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Old 06-05-2008, 02:39 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Las Vegas drivers PISS me off!

My girlfriend got in a car wreck today. Not even her fault.

Long story short, my girlfriend lives in las vegas (moving here to oregon with me on the 26th, WHOOHOO!)

Every single time I go there I swear we have a close call or some crazy situation in traffic. I remember some crazy statistic saying that 25-35% of all las vegas drivers at any given time of the day are legally intoxicated via legal limit of alcohol. This doesn't mean "sloshed", just that they've at least had a drink or more. Makes sense.

Insurance in vegas is OUTRAGEOUS and it changes DRAMATICALLY depending on what part of the city you live in! It's crazy!

So anyway... to the crazy story. She's going through an area, 45mph speed limit, she said she was doing around the speed limit, she is coming to an intersection. She's a stay at home nanny for these people so she's driving their kids, etc... car full of little kids. She is existing traffic and there is a stop for the other lanes at the intersection.

As she is approaching, she said this guy in a car is speeding up to the sign, starts to slow down, GUNS it and clips her. She said she tried to anticipate it and tried to get off the gas (not get on the brakes, that sometimes sends them the wrong signal if they see your nose and lights dive, then they think you're stopping for them) and just started gradually slowing and before she could speed up or slow down he nailed the gas and WHAMO.

The crazy thing is that he had his baby kid with him! What a freaking IDIOT, who in their right mind drives like that with their children in their car? I'm amazed people even drive like that in the first place. Who is in SUCH a hurry that they can't stop for 3 seconds to then proceed. Unless someone is dying or giving birth in your passenger seat just f***ing stop!

Good thing is my girlfriend is okay, the kids are okay, and the vehicle suffered only a "bashed up" bumper. The better news is that he got labeled at fault, more than likely is getting cited for wreckless driving as well as some hefty crap for driving like that with his KID in the car, and it goes on his insurance hopefully the idiot will learn his lesson. What a fricken retard.

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Old 06-05-2008, 05:02 PM   #2 (permalink)
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learn his lesson my tush, people that drive like that dont learn lessons that easily. hopefully he missed something really important, he probably doesnt even realize that despite trying to save time lost so much time because now he has to deal with this!
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Old 06-05-2008, 05:19 PM   #3 (permalink)
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^^good pun
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Old 06-05-2008, 05:26 PM   #4 (permalink)
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i agree

I was driving my Honda GoldWing (with trailer) through LV during rush hour traffic (bad timing) some years ago, and at 70mph, someone to the left of me started moving over into my lane. I honestly had nowhere to go, and if I would have gotten on my brakes, I'd have been rear ended. At the point that there was about 12 inches of air between me and the cars on both sides of me, she finally looked to the right and saw me. Thankfully, she swerved back into the lane she was previously occupying, and I got to stay alive.

Did I mention that I don't like Las Vegas?


I sure am glad your GF and the children are unhurt, and that the doofus has to pay for the accident.

edit//I also think motorcycles should have LOUD horns like semi trucks do!

*Time period is from 1 January 2006 - 1 March 2007*
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Old 06-05-2008, 05:47 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frank Lee View Post
But his driving wasn't "wreckless".
LOL great pun. I mis-spelled it, should be RECKLESS driving, my apologies haha, but good pun!

RE: Volones

I feel for ya. I've seen drivers disregard bikes in las vegas. I ride motorcycles, love them to death, and nothing in the world could make me ride one in vegas after driving on the roads a few times. Some of those guys wear absolutely no gear and go tooting through the highway and interstate on something like a busa through rush hour traffic and I ask myself "Do these guys just have balls, no brains or a death wish?"

Gotta be careful out there for sure! I always say ride like they're out to get you, because they are and they just don't realize it.

I'm very glad that she and the children are unhurt too. She is still pretty shaken up at the experience and isn't a fan of having to chauffeur the family and kids around as it wasn't originally in her job description, i can't blame her, especially after an experience like that. But she's in a better mood now.

I guess they're still calling insurance companies and sorting the whole thing out. It sucks that you have to go through so much legwork in an instance where someone does something you have no control over and you're left calling them, deductibles, etc etc... real PITA. Such is life sometimes lol.
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Old 06-05-2008, 09:01 PM   #6 (permalink)
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So my girlfriend filled me in on the intelligent couple at the scene. Apparently the guy's wife was with them. She caught parts of her conversation calling the police because her husband couldn't as he was too stressed or something. She said the lady was a real airhead.

Story my girl relayed:

"What street? Uh this one."
"OH what street name? I dunno..... Yeah *sigh* hang on let me look. It's *street name*"
*minutes later police arrive, she's still on the phone*
"What cop cars? White ones.... oh. I dunno, it just says police. Should I ask?"

She was laughing as hard as I was trying to explain how much of an airhead the lady was when she was calling on behalf of her "frantic" husband.

What a weird accident.

I remember the only one i've been in myself was when a teenage kid rearended me in a gigantic jacked up F350. He literally BOUNCED my escort forward (i was in neutral, thank god i wasn't in gear, tires barked a bit from the hop.). He left a big rubber mark from his bumper on my car (which buffed out) with no damage, I was amazed. I went off on him though and flipped my lid. He was in a truck full of teenage kids, claimed he "thought i went" (i was at a full stop, foot on the brake still) and he just nailed me straight on, thankfully at low speed. Needless to say he was horribly afraid i was going to tell his parents, i took down his information, called the police, got his plates, wrote them down, told him if the mark DID NOT buff out when i got home he'd be hearing from me. I took pics at the scene, etc, man i was pissed off.

Some people's children, right? LOL
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Old 06-11-2008, 01:14 AM   #7 (permalink)
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it's true about the drunk thing. my friend that used to live in vegas got a dui there. Another one got a reckless driving because he barely passed bac. My friend here in cali blew a .17 and got a dui. We are young and make mistakes. This is why i dont drink. I'm guilty of driving buzzed. I almost got pulled over, i guess the cop didnt think i was drunk enough. I dont drink because i dont want to run the chance of driving home plastered.
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Old 06-11-2008, 01:42 AM   #8 (permalink)
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sucks.. some people just need to be removed from the gene pool..

doubt this will help:
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Old 06-11-2008, 01:55 AM   #9 (permalink)
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^^thats funny
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Old 06-11-2008, 10:48 PM   #10 (permalink)
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LAS drivers do suck.

I'm always there for SEMA week, so I thought it was all of the gear heads running around, but apparently I was wrong.

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