Ok for those of you following this thread. Recently I did some highway driving to my buddies wedding about 60miles away. Sadly I didn't have time to fill up right away after getting back in to town. So all I have is estimates on what I got for highway mileage.
I traveled 190.1miles on 9.496Gallons. 120 of those were highway. If you use my previous high of 16.44MPG in town you will get the following numbers.
70miles in town / 16.44 MPG = 4.258 gallons for highway
9.496gallons - 4.258 in town gallons = 5.238 gallons
120 highway miles / 5.238 gallons =
22.91MPG highway
If you use the last tank which for what ever reason was quite a bit lower 15.25MPG in town.
70miles in town / 15.25 = 4.590 gallons
9.496 gallons - 4.590 in town gallons = 4.906 gallons for highway
120 highway miles / 4.906 gallons =
24.46MPG highway