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Old 12-01-2012, 12:07 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ecky View Post
I think those 2 points would help your credibility a lot. I'm interested in hearing your claims and perhaps trying the stuff you recommend, but your (lack of) ability to communicate effectively makes it difficult to take you seriously, and sometimes even makes it difficult to understand what you're trying to to say.

No offense intended.
Check the web, and Youtube. Alot Of these products my customers agreed to try. Especially the 25,000 mile oil change. Because at 40-45 bucks an oil change, a $100 dollar oil change is attractive in comparison because it equates to 8.3 regular oil changes if you drain at 3000 miles. But I am not making anymore claims, everyone can try it or not, the resistance of everyone in this forum is giving me a headache, especially people who are closed minded. I think i am just going to hypermile on my own. The incredible amount of information on this forum comes at a price...

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Old 12-01-2012, 01:54 PM   #32 (permalink)
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I'm 62 and I sold my shop at 50 to take advantage of the tax free gain on the sale of your personal home. I built two and so far it works out to a gain of over $300k, $165k when we sold the first house, without any tax liability, and another $135k if we sell the second house, which was built with the gain from the first.

Your initial post was very strong and that tends to make people react negatively. I did the same thing when I first came here. I believe my Patented design is a key component in future vehicles because it allows incorporation of hypermiling techniques into the design of the vehicle itself. I let the negative attitudes of members on other forums drive me away, so I spend my time here. I try to help people with problems with my experience, some 60,000 hours of hands on problem solving as well as interactions with people who trusted my judgement and character.

You should stick around, as I did, and try to add to the knowledge base of this forum. You might even learn a few things, as I have, and when you do, push the thanks button and let people know their efforts were worthwhile.

If you decide to no longer participate, I can understand that, having done so myself on other forums. Great knowledge is worthless without the ability to pass that knowledge adn experience to others. I learned my trade by focusing on what worked first, then refining my knowledge with experience and an excellent memory, that is fading with advanced age. Even with all of the issues age brings on, I still get a thrill out of helping another member without requiring them to take the same arduous path I took to get the same level of knowledge.

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Old 12-01-2012, 01:56 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Thumbs up Huh?

Originally Posted by JRMichler View Post
Not so much skeptical as data driven. We really like test results when the tests are done as described here: http://ecomodder.com/forum/showthrea...ery-11445.html.

Usually the benefits of fuel additives disappear when tested correctly.
I dont agree. The problem is with all of the marketing tests the are tested in optimum conditions. I have done some testing, and I continue to do so in every tank. I have read that thread, the data is incomplete. Is this why I get so much friction on this forum? I even moved to the unicorn stable because if you mention fuel additives here you get stoned to death. But I will do some more reading, thanks for reading.
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Old 12-01-2012, 10:25 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by rattroddrebel View Post
I agree with you, my machine shop says to use an HD oil, or Rotella. It still has the good stuff in it to help.
My diesel gets a quart of mobil1 bike oil and filled the rest of the way with 5w-40 rotella.
The cars get synthetic mobil1 10w-30 that I bought on sale for $2.50 a quart.
I was putting 5w-40 rotella in them and will go back to it once the mobil 1 runs out.
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Old 12-02-2012, 03:28 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Well, I got to feeling bad about some of the stuff I said, so went back and re-read most of what you said and what I said. Yeah, OK, maybe I'm a jerk. So, I apologize for that. I'm impressed by the way Old Mechanic can get his points across respectfully, clearly, and concisely. So I'm going to attempt to be more like that.

First, let me address the "busy boy" comment... The word "boy" was NOT mean disrespectfully - just a figure of speech. - probably should have just said "busy". It was not suggesting age, since I obviously didn't know your age. "Almost 50" is good though - in 5 years, you'll be almost as old as I am now.

Originally Posted by rattroddrebel View Post
Hey I dont see why i am getting so much flack from you. You piss on everything I say,

Well, that's part of it. Absolutes (like EVERYTHING I SAY) are almost always inaccurate. I didn't disagree with the fuel additive being an engine/injector cleaner, the idea of lots of little things vs. a big "gee whiz' thing, nor the statement that newer oils have less zinc - just the absolute that they "won't work" in todays cars.

how about this, I will make suggestions that contribute to the benefit of everyone here, could you do that?

Suggestions are great - questions are even better. But no, I couldn't do that - not contribute to EVERYONE here - That's another absolute. I'm sure there's someone here I can't contribute to.

Negating every idea i say clearly defines the fact that i need to "dumb up' some of this technical advice I give. When we explain things to each other you demonstrate how "you have heard it all".

Really? That's not the type of thing I would say. For one thing, it's another absolute - how could I have possibly "heard it all"?

My education dictates the ability to "trump" most individuals that I encounter. my reason for this is to gain personal knowledge for myself.

Hmmm, a lot of my posts are questions. I figure I can gain a lot more "personal knowledge" for myself that way than "trump"ing people.

I do not do that to hurt anyone, but merely to help. Forget about the Amsoil claims, if all you wanted me to do was to retract any statement I made, then fine.

But...... Gee, don't you get it? The Amsoil claim is what I'm interested in! (concerning what you've posted). I don't want you to retract it (unless you know it's untrue). I just want to see if it works - rather than just reading/hearing about the "documentation" from those selling it. What else would they say? Of course they're gonna say it works!!!

You can just stay in your world believing what you want to believe,

Don't we all believe what we want to believe?

fine with me, go drink some more beer, and keep the redneck mentality.

It's things like this that cost you credibility. "Drink some more beer" sounds so strange to a Mormon who doesn't drink. When you say something I know for a fact is incorrect - especially while bragging about how smart and knowledgable you are, it makes it really hard to trust your information

The other members and I will try to contribiute something to benefit each other instead of bashing everything. i have no patience in listening to some blow hard that has no scientific background other than how much he saves going to Wal mart.

No scientific background? Like 10 years an ASE certified mechanic, maybe? Wow, you really have no clue. I've actually been called a world authority with several published technical articles on something that many would probably consider scientific, but I digress......

i never should have started battling you

Well, I guess my wanting to actually test your stuff to either prove or disprove it is pretty unreasonable...

i am CLEARLY out of my league and have to take 20 years off of my life to compare to your intelligence.

I wouldn't know. I have no idea how our intelligences compare, but your way of writing does not do a very good job of convincing me.

So be a jerk all you you want, crap on everything I say and go play the lottery.

I have been a jerk. Again, I apologize. I don't crap on EVERYTHING you say, and the lottery is a hidden tax for the mathematically challenged.

I will go get struck by lightning because the odds are 1000 times better. Good luck with your evolution.
Uh - and good luck with your lightening strike, I guess....
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Old 12-02-2012, 07:25 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Amsoil is the Amway of motor oils.
Available only through Amsoil dealers who profit handsomely on every sale.
Coast long and prosper.
Driving '00 Honda Insight, acquired Feb 2016.

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Old 12-02-2012, 09:06 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Old Mechanic View Post
I'm 62 and I sold my shop at 50 to take advantage of the tax free gain on the sale of your personal home. I built two and so far it works out to a gain of over $300k, $165k when we sold the first house, without any tax liability, and another $135k if we sell the second house, which was built with the gain from the first.

Your initial post was very strong and that tends to make people react negatively. I did the same thing when I first came here. I believe my Patented design is a key component in future vehicles because it allows incorporation of hypermiling techniques into the design of the vehicle itself. I let the negative attitudes of members on other forums drive me away, so I spend my time here. I try to help people with problems with my experience, some 60,000 hours of hands on problem solving as well as interactions with people who trusted my judgement and character.

You should stick around, as I did, and try to add to the knowledge base of this forum. You might even learn a few things, as I have, and when you do, push the thanks button and let people know their efforts were worthwhile.

If you decide to no longer participate, I can understand that, having done so myself on other forums. Great knowledge is worthless without the ability to pass that knowledge adn experience to others. I learned my trade by focusing on what worked first, then refining my knowledge with experience and an excellent memory, that is fading with advanced age. Even with all of the issues age brings on, I still get a thrill out of helping another member without requiring them to take the same arduous path I took to get the same level of knowledge.

Thank you for your post, I totally respect what you said, and i will give it a try. I re read the testing things correctly data suggestions, and it clearly said I would expect resistance on things, I guess I did not read that and memorize it like i should have. I wish other members would have come at me the way you did. the other independent research i have done gets the same resistance. But this is why I am leaving and I will not share any more information. My shop's motto is knowledge based, you come to me because the other shops you have been to do not possess the amount of research time I do. It has been stated by nearly all of my customers. All I have to do is what no one else does, fair honest, affordable, and 100% truth. But if convincing folks about fact gets complete resistance, they get shown the door. I do not have the patience or time to fight over it.

Again much praise for you taking the time to help my direction, thanks.:thumbu p:
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Old 12-02-2012, 09:11 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Thumbs up ok

Originally Posted by brucepick View Post
Amsoil is the Amway of motor oils.
Available only through Amsoil dealers who profit handsomely on every sale.
Amway and Amsoil are not the same in any way, it is a better oil, just research it and see the capabilities. All salesman make a profit, but if it saves money, reduces failures, and extends the life of the parts it is installed in doesnt that justify cost? It is designed to reduce friction thus nearly eliminating wear. AS much as repairs cost doesnt the end justify the means? But believe what you want.
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Old 12-02-2012, 09:33 AM   #39 (permalink)
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bottom line....
you lied.

you said you werent a salesman.
you are.
The biggest problem here is you lie to yourself. Which explains why your wrting is so....difficult to read.
Liars are continually having to justify themselves because of the low self esteme that the lies create.
four pages of posts and what got achomplished here?????
a blowhard trying to be king of the hill in 5 posts!

Everyone here tried to reach out and guide you.....but you dont get it.

This is by far and away the fairest, nicest and most generous forum I have ever been on. And there are only a couple of 'unspoken rules'
1. be honest
2. aba test

pretty simple really.

I can tell you this, there are quite a few people on here who are smarter than you and me put together. I am amazed at times at the wealth of knowledge that they give of so freely. I am amazed at what I learn here on a weekly basis.

You ought to look thru the threads and breath in what is going on here. We always have room for more smart posters.
MetroMPG: "Get the MPG gauge - it turns driving into a fuel & money saving game."

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Old 12-02-2012, 09:40 AM   #40 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by rattroddrebel View Post
Amway and Amsoil are not the same in any way, it is a better oil, just research it and see the capabilities. All salesman make a profit, but if it saves money, reduces failures, and extends the life of the parts it is installed in doesnt that justify cost? It is designed to reduce friction thus nearly eliminating wear. AS much as repairs cost doesnt the end justify the means? But believe what you want.

Yes, Amway (the company) and Amsoil (the company) are EXACTLY the same.
The are a direct marketing/ mulit-level distribution model. Not saying that in a negative way. Just stating a fact.
Here again is another one of your 'wow, does he lack credibility' moments.
Amyway also has very good products that are researched and do work.
So please, tell me how they 'are not the same in any way'???????

MetroMPG: "Get the MPG gauge - it turns driving into a fuel & money saving game."

First: ScangaugeII

Second: Grille Block

Third: Full underbelly pan

Fourth: rear skirts and 30.4mpg on trip!
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