Originally Posted by dcb
I think this is a key point for many ecomodder, or anyone who is trying to save gas.
But we have evidence here that higher maximum speeds translate into higher minimum speeds as well. And I think it is equally important, and even patriotic, to allow folks to drive conservatively and still take the shortest path.
... but I believe a higher speed limit implies we are talking about making it illegal to drive more efficiently. A lot of cars around here will lose %13 efficiency if forced to go from 45 to 55.
"The majority rules" or some such.... Whatever happened to logic?
A wonderful book, written by an ex-Congressman, tells all about opinions in gov't. " A Nation of Sheep". And this was published many years ago...I guess things don't change that much.
The point I wanted to make : There is no energy policy in this country. None! The dollar rules. Virtually everyone knows ( or can see the argument) speed increases create more "wind wall" to overcome. These penetration requirements are exponential...the faster you push through this (47ish MPH) "wall" the more gas / diesel / jet fuel its gonna take. Speaking of jet fuel, how much CO2 does a high altitude airliner produce? How many tons per flight? Tons!
We live in a fantasyland if we believe the Global Warming beast is going to be opposed by some "magical" means. The glaciers are all but gone, the permafrost is getting softer ... this ice melts, releasing much methane gas...which is 20 times more reflective of heat radiation than CO2.
"We have met the enemy, and they is us." -"Pogo", Walt Kelley's comic strip character.
...my logical viewpoint. Any comments?