Hey Paul - I've had a discussion with Adam about RTD Explorer. It seems that AH=xxx.x in the log from the controller is messing up RTD Explorer. So I found the code to change that in UART.c
//x = RTData.battery_ah / (unsigned long)351562;
//if (x > 9999) x = 9999;
//u16_to_str(&RTDataString[60], x / 10, 3);
//u16_to_str(&RTDataString[64], x % 10, 1);
I think I'll change it to this, since I don't want to mess with battery_ah but want the logging to work
//x = RTData.battery_ah / (unsigned long)351562;
//if (x > 9999) x = 9999;
//u16_to_str(&RTDataString[60], x / 10, 3);
//u16_to_str(&RTDataString[64], x % 10, 1);
x = 420;
if (x > 9999) x = 9999;
u16_to_str(&RTDataString[60], x / 10, 3);
u16_to_str(&RTDataString[64], x % 10, 1);
I think that will print out AH=42.0 .. the answer to Life, the Universe, and EVERYTHING ...
I wanted to check that my system puts out the same code yours does .. so I'll build the code you sent and see if it matches. The old DOS fc.exe will compare the hex files and show if there are differences ... but I think that you are running a really old version of the compiler and we were not successful getting my laptop running it ... last year?
Anyway - I'll be doing that *AFTER* my testing is done on the AC controller!