Originally Posted by z_power
AFAIK there's no contactor's cutoff with temperature; there's partial derating of max. available current in a few steps, like: 75 degC <> 87.5% of max. current.
If I'm wrong then somebody pls correct me...
If so, derating is not enough for me I need to cut off completly, I do not know C+ very well to change program lines so propably I need to built another device with temperature control delay, but maybe adam or someone who can do it can improve coguar software,

Boiling mosfet shouldn't be an issue that safety future is one of the important thing in my opinion, overheating happend in few seconds you will not have chance to safe your mosfets if you wrongly put higer gear for example 5 instead of 3 or 4 instead of 2 etc. Only automatic cut off can do it for you, and time to cool down to let say 15 C degree less.
I do not have AVRstudio and I do not work in C+ so I can't put this in software:
if temp > temp_max
{contactor= 0, cooling=1};
if cooling=1 and temp<temp_normal
{contactor= 1, cooling=0};