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Old 08-23-2008, 10:45 PM   #71 (permalink)
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1. florida has a move over law, meaning that you don't play chicken with the emergency vehicles stopped on the side of the road. You move to a lane away from the scene and failing that you reduce your speed to 20mph under the limit.

FHP - 'Move over' law gets serious

2. you are supposed to move to the right and yield the right of way to emergency vehicles (or any overtaking vehicle). Passing on the right is illegal and arguably dangerous, as is passing in the emergency lane. There is usually crud or completely stopped vehicles or pedestrians in the emergency lane.


3. driving in the left lane when there's hardly any other cars?!? And 5 other lanes?!? The left lanes are for overtaking vehicles. Slower traffic to the right. You don't know the extent of the emergency, could be a heart attack, get the hell out of the way.

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Old 08-24-2008, 12:59 AM   #72 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dcb View Post
OMG, you saw him coming a mile away, with his lights on, and didn't move right. Who gave you a license?
sorry, but when I learned to drive, I was taught that cutting across 5 lanes would get you pulled over, and I *have* been pulled over for moving over a mere 2 lanes while signaling and taking my time back when Davie had a 'policy' of profiling DWB. (forgive the unintentional sarcastic tone here - I can't see a way to write it without it coming off that way)

that said, I was unaware of the specific details of the move over law - most drivers down here tend to follow the 'slow down and get out of the way of the emergency vehicle via the shortest and quickest way possible' rule, regardless of the actual direction... ie if the emergency vehicle is on the left, move right, and if the emergency vehicle is on the right, move left. it's been my observation that generally emergency vehicles are thus always afforded the center until they actually make a move in a particular direction themselves - the surrounding vehicles adjust accordingly. note this is not a criticism or disagreement with the law as it stands... just an observation based on 21 years and somewhere around a million miles driven. it doesnt help much that the law is only 5 years old... most drivers like myself have been driving for far longer with long-standing habits and trained procedures - especially here, which is a melting pot of driving habits from all over the world.

in any case, consider me enlightened. my thanks

1. florida has a move over law, meaning that you don't play chicken with the emergency vehicles stopped on the side of the road. You move to a lane away from the scene and failing that you reduce your speed to 20mph under the limit.
who said I (or the van ahead of me) was playing chicken? the stopped cruiser was on our left, the approaching (at high speed) cruiser was on our right, smack in the middle of the highway, and he stayed there until the last possible moment, making no attempt whatsoever to indicate any intention of doing anything other than continuing in a straight line. the posted limit on that section of 95 is 65mph, and we had both slowed to 40 - in compliance with the move over law interestingly enough. if either one or both of us had merged right - into the path of the approaching cruiser BTW - we likely would have been seen as actively obstructing him, and pulled over for it, and there was no way for us to know where the approaching cruiser was going. if we had merged right all the way across the highway, and he [b]wasnt[/i] going to the other cruiser, but onto one of the off ramps that lead to I-595 or SR-84 right there, we would still have been in his way. IMHO we made the best choice of a very limited set of possibilities, which were:

1. he keeps going straight or goes to one of the off-ramps to the right, we slow down and give the stopped cruiser at least 1 lane of clearance to his right after the moving cruiser passes. no problem (this was my original plan anyway).

2. he slots in behind us, we move right. no problem.

3. we move right, he moves right. we end up in his way and possibly get an accident or pulled over for changing too many lanes at once

2. you are supposed to move to the right and yield the right of way to emergency vehicles (or any overtaking vehicle). Passing on the right is illegal and arguably dangerous, as is passing in the emergency lane. There is usually crud or completely stopped vehicles or pedestrians in the emergency lane.
look... if you *absolutely* cant go left, and you seemingly can't go right without getting in the way, where the hell are you supposed to go? if the approaching cruiser had slotted in behind us, it would have been apparent where he was going and I at least (cant speak for the van in front) would have moved over to the right to get out of the way - as per the rule. sometimes following the letter of the law is worse than breaking it.

3. driving in the left lane when there's hardly any other cars?!? And 5 other lanes?!? The left lanes are for overtaking vehicles. Slower traffic to the right. You don't know the extent of the emergency, could be a heart attack, get the hell out of the way.
there are only certain roadways here in florida where that rule applies, and those are usually marked, 2-lane highways - the turnpike for example used to operate under the 'cruise right, pass left' rule back in the '70's - it no longer does in most areas due to increased usage and the fact that that rule really can't be enforced on roadways with more than 2 lanes - and the 'pike now has 3 or more lanes in most areas of south florida - it makes no sense to. down here it is more along the lines of left=overtaking and high speed cruising (except during rush our when its HOVcity), middle=trucks and mid-speed cruising while right=on and off-ramp access (slower traffic). just because there isnt any other traffic doesnt mean you have to use the right lane anymore. as for the rest, like i said, the approaching cruiser could have gone *anywhere*, and moving out of the lane we were in would likely have put us right in his way. rock and a hard place... go figure.
I take offense to the saying 'it isnt rocket science' to describe the relative difficulty of a given endeavour. Rocket Science is NOT hard... just EXPENSIVE
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Old 08-27-2008, 11:18 PM   #73 (permalink)
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Trik, you rock. This was beautiful....enjoyed this immensely. You would think the cops would be going after the speeders. Here in North FL, there is really no police presence anymore at all. Honestly, one could average 60mph through the city with almost no risk of being ticketed. So, I spend my time on the road being tailgated and passed by impotent 'tards in SuperDuties and Z71's.

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Old 08-28-2008, 02:57 PM   #74 (permalink)
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Great read, Trik you make me proud, I'm glad you stood up to that A-hole and didn't put up with his crap. (pun intended)
I've driven like an @$$ in the past and got some well deserved tickets. I've also driven like a normal sane driver and got pulled over for bogus reasons and had to deal with more A-holes.
I guess I joined this forum just in time. I was pulled over a week ago by a B!tch of a cop for not having a front license plate. (Is this probable cause?)
When showing her my brand new license (July) she asks for my current address, I told her that license is new and that is my current address. She says "You don't live in a PO Box, what is your address"? At this point I'm a little more angry and told her to get out a pen and paper and write it down so she could spell Wilseyville...
Anyhow, she runs a whole gammut of questions all seemingly pointed at me making myself a criminal and after finding nothing more writes me a fix-it ticket for the crack in my windshield and no front license plate. (I really want to know if that is probable cause for pulling someone over).
BTW I drive a lowered Honda so immediately I was a Ricer...she was in the opposite lane on a four-way and flipped a B!tch in rush hour traffic to catch back up to me!!!

I say it was a good time to join the forum because now I'm thinking of using my front license plate as an upper grill air dam...good idea?
Also, because I have to get a new windshield, I'm wondering if I can use a Plexiglass or Lexan windshield instead and incorporate a little extra length to cover up the gap by my wipers...Anyone done something like this?
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Old 08-28-2008, 03:18 PM   #75 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by craig5_12 View Post
I say it was a good time to join the forum because now I'm thinking of using my front license plate as an upper grill air dam...good idea?
Check out these license plate frames, especially Model EX-33:
Front & Rear License Plate Accessories :: Sigma Automotive
Pretty cool.

What I did was lower my plate, so the top holes in the plate are mounted to the lower mounting bolts. It works as a partial grill block. It is also angled back.

I have seen one plate mounting that flips up when the car is cruising at highway speed, but pops back down when the car is stopped. I can't imagine it would be be legal. But it would be interesting to see the cops face when they pull you over for not having a front plate, but then see you have a front plate...

Last edited by rjacob; 08-28-2008 at 03:34 PM..
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Old 08-28-2008, 04:08 PM   #76 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by craig5_12 View Post
Also, because I have to get a new windshield, I'm wondering if I can use a Plexiglass or Lexan windshield instead and incorporate a little extra length to cover up the gap by my wipers...Anyone done something like this?
Personally, I wouldn't recommend a plastic windshield....even Lexan gets scratched up fairly quickly. You would be working it constantly (polishing) to keep your visibility up. Just my .02, Welcome to the forums.

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Old 08-28-2008, 11:24 PM   #77 (permalink)
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Oooh moving down the license plate is a pretty good idea! Have you noticed improvements?
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Old 08-29-2008, 10:20 AM   #78 (permalink)
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Thanks for the ideas/comments guys..didn't mean to hijack the thread...on with the cop stories...
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Old 08-29-2008, 02:11 PM   #79 (permalink)
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Well since this thread keeps on going let me add some more fuel to the fire and what happened today.

On my way to work I was at an intersection, (with the engine off), as the light went green I turned the engine on and engaged the car in drive, as I pulled off an officer from 2 lanes over turned on his lights and pulled me over.

He was nice and asked me if I was having car trouble. I replied no and explained that I shut off my vehicle @ red lights to save fuel. (Didn't tell him I was EOCing from a 1/2 mile away). He explained to me that what I did was illegal. I asked why. He said that it was illegal in FLorida to coast down a hill with the engine in neutral or out of gear. I explained that I turned the car off once it came to a complete stop and his interpretation was not applicable. With no credible answer to that he simply restated that it was still illegal. To which I responded, "Then why do Prius' get away with it?" They shut their engines off when not in motion too. He had no answer.

I offered this to him. I explained that I was the exception and not the norm, that what I am doing is related to my studies in order to develop a retrofitted hybrid kit for older vehicles and that what I was doing was collecting data, safely, in order to support a need for an engine off system for non-hybrid cars. I explained that I was working very hard to reverse a lot of embedded mis information on how we were taught to drive vehicles and alot of this new information would conflict with printed law. I also cited as an example a situation where I was going to remove my side view mirrors for cameras which offer better visibility without blind spots but seemed to be in direct violation with a printed statute. So I asked him what was easier, to uphold an older law based on a lack of technology or consider that as time moves on advancements in motor vehciles will move faster than our judiciary system.

After a lengthy conversation, he wished everyone he pulled over was as informed as I was about the why in what we do and told me to be safe and wished me luck.

I swear, some times I think I have Jedi mind powers ... LOL
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Old 08-29-2008, 03:31 PM   #80 (permalink)
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