it is possible. well at the moment i dont want to drive it around anymore because the symptoms have gotten worse.
basically i took the valve cover off to take a look at the clearance and dont have the lock nut tool. i ordered it and it should be here by friday
i looked at the timing belt and it looked of from what i saw. idk how to check and see how it is off by a tooth tho. i turned the crank to tdc to get started on the first piston when i realized i didnt have that tool. and im not sure exactly which clearance mm exactly to check. im bout to post a lot of pictures
i looked at the timing belt. it was able to slide off just a little bit. i didnt slide it off. but it was able to be slid kinda semi easily if u worked at it. not sure if this is defined as not tight enough.
i took the distributor off and was working on checking the ignition coil and cudnt get to the coil in time had to leave for work
put everything back on. when i put the distributor back on. i got 2 divit part of the distributor that goes into the crank case aligned and in there. but am curious if maybe because i put it back in maybe i turned it 180 degrees would that be making the car doing what its doing now?
now when i drive the hesitation is worse. and i think im going to let it sit til the distributor comes and maybe get more advice on the timing belt.
its more of a jerking now especially in gear 2 lower rpms and gear 3. when i have it in lil higher rpms close to 3k it seems ok
i checked the timing and its off by just on the black line.
i also ran a little seafoam thru the air line and saw just a little bit coming from the o2 sensor area. not as bad as it was before i redid the exhaust manifold gasket. i did break one of the middle screws on the exhaust manifold by accident tho. so maybe thats why theres just a little bit coming from o2 area?
im really hoping its just the distributor and not the timing belt
but heres quite a few pics of the progress