The car improvements over the 21 years I have this car went through 5 phases
1. Finding out the car was actually eco-friendly
2. Searching for means to repeat the best mileage reported
3. Mods inspired by products claims and performance magazines and forums
4. Mods inspired by solid advice : EricTheCarGuy and (J.Edgar)
5. Aerodynamics mods supported by trials and monitoring data
Mechanical and aerodynamics modifications done to save gas
Modifications testing and instrumentation
Preliminary results for 2020
Using the “throttle stop” method to measure speed increase resulting of mod, results are when computing against the estimated Cd=0.34, for Acura EL 1.6 L, 1999
Adding all the estimated reductions per modification comes to 52,2 %
May be or may be not a real total reduction, if “may be” then means a new Cd= 0.17