Originally Posted by esoneson
Why don't you have him mount sockets instead of the AtMega8's? This would make life a lot easier at this stage of the game.
I think it would make life easier at every stage of the game, they should be required on every controller. (saving hours and hours of work for under a buck is always the smart way to go.)
That control section looks

Keep it

Paul, we need these controllers zooming around urban areas asap
(anybody got a source for electric forklift parts in Sacramento CA? My friend and I figured I could convert a Ranger to EV with a long chevy driveshaft linked directly to a motor, no transmission, then put the batteries under the bed and under the hood

Paul, please see if you can fix the pictures on your website, you need to generate thumbnails for large photos, don't use the IMG tag to re-size, it creates poor looking pictures:
2032px × 1354px (scaled to 260px × 180px) Not cool.
Also, it isn't a great idea to change the aspect ratio of a picture.
I like Picasa (free from Google), it can track a ton of photos fast, also thumb-nailing them and creating smaller versions with ease.