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Old 05-19-2014, 12:09 PM   #41 (permalink)
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I don't do this for fun, I take mpg savings seriously...this is no joke.

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Old 05-20-2014, 11:09 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jakins View Post
I think I'm one of the only people to convert a civic from manual to auto but I'm almost done now. I gotta get my old car running with this old drive train and engine. It's tough haha
I did the same thing on my 96 lx. I found out the hard way that the rear tranny mounts are the same from auto to manual, but the front pass. mount is different - 2 bolts for auto, 3 bolts for manual. 2 wire iac on manual, 3 wire on auto. looks like you're ready to get some sick mileage!!

I like the hot air intake!!

here are a few of my pics: mounts included-
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Old 05-21-2014, 08:02 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Xist View Post
Friends and family actually get upset at me for working on my own car instead of paying someone else to do it poorly and they get upset when I ride my bike instead of driving. I am rude when I try to explain why I disagree with their advice.
Your post reminded me of something I read recently from political philosopher and smart mo-fo extraordinaire John Stuart Mill that was like an epiphany to me that explains why “people” or society collectively engage in habits or acts that are unsustainable and/or immoral while shunning those self-thinkers who go seek their own paths to “righteousness” or at least “truth” if you will which is to say habits or acts that are more sustainable both individually and collectively and therefore more moral and “useful" for the long run, like saving fuel, for instance.

Mill in “Utilitarianism” was discussing a problem with something German philosopher Immanuel Kant said when attempting to create a first rule, or golden rule, of philosophical good. Kant said, "So act, that the rule on which thou actest would admit of being adopted as a law by all rational beings.”

The problem that Mill points out is that Kant “fails to deduce from this precept any of the actual rules of morality” and also points out that Kant fails to consider by this rule the very real possibility that “all rational beings”might very well be inclined to adopt, almost universally "the most outrageously immoral rules of conduct.” Slavery comes to mind as an example of this conduct that Mill references.

I guess I’m here to argue that Mill would probably consider collectively wasting gas to the degree that our Nation does to be an example of our society engaging in a behavior that is generally agreed by most to be “rational” or at least tenable, (this is necessarily so because the U.S. burned through 7 billion barrels of crude last year) but that is really, when you think about it, immoral to the highest degree to the extent that future generations will and should judge our generation harshly for leaving them no oil.

So, to hell with anybody who chastises you for riding a bike instead of driving.

I close by stating that hypermiling is an obsession onto itself and that the great societal benefits of saving fuel beyond all of us individually saving tons of money at the pump are mostly incidental and often not even considered…we’re not environmentalists, necessarily, we’re just trying to put up a big number, aren’t we? But we all ought to stop and be proud of ourselves--that we are blazing a trail that MUST and will be followed, ultimately, lest the future fortunes of generations of mankind take a severe downturn for a want of adequate petrochemical resources.
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Old 05-21-2014, 08:30 PM   #44 (permalink)
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Ive done this by accident and discovered the savings. I broke the sway bar link on my scion xa, so I drove slower. Boom 36 to 44 mpg. I set cost per mile on the sg2, but it was hard to maintain a gallon a trip. On my Honda I set a budget how much I want to spend to better budget my life and it was able to get better mpg out the gate.

Although Im working on aero mods to get to a gallon a day for my commute, I cant help but give those who see a "prius" shape vehicle a run for their money as everyone seems to want to pass.

I have to admit, seeing people do 70+ in a 45 zone takes the cake. That proved no one looks at the dash, but the car in front or to the front right of them and goes to pass.

Did I mention the arse on a crotch rocket who caught air as he raced me up an over pass just to swerve back into my lane to make a right and go the same route I did?
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Old 05-21-2014, 09:02 PM   #45 (permalink)
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My wife asked me today, what is global warming? I told her that it is the result of the Earth warming up after the mini ice age from 1300 to 1850. I told her about the Tambora eruption in 1815 and how the temperature In Savannah Georgia went below freezing on the 4th of July the summer after the eruption. I told her about the concern for coral reefs dying after the winter of 1982, in the Florida Keys, when the ocean water temperature dropped below 60 degrees, reefs that had been there for millions of years.

I told her that if they were really worried about global warming then they would stop holding their hands out for money and help me finance my construction of my design.

Her eyes glazed over with information overload and I went in the house.

My two favorite Texans
aerohead and Jakins

Imagine if the US could reverse the $300 billion we spend overseas for energy. Imagine if we could actually produce more than we consume and had plus trade balances. It would create 3 trillion in new capital in our economy every year with banking systems begging for borrowers.

The belief that one should leave this small planet in better shape than we found it is the highest order of human achievement. There is a special place in heaven (pick yours if your beliefs are different) for those who try, even though they may fail, they are those who gave all in the hope of leaving their children a better chance to live well.

That is why I try to get the most out of the energy I consume, so some poor person who can barely survive, can dream and have a chance to realize that dream, a real chance, not an agenda driven hypocrites drivel.

Sorry for the off topic blather.

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Old 05-22-2014, 07:27 AM   #46 (permalink)
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I suspect the last thing I ever expected from Ecomodder is someone able to quote Mill and Kant and make sense of what Mill and Kant said. I've read them, but never quite understood them.
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Old 05-23-2014, 08:57 PM   #47 (permalink)
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Much love mech!! I appreciate it brother.

So I started my new full time job with fedex and all ive had time to do is wake up at 6am for work and then ride my bike untill 10:30 and then go to sleep. So I havnt had enough time to do alot of mods to my gas milage missle. But I have been driving it. Its been getting a super crappy 47 mpg on the past 2 tanks and It took me and my friend on a 500 mile wake boarding trip. But that was with the a/c on and real crappy traffic all the time and head winds and 4 people in the car sometimes. Ive been getting some 60mpg trips though. Once I actually do some aero mods I expect it to get better. It chugs through a quart of oil every 700 miles or so haha. Im thinking at some pount ill be rebuilding the engine or getting a low milage one from japan. But it works for now.

Yah to be completly honest the manual to auto swap and the auto tp manual swap was pretty straight forward. The monts had different bolts on the passenger side but it still worked. I didnt have to do anything to the harness because I took the harnesses out from each car and swapped them. (But I did deal with that converting my dads civic to non vtec and instaling a japanese d15b in his car)
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Old 05-23-2014, 11:16 PM   #48 (permalink)
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This is my after (got them backwards!!)
[/QUOTE] The monts had different bolts on the passenger side but it still worked. I didnt have to do anything to the harness because I took the harnesses out from each car and swapped them. (But I did deal with that converting my dads civic to non vtec and instaling a japanese d15b in his car)[/QUOTE]

If you went from auto to manual, the manual tranny Mount has 3 bolts on the tranny. That's because of the greater torque generated by the manual tranny. I wouldn't get on it very much without the proper Mount, you might break something expensive

I'm super jealous of your tranny, though. With any luck, I'll be picking one up next weekend from SLOWNUGLY!!

If you're anything like me, you want to drive like an A-hole every once in a while, and really get on it.That's when the 3 bolt tranny Mount is worth it's weight in titanium. Just sayin. ..

This is my before on the mounts. Junkyard special- $15

cool that you hooked your dad up! mine gave me headaches because my jdm ecu (37820-p2j-j62) is actually fora cvt...

Last edited by vrmouseyd15b; 05-23-2014 at 11:33 PM..
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Old 05-24-2014, 05:13 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Old 05-24-2014, 05:16 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Oh yeah! As long as it says pro, they won't even ask how you broke it :-)

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