06-04-2022, 04:16 AM
#131 (permalink)
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They didn't have any angle iron; I bought drip edge flashing
It's thin. I just hope it is adequate. I am not removing the stir sticks, although when I realized that I needed to adapt I thought that I should buy 2.
I forgot, but I wanted aluminum angle as thick as the stir sticks, which would be 8-9 times as thick as this stuff.
I kept trying to write my notes for the second agency, which were late. I had a terrible time figuring out when I saw whom, but I saw the same 2 clients that I have had since December, one client in-town that started attacking me after 5 minutes and when I didn't let him he started trying to hurt himself.
The mom had indicated that was my fault because I don't have a Master's, but my brother's SLP said they only discussed emotional-behavioral issues for about a day.
I am inclined to think that a 6'2" and 230-pound man would have an advantage here over a 5'3"-5'4" woman who weighs 170-171 pounds ( Healthline says that is the average and 95% of speech therapists are female).
However, he needs behavioral therapy orders of magnitude more than speech therapy, so I wouldn't agree to return until he had a behavior plan.
I don't have any idea what that means, just that when I have requested them the clients went away before they got them.
I saw my newest client once and then they went out of town.
That seems simple! How did I confuse that?!
Oh, there is a whole story.
I dropped off my brother at his obedience school and we ran errands in that shopping center before I ran to Home Depot.
I swear that all of that took 2 hours.
I came home in-between clients just so I could work on it, but I was still trying to figure out when I saw who.
I was going through my text messages and I reread the last message from the woman in Arizona City. I didn't respond to her for a few days and I apologized for taking so long.
I mentioned that I kept trying to take care of something extremely important and she responded that she was glad that I was making progress, but in the middle she said "You should have told me you weren't interested."
I never planned on ending contact. I was just trying to accomplish stuff for once.
I happened to see the crazy mom gave me another shopping list at 1937, but I saw it after 90 minutes.
I finished my notes and Mom told me to have some ice cream.
"No, Crazy Mom asked me to pick up stuff for them again," and then she yelled at me for prioritizing my brother over a lady taking advantage of my kindness.
Last week I saw a post stereotyping Veterans (and wannabes) as bearded guys with tons of stuff that says Army and lifted trucks.
I responded that I had a beard and drove an old Japanese sedan and for the 8 years I was in the Army they told us to not advertise that we were in the Army, it could make us a target.
Someone claimed that I was playing the victim card.
How can I play the victim card when nobody has done anything to me?
I just said that I don't draw attention to myself.
Perhaps today I ran into someone that would try to cause me grief. I mentioned serving in the Army and he replied that I made the world a worse place, but was probably too brainwashed to understand it.
Mom, is that you?
Maybe an ex.
Well, I need to wake up in less than 7 hours. I messaged the mom of my first client this morning and I haven't heard back.
I will reach out again before I leave and will print out little notes saying that I stopped by, since I haven't made business cards for this agency yet.
I still have most of the business cards that I made for the first agency over 4 years ago.
If they don't answer again I will message the mom that I have come by 3 times and they didn't answer.
Let me know when they want to start speech.
However, I won't leave early until they confirm within 24 hours or something.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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06-04-2022, 11:28 AM
#132 (permalink)
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Someone claimed that I was playing the victim card.
How can I play the victim card when nobody has done anything to me?
I just said that I don't draw attention to myself.
'Victim card' is a game played by people who are projecting their own shortcomings onto others. They appear to have a concept of compound victimhood.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu
06-04-2022, 11:52 AM
#133 (permalink)
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My sister claims that I have a persecution complex, but how come Mom demands that I do something silly like move my 2000 Civic whenever I finally have the time to work on projects?
That took hours!
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
06-04-2022, 01:12 PM
#134 (permalink)
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My sister claims that I have a persecution complex, but how come Mom demands that I do something silly
What pops into my head is "Prosperity Gospel" but I can't make the connection. I'm listening to Coffee with Scott Adams Episode 1764 and he repeated [and 'disavowed'] the joke what's been going around: "All girls are bi-, you just have to figure out if it's -polar or -sexual".
Obvs absurdist. The truth table has a lower right corner, if you get my drift.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu
06-04-2022, 04:18 PM
#135 (permalink)
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I didn't see my 09 client. I saw the crazy ones from 10-12, but to be fair, one client and the mom are crazy.
The other client is cooperative. Today I summarized "Goonies" and quizzed him on that, so at least I have that going for me, which is nice, I guess.
I didn't think it was hot, but my car said it was 95°, so I am running the air conditioning while eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
I see my 09 client, drive home, trim the spray foam, cut the roof trim, cut the drywall, and finally install it?
I need to research patterns again because one camp says to put in screws every 16" and another says to put the first row 6-8" to avoid screw pops.
I understand nail pops, but screws?!
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
Last edited by Xist; 06-04-2022 at 06:50 PM..
06-05-2022, 01:24 AM
#136 (permalink)
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I cannot find my drywall screws.
The $10 oscillating saw says "Accessories not included,"
Accessories mean saw blades.
Have you ever heard of accessories necessary to use the tool?
If you cannot use it without them they are not accessories!
I ran back to Harbor Freight and bought a 3-pack of blades for less than $5, but then my brother wanted some stuff, and I checked Dollar Tree for stuff that Crazy Mom insists on requesting.
I didn't find anything, but my brother did!
I trimmed the foam, cut the roof trim, cut the drywall, and maneuvered it into position.
Then I spent forever going through the shed, tent, garage, patio, and my room.
Walmart shows drywall screws and they are open 2 hours later than Home Depot, Lowe's, and Tractor Supply, but then the page says they don't have it. I clicked on Nearby Stores and it showed Show Low.
What is this, Schrödinger's hardware?!
I guess that I will buy some on Monday.
Come on! Do you have any idea how close I was?!
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
06-05-2022, 01:50 AM
#137 (permalink)
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That sounds like the construction industry in general right now. (Inventory shortages.)
2024 Chevy Bolt
2015 Nissan Leaf S, 164 mpge
06-05-2022, 02:38 AM
#138 (permalink)
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I found the screws! It wasn't necessarily Mom's fault! :D
They were in the hall outside my door for a long time.
I move things and clean regularly, so I was inclined to think that, and as odd as it might be to have a container of screws in my room, it seemed more logical that I simply moved them into my room than taking them all of the way to the garage or shed.
I was pretty sure that they had been in my room, but I also thought they were on the patio for a while.
I figured that Mom may have had my brother put them in the garage, my room, or in the shed; I looked in my room first, but didn't think to look under my bed.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
06-06-2022, 04:46 AM
#139 (permalink)
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I found the drywall regulations for Navajo County--12" screws in the field and 7" on edges.
I found one page saying that you absolutely positively must use 32 screws for one 4x8 sheet, although that was 16" OC.
Another page said that you absolutely positively must use 28.
It's official! Updated 01-29-09!
However, while trying to find anything newer, I found this, which now accounts for 24" OC studs!
However, it doesn't account for edges, and despite clearly being a scan of a printout, it is newer, dated 12/11/18.
All right, I went through the website and found a fourth (one was from 2005) dated 3-15-22
Curious, linking documents only worked when I kept the punctuation in the URL converted into HTML codes.
What do you guys say, should I put four more screws in each edge?
Google Images mostly shows diagrams with equal spacing in the field and the edges, but those that show tighter spacing on the edges also show it on the floor.
Sure, it is an edge, but I am far less likely to notice imperfections, and I don't think that I will care, plus at some point I really need to figure out flooring (that can withstand sub-freezing temperatures!) and then I would be installing trim.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
06-07-2022, 02:57 AM
#140 (permalink)
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I installed one sheet of drywall! :D
There was some black mold, so I checked FamilyDollar.com for vinegar.
It only showed corn oil.
That's not vinegar!
Dollar General had it, it just wasn't as close.
I needed to put in a bunch more stir sticks--especially on the bottom.
I read somewhere to leave it 1/4" off the floor, so I stacked 2 sticks under each corner.
I put vinegar in a spray bottle and removed a bunch of the mold. I grabbed the dimpler that I bought months ago and fastened screws every 12" in the field and 7" on the edges.
I figured that I need to do everything I can to guarantee success.
Should I have glued it?
The dimpler failed a few times.
How is that possible?!
I pulled the screws and put them 1" away.
The stir sticks are 1' long and have ruler marks for 7", so that helped.
I came inside and had 15 minutes before my teleclient, so I figured that I would have a bite to eat, and it was already time.
That is the only client who acts like she enjoys therapy. She goofs around and when we finish she always asks to play games.
I didn't have the stir sticks to create the gap at the bottom.
For some reason I tried to find them at Walmart.com, but they only show 22" 5-gallon sticks, which are much thicker.
Lowe's was still open!
For some reason I pulled up the page on Lowes.com, but didn't realize they had doubled the price.
I swear that I had bought at least a dozen of these.
When will it end?!
They went from $1-2, but Home Depot still charges $1.50, so I will be going there.
I cannot find any on Ace's website.
They are the closest.
I decided not to clear out the shed, lay down the next board, remove the mold on the back, cut it, prop it up, and start driving screws at 9:30-10.
I will get to bed sooner and can start sooner?
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4