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Old 02-08-2020, 02:30 PM   #8401 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Oil Pan 4 — open source intelligence is superior to any covert intelligence.

You know...

That's equivalent to saying you will look at the data sets from the new satellites and not wait two years for the IPCC to parse it and draw their whatever-it's-worth opinion.

Before the IPCC ever sees it,it will be published in the top-tier science journals,like Science and Nature.You can read it firsthand,in the researcher's original words,without any intermediary.And all the data is linked,with access for any interested investigator.
The other thing is,that the IPCC has to cut off input,sometimes two years ahead of report publication,as it can take that long to pull all the materials together.By the time you read the report,the data can already be obsolete by two years.Journals will always have fresh meat.

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Old 02-08-2020, 02:49 PM   #8402 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
NOVA program this week on the polar regions:


Seventy percent of the world's fresh water - is frozen.
And of that,they said that 90% of it is in Antarctica,which set an all-time heat record of 65-F ,yesterday,February 7,2020.The last 'all-time-record' was only four years ago.
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Old 02-08-2020, 02:52 PM   #8403 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
A new solar orbiter which happens to be called "solar orbiter" is going up this week. Yet another satellite intended to study the interaction between the sun and earth.
I find this amusing because all the believers be like "move along, nothing to see here, these aren't the droids you're looking for" any time a new earth sun interaction is discovered or more earth/sun instrumentation goes up.
No mention of anything new they'll be looking at.Just better sensor technology than before.
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Old 02-08-2020, 03:03 PM   #8404 (permalink)
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sea level

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
10% of that is on land, so 0.175% can affect sea level. Of course, warming water causes expansion because warmer things occupy more space. I'm told that is the main driver of sea level rise, not the melting ice.

Will we lose more land due to sea rise, or gain more from what was frozen wasteland?
Up until fifty years ago,Antarctic sea ice-shelves buttressed the land-borne glaciers.As the ice shelves disintegrate,they 'uncork' the glaciers,which are now accelerating to the ocean,breaking off as gravity overwhelms the unsupported,cantilevered ice,rupturing,and calving ice bergs.It's this new ice which is the concern of glaciologists,as related to sea level rise.
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Old 02-08-2020, 03:08 PM   #8405 (permalink)
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free speech

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
If the government wants it banned or censored you know they're on the right track. They are trying to regulate this more than hate speech or how to 3d print a gun.

We shouldn't listen to people with doctorates or phd but we should listen to a mental defective who likely drinks too much alcohol?
It wouldn't be the first time the US Govt.suspended the 1st Amendment.At no time in the country's history could an American say anything they wanted,if the public good was threatened.That's probably the spirit of the communication.
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Old 02-08-2020, 03:19 PM   #8406 (permalink)
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aerohead, you posted eight times in the length of time it took me respond to your earlier post. I will go back and read them now, but I may fall behind.

These 25-30 solar forcing papers are from peer-reviewed,juried,refereed science journals?
[punctuation added to aid the search] Knock yourself out.

The target is zero carbon.Then remove much of what's already in the atmosphere.'Normalcy' would creep incrementally to a 'new normal.'

www.sabhlokcity.com: Minimum and maximum (or rather, optimal) level of CO2 for plant growth

Apparently Suspicious 0bservers avoided the Youtube ban-hammer.

www.sfexaminer.com: EPA alleges city dumped sewage into ocean, violating Clean Water Act
“The failure to properly operate and maintain the city’s sewage collection and treatment facilities creates public health risks. For example, lack of proper operation and maintenance has caused force main and pump station failures that have diverted substantial volumes of raw and partially-treated sewage to flow across the beaches and into the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean,” Stoker wrote.

“There have been instances of sewage flowing into the streets and entering people’s homes. Moreover, the city’s data also show other pollutants of significant concern such as copper, zinc, lead, cyanide and ammonia that can threaten the water quality of the Bay and the ocean,” the letter said.
Those are extremely contextual appraisals.The long game could prove all of it completely wrong.
When will we know for sure?

Yesterday,the West Antarctic Peninsula recorded an all-time,record high of 65-F,beating the 2015 all-time record of 63.5-F.Two heat records in the last 4-years,at the coldest place on Earth.
Sensor error — it was debunked this morning on S0. You have to go hundreds of miles North to find similar temps. (Did you get that from a peer-reviewed journal? Hmm?)

The other thing is,that the IPCC has to cut off input,sometimes two years ahead of report publication,as it can take that long to pull all the materials together.By the time you read the report,the data can already be obsolete by two years.Journals will always have fresh meat.
You're telling me that? I can go back and find a Permalink if you need it.

No mention of anything new they'll be looking at.Just better sensor technology than before.
Kidding, right? Sensors are at L4 and L5 and in Sun-grazing orbits now.

Originally Posted by oil pan 4
we should listen to a mental defective who likely drinks too much alcohol?
Once again, who dat referent?

2nd edit:

Parker is up, Orbiter goes up this month.

3rd edit:
Timcast IRL: Climate Activist QUITS Because Too Many Activists Are White
Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster

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Last edited by freebeard; 02-08-2020 at 03:51 PM..
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Old 02-08-2020, 04:38 PM   #8407 (permalink)
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25-30 papers

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
aerohead, you posted eight times in the length of time it took me respond to your earlier post. I will go back and read them now, but I may fall behind.

These 25-30 solar forcing papers are from peer-reviewed,juried,refereed science journals?
[punctuation added to aid the search] Knock yourself out.

www.sabhlokcity.com: Minimum and maximum (or rather, optimal) level of CO2 for plant growth

Apparently Suspicious 0bservers avoided the Youtube ban-hammer.

www.sfexaminer.com: EPA alleges city dumped sewage into ocean, violating Clean Water Act


When will we know for sure?

Sensor error — it was debunked this morning on S0. You have to go hundreds of miles North to find similar temps. (Did you get that from a peer-reviewed journal? Hmm?)

You're telling me that? I can go back and find a Permalink if you need it.

Kidding, right? Sensors are at L4 and L5 and in Sun-grazing orbits now.

Once again, who dat referent?

2nd edit:

Parker is up, Orbiter goes up this month.

3rd edit:
Timcast IRL: Climate Activist QUITS Because Too Many Activists Are White
*I'd like the specific 25-30 that Oilpan-4 mentioned.I didn't see that,but thanks.
*peer-reviewed would be the gold-standard.
*As to the plant growth,there's no mention of temperature.It doesn't matter what else is provided to the plant if the stomata are closed on account of heat.Also,laboratory demonstrations do not reflect the real world.Overstory,understory,pollinator access,soil microbes,proper moisture,specific to the plant,drainage,night temperatures,faunal predation,insects,fungi,pH,elevation/lapse rate,wind patterns,relative humidity,etc.. That single species is not a barometer for any other plant species.Overall biosphere production is in decline,as well as food nutrient levels.
*Glowing testimonials,and boosterism for all the good modern technology and the industrial revolution has provided is countered by a planet in decline,on timescales never seen in the paleo record of the planet.
*The news from Antarctica was covered by ABC,BBC,and Deutsch-Velle,the data provided by the research scientists at the research stations there: Argentina National Meteorological Service data.
*Solar Polar Orbiter will be at half-Astronomical Unit separation,doing exactly what Ulysses did,except for better remote sensing capabilities.They're not monitoring anything they haven't attempted to monitor before.I'm uncertain that any spaceprobe could survive a 'grazing' encounter.'Orbiter' will be at 500-degrees,protected by a baked animal bone heat-shield.The primary focus is space weather effects on communications satellites/GPS navigation,as Alaskan bush pilots rely on.
PS Missed the Lagrange points comment.Are L4 and L5 over the north and south solar poles?
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Old 02-08-2020, 05:14 PM   #8408 (permalink)
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East and West of Earth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STEREO
The principal benefit of the mission is stereoscopic images of the Sun. In other words, because the satellites are at different points along the Earth's orbit, but distant from the Earth, they can photograph parts of the Sun that are not visible from the Earth. This permits NASA scientists to directly monitor the far side of the Sun, instead of inferring the activity on the far side from data that can be gleaned from Earth's view of the Sun. The STEREO satellites principally monitor the far side for coronal mass ejections — massive bursts of solar wind, solar plasma, and magnetic fields that are sometimes ejected into space.[9]
My thinking was in error. I thought it was the GOES satellites, but they're in geo-stationary orbit.

*Glowing testimonials,and boosterism for all the good modern technology and the industrial revolution has provided is countered by a planet in decline,on timescales never seen in the paleo record of the planet.
'Knowledge is good' — Emil Faber

It's the dismal science of economics that will doom us all.

*The news from Antarctica was covered by ABC,BBC,and Deutsch-Velle,the data provided by the research scientists at the research stations there: Argentina National Meteorological Service data.
We shall see if it survives peer review.
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and much of what isn’t nonsense is not in the scientific literature.
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Old 02-08-2020, 05:31 PM   #8409 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
East and West of Earth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STEREO

My thinking was in error. I thought it was the GOES satellites, but they're in geo-stationary orbit.

'Knowledge is good' — Emil Faber

It's the dismal science of economics that will doom us all.

We shall see if it survives peer review.
It's always good news to know science is being funded.And it's clever that NASA gets to see the dark side of the Sun.Quite the
'binocular' view with that kind of separation between observation points.
And yeah,it's been a mistake to arbitrarily include economics and science within the same sentence.Climate change is a linear decendent of all the externalities that failed to be included in the Chicago School of Economic, economic 'models'.Glad for John Quiggan,University of Queensland, for pointing it out.
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Old 02-08-2020, 08:27 PM   #8410 (permalink)
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Glad for John Quiggan, for pointing it out.
Most recently Dilbert. Courtesy of DDG:


Who is it the climate scientist is supposed to look like?

Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster

Because much of what is in the published literature is nonsense,
and much of what isn’t nonsense is not in the scientific literature.
-- Sabine Hossenfelder
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