Okay, this is my "report".
The engine, transmission - the full drivetrain are being designed and built by IAV:
Engine Q&A with IAV – 2-21-14 | Elio Motors
They will have the first drivetrain soon (within a few months?) and it will likely be installed in a P5 (prototype #5) unit. This orange car is a P4. The P5 will have ~1.5" more headroom in the back seat.
I sat in the backseat - it is lacking a bit of headroom (I'm 6'-4") and the seat cushion was very firm, and not angled enough to support my legs. I did fit, though. The front has more than enough legroom - I would *not* push the seat all the way back, or else I could not reach the pedals.
They have nearly 20,000 deposits now. Deposits can be $100, $250, $500, or $1,000 - and they can be refundable or non-refundable - your choice. If you choose non-refundable, they match 50% of it against your purchase price.
They will be doing a direct sales model - a lot like Tesla, with retail stores in malls, etc. Service will be handled through Pep Boys:
Elio Motors: Ultra High Mileage Vehicle (click on Service and Maintenance)
The base model will be a 5-speed manual with a normally aspirated engine, stereo, A/C, 3 air bags, etc. and they are ~80% done with pricing the parts. They will likely make the target $6,800 price, or it may rise $100-150. Automatic transmission will cost more. There will be a turbo option.
One person mentioned the Cd was 0.24, and if they didn't count the under slung exhaust (or maybe they did include it?), then that is plausible. The main part of the chassis is very good, and only the suspension struts and driveshaft and the wheel fairings are less great. I'll guess the outboard front wheels are at least half the overall drag? They also mentioned the possibility of side video mirrors.
Oh, the right side window opens even though there is no door.
It looked lower and better in person. The wedge on the front above the grill looks less pronounced than I thought it would, and that is a good thing, in my book. The exhaust will exit much farther back. The rear suspension is very beefy looking - single sided swing arm is on the right side (see pictures).
There were at least 8 people there who had put down deposits. There was a lot of buzz and people were almost always positive. The only negative comments I heard was about the small storage space; if there is a second person in the rear seat.

Metro engine:
Rear suspension:


The underslung exhaust:
They are looking to possibly deliver cars in about a year and a half. Another interesting tidbit is that at least one person working for Elio there have bought stock in the company. This is good to hear, as it may mean they will work all the harder to build and sell cars.