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Old 04-02-2018, 04:34 PM   #1271 (permalink)
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"Passive nuclear safety is a safety feature of a nuclear reactor that does not require operator actions or electronic feedback in order to shut down safely in the event of a particular type of emergency (usually overheating resulting from a loss of coolant or loss of coolant flow). Such reactors tend to rely more on the engineering of components such that their predicted behaviour according to known laws of physics would slow, rather than accelerate, the nuclear reaction in such circumstances. This is in contrast to older-yet-common reactor designs, where the natural tendency for the reaction was to accelerate rapidly from increased temperatures, such that either electronic feedback or operator triggered intervention was necessary to prevent damage to the reactor. The term "walk away" safety is also used to describe this feature."

In a world people are irrational, where religion ignorance rules... where people in the most miserable places insist to have 4 or 5 children...

You will think I'm inhumane for say it, but certains populations are almost like rats, grow a loit with more food and when populations reach to hight and food runs out they turn canibals. Give food, vaccines and medicines, creating more surviving and keeping or even increasing bith rates, and you will have a big future problem with even more deaths.
Food help and vaccines help without birth control can be terrible in future perpectives. Now look some cultures that saw birth control as a sin... so we have a huge mess due deep ignorance.
It's a racing food, desperate trying to find more ways to produce food to a growing out of controll population.

Europe now opened doors to millions of middle age people, religious fanatics or religion freaks. I know not muslins are this way, but a good percentage are and they plan to have many kids as possible and change Europe into a Islan nation.
If they get nuclear power in easy ways....

Intelligent people have few or no kids today, while stupid people and middle age people have many kids.

Originally Posted by sendler View Post
GenIV nuclear needs to have molten salt cooling for the reactor and cooling pools so that it is 100% walk away safe. And we need to be pragmatic enough (and be able to do math) to choose it. It is the only way to soften the coming crash. Buy us enough time (200 years) to get the population back down to levels that can be sustained without immense fossil energy. Build a completely new social system.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-02-2018 at 04:55 PM..
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Old 04-02-2018, 04:46 PM   #1272 (permalink)
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Chernobyl had a reactor that was made in hurry, due political reasons. The test that lead it to excplode in theory should not explode it, if was made right instead of in a hurry.
Political reasons and corruption (often and nearly a rule in places like in my country) can ruins even the best project.
I would not underestimate the capability of human stupidity. How to build something "human-proof" if is the humans that will built and keep it ???

The problem in Star Trek it's not the dilithium crystals, but how they managed to produce anti-matter in high amounts, and why a ship blow up (loaded with anti-matter) do not blow a planet together.

Originally Posted by Xist View Post
As I recall, every nuclear failure was using already obsolete technology, and I have previously shared data showing that nuclear power has had fewer fatalities than any other power source.

Except dilithium crystals. Those have had zero casualties and I do not expect that to change any time soon.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-02-2018 at 05:06 PM..
Old 04-02-2018, 05:38 PM   #1273 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
Intelligent people have few or no kids today, while stupid people and middle age people have many kids.
Everyone has their own definition of intelligence, usually placing them above average. It is statistically impossible for everyone to be above average. I feel that if people can support their own children and they raise them to support themselves and contribute to society they have that right.

You mentioned cow farts. “Ninety-seven per cent of all the methane gas is released by the front end through burps, not from the back end” https://www.ft.com/content/70637ed6-...#axzz2yP3CfaWk, but talking about burps does not advance agenda as well as discussing farts.

Note that the biggest source of methane in the US is still natural gas leaking out of wells and pipelines and wafting into the atmosphere. https://www.vox.com/2016/9/27/130727...ne-cow-belches

The math on countries that rely on the charity of others does not indicate it is in their self interest to have large numbers of children. Is it rational to expect that foreigners will support their population doubling?

Four years ago I created a thread trying to brainstorm ideas for a school project. In my first post I wrote:
I estimated that one hundred billion dollars would be sufficient to end domestic hunger in the United States for one, maybe two years. That is it. What long-term effect would that have? Why were they hungry in the first place? Did we do anything to prevent them from being hungry once we run out of money?
Then I pointed out that there were ten million unemployed Americans, and half-joked that instead of feeding people until I ran out of money I would feed people for one month while starting a company to fabricate and distribute ecomods.

Redneck shared a Sam Kinison bit about moving hungry people to places that grew food.

Invest $95b. Spend five billion the first year and the interest above inflation each remaining year on science fairs, with the winners receiving scholarships.
I realized the statistic with which I started was meaningless because it was not about people who did not have enough food, but people who missed meals, or were concerned they might miss a meal, which is different.

There were one hundred posts in that thread. A couple of times I stepped in and asked participants to calm down and act civilly. In #99 I asked the moderators to close the thread. One of the members kept insulting people who had kids. Others made personal attacks against him. Arragonis was involved in that fight. He has since quit the site. Old Mechanic also participated in the discussion, if not the fight. He is now known as USER REMOVED after getting in a fight in another thread which was also closed.

I was trying to figure out something, which was academic because I would never be able to implement it. I was also fighting a losing battle to earn my first A since starting that major.

I could not keep that thread civil. I did not earn an A in that class. In that thread I mentioned my father and my then-girlfriend.

Both had birthdays last month. Both have also passed away since that dumpster fire of a thread.

Dilithium crystals are fictional. I made a joke.
Old 04-02-2018, 05:47 PM   #1274 (permalink)
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As I recall, after the moderators closed the thread, I discovered statistics correlating high school graduation rate for women, the number of children, and even the economy.

Correlation is not causation, but it seemed like the best place to start, have researched and brainstormed for three months.

I described some scenario where we targeted countries with the lowest rates for women graduated from high school and targeted the causes that were not "they got pregnant."

That was too political. I was not touching it.

One was the scarcity of clean water and how they often spent hours just for that. I argued that if we helped women graduate from high school they would have smaller families that they were better able to support.
Old 04-02-2018, 05:55 PM   #1275 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Xist View Post
I feel that if people can support their own children and they raise them to support themselves and contribute to society they have that right.
That is because we currently use a flawed cornucopian free market system that pays nothing forward to future generations for the resources that we are depleting.
Old 04-02-2018, 06:18 PM   #1276 (permalink)
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Inteligence have not just levels but themes. Some people have great skills, but still can be stupid, a fanatic, someone with limited hability to see and judge the world.
People have responsabilities. If they place many children in a country or continent that can't keep so much, they are creating a problem.

People are selfish. Most have kids not beacuse want to love, but because our culture nearly dictates it, or because they want someone to take care of them when getr too old and fragile. If people really loved their kids they would try to leave a better world for them.
Kids also work as a mask, cause a cretin is saw with new eyes by people if he marry and get kids. Kids, a wife, and talk about God, it's a great mask to cretins ans socioparths get better reputation in a community.
Old 04-02-2018, 07:25 PM   #1277 (permalink)
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I don't want to hurt feeling of american people, but you have a culture quite sarcastic to environment. Fast food to kill themselves and generated a lot of plastic, foam, paper for each lunch.
Like I said, I have no intention to offend american people. I did a lot of hard critics about my own country in this forum.
Small-a americans includes you. Guilty as charged of course, but within the USofA the Millenials are turning on the Boomers. Have you seen the movie Idiocracy?

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Old 04-02-2018, 08:20 PM   #1278 (permalink)
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Idiocracy was a bad movie, since it was over silly extreme caricactured. The movie itself don't estimulate thinking, but just point things as a retard or like was directing to a retard understand. Anyway the idea it's correct, a generation of retards and erotic. I call it childrotic.

Guess what, the next generation will be even more retard, drug addicted and depressed. Parents that just left kids watching TV, DVDs, Netfix, cause it's easier and require less parenthood work. Parents also get happy when they san their prole being as idiot as them, like it was a tap in the shoulder to make they fiel better.

And doctors will make more money prescribing more drugs to childs, and also create dozen new diseases classifications to prescribe new drugs.

Tissue enginering will use living cells, stem cells, to replace damaged tissue or create new ones, and women will get a bio-enginerred penis to f... each other and even f... man.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-02-2018 at 08:26 PM..
Old 04-02-2018, 10:31 PM   #1279 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
Energy demand have a lot of pure greed together. Industry takes a lot of energy, maybe more than homes and cars together as someone said in this topic. But industry lives from a lot of silly consumism. Things made for left just 1 or two years, cause people buy a lot without need. Economic system it's addicted to this consumism, and lifes & jobs, are connected to it...

This is a culture who took a lot of energy and polutes a lot, a culture that need to change.
It's more than culture, as any species consumes as much as it can, and breeds to the maximum carrying capacity of the environment. US industry benefited from WWII, and the relatively high economic prosperity allowed high levels of consumerism. Any group of people under the same circumstances would behave similarly.

That said, I expect most men will be impotent when VR catches on. Births will tank, and we will rapidly lose population.
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Old 04-03-2018, 12:57 AM   #1280 (permalink)
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Sorry, this explanation it's too simplist... We can't use instincts to justify everything.

VR ?? Virtual reality ? Making man impotent ?
Do you refer about man get VR with "perfect" submisse digital womenlike figures, and became unable to desire real women ?

Not sure if women, in the same circunstances, would became unable to desire man, unles virtual reality reach the point of sign checks and buy very expensive gifts.

Anyway hard 3th wave feminsts will use bio-engineering (tissue made on lab) to create lab made penis for implantation in themselves to use with other women.

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
It's more than culture, as any species consumes as much as it can, and breeds to the maximum carrying capacity of the environment. US industry benefited from WWII, and the relatively high economic prosperity allowed high levels of consumerism. Any group of people under the same circumstances would behave similarly.

That said, I expect most men will be impotent when VR catches on. Births will tank, and we will rapidly lose population.

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