I have always been a person to conserve energy in any way I can. I try and use less water, electricity, fuel, and other items, but my wife on the other hand is an "Energy Waster" of the worst kind. I try to follow after her and turn off un-needed lights, TV sets, running water (she lets it run all the time) and usually get some sort of feedback from her in a negative way. Her driving habits are the worst. I hardly ever let her drive, but when she does, all the work I did to save fuel gets burned up in no time so she is banned from the vehicles. She also drives with the A/C on and the windows open
When I do dishes (yes, I even cook and clean sometimes) I start by running hot water in the one side of the sink with a minimal amount of dish soap and as that side is filling, the same water is rinsing glasses as I wash them and the sink fills. Then the remaining dishes, pot, etc all get washed and set in the other half and all get rinsed at one time. I then use the leftover dishwater to wipe down the counter and stove and table.
My wife pours a huge amount of soap all over a pile of dishes with the drain plug out and by time she is done, we are out of hot water.
When I leave the house, nothing is left on, but when I come home, every light in the house is on, 3 television sets running, and sometimes I see the heater on with the windows open! "I'm sorry dear, but the dog does not need to have the TV on."
I like to take a shower. My wife fills the tub, soaks in it for awhile, drains halfway, and refills with hot water. This also runs the 40 gallon hot water tank dry
This is not only my wife, but I have lots of friends and family I visit and I notice the same thing at their households...................
Men like to conserve more energy than women. I have only met one woman in my life who saves energy and that was my Grandma. Maybe that's why women like to drive large SUV's, trucks, and vans? Because they
like to waste energy.
How do you compare to your other half when it comes to general efficiency?