10-31-2019, 08:27 PM
#7781 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
Thank you for this information. Its well worth repeating my post from 7051 (I think). Its good we gang up on the AGW deniers together. I must say your pictures are better than those of the report, I posted. 
Last edited by litesong; 10-31-2019 at 08:56 PM..
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10-31-2019, 09:41 PM
#7782 (permalink)
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Its good you agree with me.... on an average. Yeah, thanks for agreeing with me. I'll give you a big "Thanks" in your post.
Just remember when I mock you for going off your meds and lapsing into leet-speak.
Be aware that I don't pick sides. My long-term prediction is runaway greenhouse, punctuated by an asteroidal winter.
Meanwhile, I compare the [occasional] TV weather report with the NOAA maps on Suspicious 0bserver's space weather report [daily]. Example:
Today, a lightning arc discharge crater. That's the same thing that created the Grand Canyon.
Reforestation is what people can do on their own. Here's a story about turning waste land into forest in 26 years through simple hydrological means:
It's a good companion piece to Kirsten Dirksen's Dryland harvesting home hacks sun, rain, food & surroundings
2nd edit:
This just in:
Also, our President has announced that Palm Beach, FL is his family's permanent address. So, I guess he's not skeered of those limestone cavern growing, ever growing, under the state.
3rd edit:
Is everyone loosing enthusiasm for the subject?
This morning on Fark.com:
Originally Posted by Hachitori
Tomorrow, tomorrow, maybe tomorrow - climate disaster is only 12 years away. Make it 20... 50? 100 years?
Seriously - there isn't a single climate model that has proved anywhere close to accurate. "Climate Scientists" have been making these kinds of forecasts for 30 years now.... and none work. The climate is simply too complex for the data inputs we have.
From the IPCC Evaluation Of Climate Models
"Almost all CMIP5 historical simulations do not reproduce the observed recent warming hiatus. There is medium confidence that the GMST trend difference between models and observations during 1998-2012 is to a substantial degree caused by internal variability, with possible contributions from forcing error and some CMIP5 models overestimating the response to increasing GHG and other anthropogenic forcing. The CMIP5 model trend in ERF shows no apparent bias against the AR5 best estimate over 1998-2012. However, confidence in this assessment of CMIP5 ERF trend is low, primarily because of the uncertainties in model aerosol forcing and processes, which through spatial heterogeneity might well cause an undetected global mean ERF trend error even in the absence of a trend in the global mean aerosol loading. "
And if you ask the Physicists:
"Researchers show new Ice Age May begin by 2030"
The arrival of intense cold similar to the weather that raged during the "Little Ice Age", which froze the world during the 17th century and in the beginning of the 18th century, is expected in the years 2030 to 2040. These conclusions were presented by Prof. V. Zharkova (Northumbria University) during the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno in Wales by an international group of scientists, which also includes Dr. Helen Popova of the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics and of the Faculty of Physics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, professor Simon Shepherd of Bradford University (UK) and Dr Serg ...
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.Impossible is just something we haven't done yet. -- Langley Outdoors Academy
Last edited by freebeard; 11-01-2019 at 12:38 PM..
11-01-2019, 08:21 PM
#7783 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard
.... going off your meds......
Standard AGW denier propaganda......
11-01-2019, 08:24 PM
#7784 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redneck
The Earth cools down then warms up then cools down...??? It’s cyclical...???
Standard AGW denier propaganda......
Last edited by litesong; 11-01-2019 at 09:15 PM..
11-01-2019, 08:36 PM
#7785 (permalink)
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Standard AGW denier propaganda......
Standard AGW propaganda......
Wow. litesong thinks for himself. No poopaganda perpaganda propagandas here.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.Impossible is just something we haven't done yet. -- Langley Outdoors Academy
11-01-2019, 08:43 PM
#7786 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard
No poopaganda perpaganda propagandas here.
Standard AGW denier propaganda...... thinking.
AGW deniers know someone is wrong, but can't figure out that they are the ones, who are wrong.
11-01-2019, 09:22 PM
#7787 (permalink)
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Wow, we should feel badly for them then, shouldn't we.
For a moment there I thought you might rise above that.
You're either with us or against us? Here's an anti-Greta:
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.Impossible is just something we haven't done yet. -- Langley Outdoors Academy
Last edited by freebeard; 11-01-2019 at 10:48 PM..
11-02-2019, 09:16 AM
#7788 (permalink)
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"we can break real wealth into two discrete forms. Primary wealth is the wealth of the land and its functioning ecosystems. It is clear air, fresh water, thick ore bodies, and rich soils:
Secondary wealth is a finished form produced from raw materials. It is primary wealth brought to market. It is fresh produce on the grocery shelf, cut lumber (or even a fully-constructed building), and rolled steel in giant coils:
Tertiary wealth, on the other hand, is not actually “real”. But most people mistake it as a comprehensive representation of “wealth”.
Similar to money, tertiary wealth is merely a claim on primary and/or secondary wealth.
We’re facing this approaching crisis for two main reasons. One, we’re repeating the forgetfulness and hubris of previous societies. And two, the complexities of our current situation are more challenging than ever before.
Many of our actions are driven by the strong human preference to push our current problems into the future. When problems and predicaments are compounding/exponential in nature like those we’re currently facing, every can-kicking deferment only makes the pain much greater when it finally arrives.
And as for the increased complexities, for the first time in our history as a global species, we are waking up to the fact that the world is no longer our infinite treasure basket with an unlimited ability to absorb our waste streams.
Instead, it is finite. And its already groaning under the weight of one unit of global GDP extraction and waste. The central banks are tirelessly seeking to double the size of the economy, and then double it again.
One can easily make the argument that 1x GDP is already ‘too much’ for the planet. Disappearing fishes, soil, insects, birds, amphibians, reptiles and large animals all indicate that ‘too much’ was a while ago."
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11-02-2019, 11:53 AM
#7789 (permalink)
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I had to look up DDG/?q=Chris+Martenson. That excerpt sounded like straight-up Bucky Fuller. except in lucid English.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.Impossible is just something we haven't done yet. -- Langley Outdoors Academy
11-02-2019, 12:30 PM
#7790 (permalink)
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another IPCC boo-boo
I re-read 'THE END OF GROWTH',by Richard Heinberg.At the back of the book,in the 'Notes' section,I ran across an entry for Chapter-Three,note # 45.
It had to do with an IPCC prediction that the Himalayan glaciers could disappear as soon as 2035.'It turns out that guestimate was based on misquoting a researcher in a 1999 news article-not from any kind of peer-reviewed scientific study.The incident reflects a breakdown in the IPCC process but it doesn't undercut the reality that glacier loss,particularly in what are technically tropical regions such as the Andes and Himalayas,continues to accelerate in the 21st century.'
The quote is from David Biello,'How Fast Are the Himalayan Glaciers Melting?',Scientific American podcast,posted January 21,2010,scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode.cfm?id=how-fast-are-himalayan-glaiers-mel-10-01-21.
Heinberg recommended a look at Richard S. Williams,Jr.,and Jane G.Ferrigno,eds.,Glaciers of Asia,US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1386-F(Washington,DC:US GPO,2010),online at pubs.usgs.gov/pp/p1386f/.
I thought about oilpan-4's encounter with the NATURE retraction of an IPCC Ocean/Cyrosphere report he recently shared.
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