Apologies for the absence, I've been moving house, job, and internet providers. I've made a few changes since I last posted.
Wheel "spats" are now in place for all 4 wheels - just a 5 inch piece of mudflap rubber in front of each wheel. Simple but the CFD work I did said they helped, so on they went!
I managed to get hold of some very large sheets of acrylic thanks to my dad, so I got 4 of them and set to work to create underbody panelling (belly pan). I used two pieces (about 3 feet X 4 feet each) and cut them to shape to fit the suspension components. This stuff is pretty heat resistant so I didn't even need to cut a space for the exhaust.
I've just completed CFD work on some test side sills - which I've posted here:
and tomorrow I'll try to fabricate something.
In other news, I experimented with a very small rubber roof spoiler in CFD to see if I could promote "detaching" the air at the back of the car. This was a fail though, as the results on the right show more turbulence and drag (in red) at the back of the vehicle. Still - at least I didn't have to get the glue out and test it with A-B-A, I tested it from my desk :P