K thanks guys I will consider all you have to say. On another forum that I posted this up on I got answers like "I get 5-6 hours of sleep and am well rested."
Originally Posted by Mr. Cheap
I usually sleep for 7-8 hours depending on my schedule. Sometimes I get really sleepy in class if I'm bored.
Some things that I think help me through class:
Good breakfast and lunch
Excitement (In or outside of class)
Sleeping more
motivation (Wanting to go to class, vs going because I have to)
I don't drink coffee regularly because I don't want to be dependent on it. (Same for sodas and other caffeine )
I stopped having pop tarts and eat a banana for breakfast. I drink coffee everynow and again. I guess I will think about hypermiling during class to stay awake.

Just kidding, amazingly I kept up with Physics even though I was dozing in and out of sleep all class long. Teacher was nice enough to pretend to not see me sleeping.