I'm guessing (predicting witrh a fuel consumtpion model) that your cars fuel consumption is:
speed (km/h) f.c (L/100km)
65 1.63
73 1.78
80 1.91
90 2.10
93 2.15
95 2.21
100 2.32
120 2.90
130 3.14
160 4.17
But because the winners car is running on E85 (i quess in a petrol engine) you must multiply your fuel consumtion figures by a factor higher than 1.15 (ratio of energy between diesel and gaoline) but E85 has 33% less energy per liter than gasoline so aprox. 1.5 or so because E85 has less energy per mass than diesel, but also because the engine i'm sure it has lower efficiency than your car's engine in spite of your low load). ITs a total factor of about 1.74 only with the energy content in fuel.
Edison2 - Welcome claims a mass of 450 kg and a cd of 0.15.
2 L of diesel /100kms aprox 3.48 E85 L/100km, if i'm not wrong.