I'm glad you don't judge people because of their color, race, origin, language, etc. I'm definitely with you on this.

I have friends of many different ages, races, cultures, languages, etc. And to me, they are all my buds. I don't think of any of them as being inferior than the others just because of their race.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
Your homework is to show anything resembling me saying racism doesn't exist.
My only claim is that a victimhood mentality is cancer, even if you're in a concentration camp being savagely victimized. Anyone supporting the victimhood narrative is working for the concentration camp, even if they are unaware.
I see what you're saying now, and agree quite a bit.

If I'm being victimized I definitely see how doing my best is what matters most and how dwelling on the situation isn't going to make things better. I'd give the same advice to someone being victimized.
The way you had put it earlier seemed to claim that either racism either doesn't exist or shouldn't be acknowledged or isn't as big as it really is.

I don't see pretending that the issue isn't there as being helpful anymore than dwelling on it. Maybe that's not what you meant, so sorry for the misunderstanding.
Everything is best when ballanced.

You know, things like: Don't do less than best but also be modest and don't try to do more than you can either. Don't dwell on your or the world's problems, but don't ignore them either.
Even "not seeing color" could be an unballanced view point. I get what you're saying, but there's a difference in judging other people for their color and another is appreciating everything about each person individually without comparing them to anyone else, including appreciating their color. I like sunflowers just as much as I do roses. That doesn't mean that I can't tell the difference between yellow and red.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
Can't, or won't? You're ok abiding in racism by the government?
I don't believe (me) burning the government down to be the solution. There are other means and perhaps a better solution.
Speaking of not dwelling on problems (at least racist problems, time to dwell on economic car problems

), with all due respect and apollogies for any offense or misunderstanding and kudos to those not being racist and wanting to make the world a better place one way or another, could we get back to talking about whether used cars are still expensive or not?
I got offered a parts Prius out on the east coast for $2,500. I'd have to go clear out there in a pickup and tow it back. Seems kind of steep, especially without knowing if the parts I need are in just as bad of condition or not.