Looks like your Cypress trip round trip ave.25.8 mpg is around 2.6% higher than your last 90-day average.
At the time when the trailer shape more closely conforms to the T-100's projection,and the gap is more minimized,she's going to take on the aerodynamic singularity which will allow the boat-tailing to really sing.
It's a really tasty proposition.And your 'flatland' testing takes some of the variables out of the equation that my mountain-route runs complicated.
Any gain suggests the viability of the range-extending concept.
If any of the AGGIES ask you what's up with the trailer,you can tell them that it's a towable, atmospheric-supplied,synthetic gasoline refinery which adds fuel to the tank as you drive.
We'll have a sign for the doors which reads:
I.G.Farrunindustrie Aktein Gesselschaft,Synthetische Hydrogenated Atmosferik LOONY Gasolin Werke,College Station,Texas.