Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
Great! I'll add that to the board. I hear they are more reliable than potentiometers.
While on this subject a couple of questions,
First question;
When you say you will "add it to the board," are you talking hardware or softwear?
If it's software, can be loaded in by us using Adams program or does it need to be done at your end?
Next question;
I'm using a Alltrax right now in the tractor that the P&S controller will go into. The Alltrax has a handy input pin called 1/2 speed reverse.

What it does is reduce power through out the entire throttle movement. I have no idea how they do it.
I can say it is very useful in two ways.
Even at 48 volt,s the tractor will wheelie violently in third (top) gear when full throttle is applied. You can be sure 15 mph is scarry on a garden tractor as well. I can't imagine what it will be like at 120 or 144 volts. I always start a new driver out on half speed for a while.
Then there is backing up to the weight transfer sled to have the chain hooked. I find it a lot easier and smoother to use 1/2 speed in tight spots with people behind me.
Finally there is loading.
Barring Paul or someone saying all you need to do is add this wire to this pin and program this, I was wondering if a simple switch or relay to add in a resistor parallel to the throttle signal line. So instead of 5k ohms for full throttle it would be 2500 or maybe even less.
Finally Is there an official Open Re Volt decal I can put on the controller cover/
Be glad to purchase a few if there is.
If you don't have instock decals do you have artwork I can take in and have something made up.
Have a great New Year,