08-16-2010, 12:00 PM
#21 (permalink)
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I live with alot of deer too, I live in town now and still see deer walking down the street and in yards in the middle of the afternoon.
I've also hit two deer with my civic, one ran in to the side while I was going about 25mph and the other was head on while going about 30mph (had slowed down from 55mph), I was rather impressed with how little damage was done, $100 worth of repairs and you can't tell anything happened.
Being able to stop quickly was key with both deer I hit.
I also haul lumber, bikes, tools and tow a trailer all with my civic, 55mpg without a heavy load 40mpg with a trailer.
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08-16-2010, 12:22 PM
#22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Varn
Fuel economy experts it isn't the deer that is on the road that gets hit. You and I can slow or stop for those. It is the deer that leaps into the vehicle that is the problem.
And, once again, I'm telling you that there were FIVE of those in the ENTIRE STATE OF MISSOURI last year. It isn't the deer that leaps into the vehicle that is the problem, it's the perception that somebody needs a tank to protect themselves from something that happened FIVE times in 161,000 accidents. I absolutely guarantee that MANY more people died in rollovers in full-size vans trying to avoid collisions.
Most (over 50%) that live in the my neighborhood drive a truck or SUV, I am sure that not a one of us enjoys paying the 70 dollars for a tank of gas but it is a necessity. The vehicles around here get coated in mud when the road is soft. Ruts will bottom out my econoline. I use chains at times in the winter. Live in a city or suburb. Come take a winter vacation at my house. Winter here is a series of freezes and thaws. If you get lucky the temps will stay below freezing.
And the other 325 days of the year? I live in a mountainous area of California and pretty much guarantee that I get more snow and mudslides than you, yet I manage to drive my 4WD less than 20 days a year.
Arragonis, the maneuverability of Alec Issigonis' creations won't save you once you are in a collision. The collision is something that happens when you run out of options and the unfortunate happens.
Why are you driving an Econoline then? What if you hit one of your 50% of neighbors that also drives an SUV or truck? If I were you I'd immediately upgrade to a Topkick. Hopefully there are no fully-loaded big rigs bearing down on you; no doubt they're killing hundreds a day on your route.
The topic for this site is improving mileage, I made comments on why personally I don't want to own a honda car or the like and get told by experts who likely have never driven on a rutted gravel road that I just need to steer around a deer.
There, I fixed that for you. You don't NEED to drive a 5,000 pound van around. You've brought up the entire repertoire of excuses of every person who has taken up two spots at the grocery store with a Hummer.
The topic for this site is improving mileage. The top way to improve mileage is to only drive a 5,000 pound flat-faced block when you actually need it, and the second is to drive slower, which incidentally would help your deer avoidance (the topic of this thread) as well.
BTW, is this Econoline 4WD? You'd have better maneuverability and wouldn't have to chain up nearly as often with an S10 4WD. And you'd get 25-30 mpg.
08-16-2010, 12:31 PM
#23 (permalink)
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08-16-2010, 01:28 PM
#24 (permalink)
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I second the motion on the Bull Bar/Deer Catcher idea. At least you have a fighting chance of minimizing the damage. There IS the hoof or antler that could stab into the radiator nonetheless...
You drive what you drive. You know what you need and feel comfortable in. Hypermile what you drive. BUT in deer country, you should have some front-end protection. The drive between Wolf Creek Pass to Durango, Colorado has tons of deer and there is invariably someone pulled over who just hit one. Carcasses are everywhere. It doesn't matter if you are driving 5 mph or 55 mph, those suckers just walk out in front of you, or run into the SIDE of your vehicle! Not the smartest animals.
08-16-2010, 03:03 PM
#25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Varn
The adult deer around here have a live weight of 225-270. Hit that at 100 mph and it is sent into the drivers compartment rather instantly.
Most (over 50%) that live in the my neighborhood drive a truck or SUV, I am sure that not a one of us enjoys paying the 70 dollars for a tank of gas but it is a necessity.
The topic for this site is improving mileage, I made comments on why personally I can't own a honda car or the like and get told by experts who likely have never driven on a rutted gravel road that I just need to steer around a deer.
Then don't go 100 mph.
Most (over 50%) here drive trucks and SUVs too, and seeing as how they are empty most of the time while they are putting on 100 miles/day within city limits, it appears they do enjoy it. :/
The topic for this site is improving mileage yet all you've talked about so far is going from small vehicles to big ones, then adding battering-ram armour to those, in response to a perceived threat on your safety, with no evidence that the big vehicles provide any safety advantage anyway. Then you failed to contradict given statistics- which are presumably accurate- as to the real danger you are exposed to, which gives insight into the odds of encountering such a deer strike.
Forgive my confusion. 
08-16-2010, 03:21 PM
#26 (permalink)
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I like the idea of a cattle guard. Many people have them.
I have been considering one made from carbon fiber, bridging it slightly in front of car. Designed by stretching dacron over the front of the car and using it as a mold. Having the main air intakes over the headlights. It could be layered for any desired level of stiffness. Maybe with a layer of two of kevlar for toughness.
I got the idea a number of years ago watching TV there was group installing one of those obnoxious speaker systems and built the speaker enclosures with nearly the same technique. I rebuilt my Varna speedbike using a that technique and it added about 11 mph. I could do a thread on that.
08-16-2010, 03:27 PM
#27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Then don't go 100 mph.
Most (over 50%) here drive trucks and SUVs too, and seeing as how they are empty most of the time while they are putting on 100 miles/day within city limits, it appears they do enjoy it. :/
The topic for this site is improving mileage yet all you've talked about so far is going from small vehicles to big ones, then adding battering-ram armour to those, in response to a perceived threat on your safety, with no evidence that the big vehicles provide any safety advantage anyway. Then you failed to contradict given statistics- which are presumably accurate- as to the real danger you are exposed to, which gives insight into the odds of encountering such a deer strike.
Forgive my confusion. 
I still like this advice best:
It isn't luck as much as it is attentive driving and situational awareness.
Attentive driving does not necessarily mean driving slower. (Slower compared to what?) Nor does it mean driving a tank.
Here's two suggestions that are a 100% guaranteed way to avoid all risk of being hit by a deer: A) Never drive or ride in a vehicle. B) Move to a large urban city where there are no deer.
Unfortunately, either can be as impractical as it is risk-free. 
08-16-2010, 04:06 PM
#28 (permalink)
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Death by deer collision in any car having been proved a statistical insignificance, I suggest you worry less and enjoy life again while saving fuel by going back to the fun to drive small cars you used to like so much.
08-16-2010, 05:58 PM
#29 (permalink)
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Unfortunately, I recently hit a brown bear at 60 km/h ~35 mph. I've been driving a 2006 Focus for the last four years, but just bought an '04 Dakota, which I was driving at the time. Aside from feeling terrible about the bear (head injuries, broken leg - subsequently killed by conservation officers), I was glad to be in the truck rather than the car. The truck sustained a broken sidemarker (corner) light, and dents to the lower door and lower panel of the extended cab. The more collapsible Focus probably would have destroyed front bumper, headlight, fender, hood, and possibly radiator and AC radiator. Unless he got swept up and over and into the windshield. I doubt the Focus would have been drivable, and the bear would most likely have to have been killed anyway.
08-16-2010, 06:43 PM
#30 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by davidgrey50
I doubt the Focus would have been drivable, and the bear would most likely have to have been killed anyway.
Debateable. Focus was quite good for 'pedestrian' injuries at low-ish speeds.
Dakota SUV ? Perhaps not so good. Especially if you add stupid metal bars to the front of it.
I'm with Frank - simple answer is drive slower and anticipate.
[I]So long and thanks for all the fish.[/I]