Circuits are built & ready to fit.
Both are supplied with relays fitted to the PCBs. Either can switch the alternator back in.
The system requires 6 wires:
Ignition switched positive
Earth (negative)
Positive voltage sensing wire to battery
Injector supply sensing wire (back probed from ECU output)
2 Field supply wires from & to alternator.
The field supply to the alternator needs to be cut and diverted to the control circuit, otherwise its easily removed.
The point at which the duty cycle is set to switch the alternator back on is programmable by push buttons on the circuit, as is the hysteresis. The duty cycle is displayed on a pair of 8 segment LED displays, which is on a long ribbon cable for easy dash mounting. The display also functions as the programming interface.
The voltage switch point & hysteresis is adjustable by 2 potentiometers on the voltage switching circuit board, and can be set to any voltage easily with a multimeter. An LED indicates when the voltage based switching circuit is operating.
Oh, and the LED duty cycle display is self dimming at night with a variable brightness control!