07-06-2008, 08:30 PM
#1 (permalink)
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ScanGauge boo-boo
Got my SG II on Monday, June 30. Friday, July 4th I was driving down the street in Gauge mode and it quit updating real time. When I got to my destination, I went through the logs and the numbers were garbage (1000s of gallons used, ave mph over 100, etc) Some of the values were in hexidecimal.
On Saturday, it showed gauges OK and showed most current trip correctly. But day and previous days were still garbage. I gassed up and set the tank filled. Today (Sunday) I can get current, day and tank trips. But previous day is still garbage.
Anybody else have teething problems like this? It looks like it's memory got scrambled and is slowly overwriting the garbage data with new. But if I can't get previous day data tomorrow, which would be today when I know it had good data, I'm going to call foul and contact those linear people.
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07-23-2008, 04:47 AM
#2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mwpiper
Got my SG II on Monday, June 30. Friday, July 4th I was driving down the street in Gauge mode and it quit updating real time. When I got to my destination, I went through the logs and the numbers were garbage (1000s of gallons used, ave mph over 100, etc) Some of the values were in hexidecimal.
On Saturday, it showed gauges OK and showed most current trip correctly. But day and previous days were still garbage. I gassed up and set the tank filled. Today (Sunday) I can get current, day and tank trips. But previous day is still garbage.
Anybody else have teething problems like this? It looks like it's memory got scrambled and is slowly overwriting the garbage data with new. But if I can't get previous day data tomorrow, which would be today when I know it had good data, I'm going to call foul and contact those linear people.
Mine did the same thing just yesterday, I don't know how to fix it either, Did you fix yours? and how if you did please tel me. Thank you.
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08-01-2008, 03:28 PM
#3 (permalink)
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ScanGuage II errors...
The only thing that I've noticed on my ScanGuage II that I recenly purchased is that the previous day's info is always blank. It's never updated with any info and everything else seems to be good.
So far it doesn't affect me as I don't compare current day to previous day.
08-01-2008, 03:36 PM
#4 (permalink)
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From what I understand the scan gauge doesn't have a clock in it. So the previous day info only changes if the vehicle sits long enough. They claim 8-10 hours (overnight). So far I've racked up about a weeks worth of driving in the "Today" mileage. And the previous day info remains blank. Seems to me like a good place for improvement for the next model ScanGauge.

Adjusted for my driving habits. 80%city/20%Highway.
20mpg city/30mpg highway or bust! Check out my mods so far
08-01-2008, 05:04 PM
#5 (permalink)
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A number of us have contacted Linear about the option to reset "Today", like you can the current trip gauge. Haven't heard any word on an update, though.
I have another one going on - I left my car on, but engine off, for a whole day at work. The SG was recording during that whole segment. Now my tank average speed is only 7mph.  Even I am not THAT extreme a hypermiler!

11-mile commute: 100 mpg - - - Tank: 90.2 mpg / 1191 miles
Last edited by PaleMelanesian; 08-01-2008 at 05:13 PM..
08-05-2008, 11:57 PM
#6 (permalink)
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I turn my car off, the SGII thinks the car is still running and continues to calculate MPG at whatever state it was at when I turned it off. This ruins TODAY and TANK readings and makes calibrating impossible.
Anyone have any luck contacting Linear Logic about problems? Is it possible to get s/w updates or patches from them and update SG?
08-06-2008, 06:39 AM
#7 (permalink)
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So my ScanGauge barfed today. I tried to do a little EOC (maybe 1/10 of a mile)to my parking space and now it claims I've used 590 gallons this tank at 2.5MPG. This is really bad timing because I was about to fill up so I could get the thing calibrated. Now I'm going to have to start over which is going to take about 3-4 weeks with the amount of driving I do.

Adjusted for my driving habits. 80%city/20%Highway.
20mpg city/30mpg highway or bust! Check out my mods so far
08-11-2008, 11:57 PM
#8 (permalink)
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I was on a 1,000+ mile trip last week. During each leg, the ScanGauge would lock up. The only way to reset it was to physically disconnect it and reconnect it, which screws up any stored data. As far as I can tell, ScanGauge II is worthless as a trip computer over any period. It works as real time gage until it locks up, and it works as a code scanner.
Unfortunately, I won't be returning it because it was stolen out of my car during the trip. I am debating whether or not to buy another one or buy a better scanner that doesn't pretend to be a trip computer that it's not.
08-12-2008, 12:00 AM
#9 (permalink)
Mr. Blue Tape
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There's that KIWI that looks like it has everything a SG has and more. There's also DynoDash (or something like that) out on the market.
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- aerodynamics
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08-12-2008, 09:46 PM
#10 (permalink)
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This makes me feel less confident in buying one.... Insert procrastination.