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Old 02-13-2019, 03:06 AM   #4981 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
So- we have a larger number of people dying of cold related problems every year than heat
More than a million die of malaria alone, never mind all other tropical diseases.
Aren't they heat related?

What cold related problems kill millions of people each year?
I thought influenza was a candidate:
Worldwide, these annual epidemics are estimated to result in about 3 to 5 million cases of severe illness, and about 290 000 to 650 000 respiratory deaths.
... but apparently not:
In temperate climates, seasonal epidemics occur mainly during winter, while in tropical regions, influenza may occur throughout the year, causing outbreaks more irregularly.
The outbreaks in winter in temperate zones are mainly due to higher exposure to germs (more indoor activities, less ventilation), but given time the resistance to flu drops and any community becomes vulnerable.

So I won't have it. More people die of heat related issues than of cold.

Which reflects here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o...ife_expectancy

I'm well aware this demographic is not only influenced by tropical diseases but also by wealth - and Vodka - but still.

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Last edited by RedDevil; 02-13-2019 at 03:23 AM..
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Old 02-13-2019, 12:02 PM   #4982 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
The point I wanted to make is not so much about tropical diseases being on the rise - obviously the medical world is evolving, and so is pest control.

The point is that hot humid conditions are what make these pests possible.
Heat does not kill people directly, but it provides the circumstances for malaria to kill over a million people each year. And that's just one disease.
Polar bears kill too, but as a cause of human mortality they are no match for diseases spread by tropical mosquitoes.

If we're not careful their habitat will spread through our addiction to fossil fuels.
According to the Centers for Disease Control,and some of the science journals,we're already in the midst of it.
Disease vectors are spreading north.
Flora are attempting to migrate,but their relocation 'velocity' can't match the temporal and spatial velocity of temperature rise.
Flora at alpine locations may be sequestered at the snowline and simply go extinct where they are,unable to move upwards out of the warmth.
Forests are dying from new invasives.
Fauna are dying from new tick-borne invasives,(via mosquitos)
Liberal use of antibiotics have produced some superbugs which are impervious to all extant antibiotic arsenals.
Crops are dying directly from heat stress.
Crops are dying from mutation-driven adaptive pesticide resistance.
Crops are dying from mutation-selective GMO resistance
Crops are dying from mutation-selective fungicide resistance
Crops are dying from mutation-selective RNA intervention resistance
Crops are dying from new warmth/moist fungal invasions(blight,rusts)
Crop harvests are failing from E-coli adulteration from new,invasive species'fecal contamination.
Agri-business harvesters are dying in the fields from renal failure due to elevated latent heat effects.
Yellow fever
Dengue fever
Zika virus
Lymes disease
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Old 02-13-2019, 12:08 PM   #4983 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
I've seen those basstards in freezing conditions on glaciers in the mountains. We need something more effective than not allowing a 2C rise in temperature to fight those bloody creatures. My preference is precision lasers, but CRISPR is probably more promising.

As an aside, I've heard that no creatures depend on mosquitoes for their survival, so I say we eradicate them.
It looks like geneticist are jumping all over CRISPR for AG chemicals,GMOs,and RNA interventions.
As to mosquitoes,bats are the only animals I've heard of that make a diet of them.
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Old 02-13-2019, 12:20 PM   #4984 (permalink)
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willing to pay

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
You can convince fellow believers why they should be willing to pay between $30 to $100 per month to fix climate change.
Until the majority of believers are willing to pay more than $10 per month to fix the problem that they believe in, there is no movement. Just movement of the mouth.
That should go over real well in texas.
I've already lost my life savings trying,and I'll be living below the poverty line the rest of my life because of it,but I continue to do what I can.
Many of my friends have gone into debt to cut their carbon footprint (AeroStealth is at 80% and counting).
The entire community where I live was predicated on a more sustainable existence.(passive-solar,earth-sheltered,wind,solar PV,hybrids,plug-in hybrids,telecommuting,off-the-grid,composting,water conservation,clivus multrums,home gardens,orchards,load-avoidance,conservation,recycling,dedicated green spaces (50% of the property).
You might be surprised what and how many folks take this stuff seriously enough to get some skin in the game.
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Old 02-13-2019, 12:39 PM   #4985 (permalink)
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The climate alarmists seem to be saying something along the lines of "Jim is dead". But then I point and say, "Jim's over there, and he's waving at us."... Then the alarmists say "No, Jim's dead, and even if he isn't, he'll be dead soon"...

I provide evidence such as this:

...and get a reply like "no, disease is killing everyone due to a 1 degree temperature rise".

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Old 02-13-2019, 12:45 PM   #4986 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redneck View Post
But, I was paying attention. You made statements without providing links or more information . If I had made similar statements against AGW without links or proof you or someone else would have called me out.

Funny, I could say the same thing.

I had a folder.

Key word “had”...

It is now just a corrupt file.

Too bad about your data.I've got everything on paper(always did),so there's no risk of loss.(although you can hardly get around inside the house for all the paper)
In prior posts,I've commented on my sources.
Most all my data is from the original scientist's papers and letters published in the scientific journals: SCIENCE,NATURE,then,Scientific American,National Geographic,Rolling Stone,Popular Science,Mechanics Illustrated,SIERRA Club magazine sometimes,AccuWeather.com,PBS NewsHour,PBS NOVA,PBS FRONTLINE,Modern Marvels,and books.
Very infrequently will I find something online,but I do look at NASA,and NOAA,Hadley Center,World Meteorological Organization.
Presently,a condition for publishing with SCIENCE,is that the contributor provide full transparency for all their raw data,the research methodology,the computer/statistical models they actually used,everything they did,so as anyone interested can use their data and protocols to see if they get the same results-or maybe find a glitch,or worse in their research and conclusions.
It's the best stuff out there in my opinion.
I do have all the source material,so backing it up isn't a problem,except for finding it again,in a timely manner before I die of old age.
Any of the members who've been out here to my 'train-wreck' of a home should be able to vouch for the clutter.
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Old 02-13-2019, 01:12 PM   #4987 (permalink)
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dying of cold

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
So- we have a larger number of people dying of cold related problems every year than heat - and the sky is falling. Food production per capita is at historic highs - and we're on the brink of collapse.

... population increases and mortality decreases. The burden of proof falls on those proclaiming calamity despite things never being better.
In the January/February 2019,'SUMMER IS COMING' article,by Dashka Slater,SIERRA magazine's climate issue,Slater reported that over the last 30-years,More Americans have died from heat-related causes than any other weather-related hazard,including blizzards,floods,hurricanes,and tornadoes.
In the preceding paragraph,Slater had been referring to Public Health Department data.
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Old 02-13-2019, 01:29 PM   #4988 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
The climate alarmists seem to be saying something along the lines of "Jim is dead". But then I point and say, "Jim's over there, and he's waving at us."... Then the alarmists say "No, Jim's dead, and even if he isn't, he'll be dead soon"...

I provide evidence such as this:

...and get a reply like "no, disease is killing everyone due to a 1 degree temperature rise".

All I can recommend,is that we ignore ALL of these fringe groups and stay focused on the best science available.
Scientists that I've read so far,go only as far as observed 'trends' and probabilities.
No one has any 'a priori' knowledge of how soon, or how late things might play out.And science and technology are continually active in the meantime,confusing any issue with a liquid battlefield,and dancing goal-posts.
Photobucket album: http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj622/aerohead2/
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Old 02-13-2019, 02:14 PM   #4989 (permalink)
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The climate alarmists seem to be saying something along the lines of "Jim is dead".
Not as canonical as "He's dead, Jim[, but not as we've known it]".

Too bad about your data.I've got everything on paper(always did),so there's no risk of loss.(although you can hardly get around inside the house for all the paper
Any of the members who've been out here to my 'train-wreck' of a home should be able to vouch for the clutter.
Sounds like a fire-trap.

Gov. Newsom just killed the high-speed train from SF to LA. Well, not killed it, just scaled it back to 20% so they don't get a train but don't have to pay the Federal government back $2.5 Billion.

No one has any 'a priori' knowledge of how soon, or how late things might play out.
Wheels within wheels. Plus black swans.
Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu
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Old 02-13-2019, 02:59 PM   #4990 (permalink)
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high-speed rail

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Not as canonical as "He's dead, Jim[, but not as we've known it]".

Sounds like a fire-trap.

Gov. Newsom just killed the high-speed train from SF to LA. Well, not killed it, just scaled it back to 20% so they don't get a train but don't have to pay the Federal government back $2.5 Billion.

Wheels within wheels. Plus black swans.
I caught a bit of that on the news.They mentioned beyond the expected time frame and way over cost.I think they mentioned Fresno being at one end.
There's a private company endeavoring to bring the Shinkansen into Texas(literally),between Dallas and Austin to begin with.One stop.Average 178-mph.
They won't accept one penny of public money.They'll finance the thing on their own.
Historically,once high-speed rail is in place,it's bye-bye for Air travel along the same route.Which is great,because the train is electric,can run on renewables,and is as fast or faster.
The Japanese have operated since around 1964 without a single fatality.

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