[QUOTE=BlackDeuceCoupe;59758]I knew you wouldn't listen - but others
I've tried several different therapies for both my physical and mental condition. For the back injury I've tried PT which made the pain worse, and have been to a variety of Dr.'s family physician, pain specialist, chiropractors, orthopedic surgeons, and neuro surgeons trying to find someone that thought they could do something to ease the pain.
For the depression I have been to my family physician, psychologist, and psychiatrist.
It seems that you're totally invested in the system - took the bait hook line n' sinker, and you're running with it.
I guess I did, but if that is what it takes to make me feel better after trying other types of therapy then so be it.
Ever notice that you feel physically and mentally worse off when your 'welfare', so called, is threatened, and better when its been secured a while longer? Ever have to... you know... fake it a little... act sicker than you actually are in order to survive?!?!?
Everyone feels worse when their welfare is threatened and better when it's secure. I'm in enough pain all of the time I don't have to fake anything. If I'm having a good day I am happy to admit it.
If so, you don't want to get better - that's all. You just want to get better at gaming the system. You'll NEVER listen to a person like myself...
What system? After my injury I tried going back to work and was able to work as a sales associate for Walmart for about a year 3-5 hours a day. Then it got to the point where I could no longer do that. I would get home around 10-11PM and go to bed till about 5AM when I had to take my wife to work and it had gotten to the point I was hurting bad enough that lots of nights I hadn't been to sleep when it was time to get back up.
All I'm saying is - the OP is wise not to go down that path - no offense to
RH77 chosen career of picking the pockets of ppl without hope!
I think that is best left to the discretion of the OP. I was just making a suggestion based on my own experiences and have made the suggestion to friends of mine who were greatly appreciative of the benefit they received too.
Ppl are basically playback machines - sort of like biological iPods - and an empty iPod is useless!
I'm not a playback machine. I know what has and hasn't worked for me. If something doesn't work for me I'll admit that too.
Why do you think there are so many different anti depressants if it's just taking a pill why doesn't the same pill work for everyone? I have been on several different regiments of antidepressants. Some didn't work at all and some others worked better than others.