It was a good day in the end - I got most of the repair gluing done. That is despite two extended rain showers, I managed to get the hatch door and the roof and sides of the chassis put back together. Only 6 small pieces remain to be glued in the floor. It is a bit scarred up, on the edges that collapsed, and where the wood framing hit.
Another big piece of the hatch:
Two pieces on the left side:
Three pieces on the right and center of the roof:
A couple more pieces on the hatch:
Last big piece in the roof:
The six pieces yet to go in the floor (plus some small bits of the hatch that got glued in, and one piece of scrap):
Several shots of everything on the top back together and drying:

The worst scar on the hatch is on the edge of what will be a window, so that will be fine. The other missing shards will have to be filled in with some spray foam.
It is almost back to where it was in early winter...