04-17-2018, 10:59 AM
#1361 (permalink)
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I wonder in countries that are not like Japan or Finland, what would happen if we take off the police, the security guards, the army, and all containment agents, and waith 2 months.
The human nature would probably regreed some thound years and just weeks or months. The dog was just put on a dog collar with a chain.
Maybe some peacefull of Finland it's due welfare state, but not all just due educations and schools programs againt sexism and violence, but also because the welfare state acts like instint silencer. Give a monkey a lot of bananas and he will not kill other monkey to take their bananas.
If I create a yummy big sandwish, while others didn't cooked for themselves, some will want takemy sandwish, but if state give a sandwish to everyone, they will keep quiet.
I believe there are genes involved in this sandwsih fight. In nature there are aninal in a same species that are more couperative, and works ev en helping raise baboes from others, and there are the ones that are more agressive to take the food or take the females from other. In a zoo they fight less, since food it's easy.
It's easy to spot bad people in a less peacefull comunity than in a very social state comunity.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
I'd say humanity has grown more intelligent and less violent over time, though I don't know what it was like to live in past epochs. Most of us are able to read and write though, and few of us die from the hand of violence.
I agree. But it would need to have a minimal quality in many points, to avoid depression, avoid tendency to adiction, suicide tendencies, antisocial tendencies.The problem ios that parents would choose genes for babies, we would have a world of Barbies and Kens.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
Variance accomplishes 2 important things. First it explores new ideas, some of which are useful, and second it inoculates the species from being annihilated by a weakness common to everyone.
I wonder if they found all genes that leads to sociopathy, and track the incidence in many ethinic groups, countries, states. And a experiment, creating a comunity, isolated, free of sociopath individuals, and see how it would go around.
Maybe the evil would come from others less harmfull genes. I have a theory that good people need some evil from others to be good, not much but a bit. They need to get pissed off, disgusted, with worse people to be able to value good acts, good things.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
Too much homogeneity is not good, and certain extremes such as psychopathy are bad. It's important that genetic engineering eliminate clearly bad traits while not eliminating variance.
There are people who are great in some hability, but very blind to see and judge the world, the society. People who can reach some PHD, but are dools of some freek religious leader, for example.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
As far as dumb vs smart people go, exactly half are smarter than average, and exactly half are dumber than average. Considering the breadth of knowledge is infinite, we're all closer to knowing nothing than knowing everything.
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04-17-2018, 11:13 AM
#1362 (permalink)
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I don't like religion, but I created the following idea, based in religious heaven/Hell, to reflect.
What if God was nice in the day of Judgement?
Why not give heaven also for evil people, and not just to good people.
So he tried it before. He gave 3 heavens:
1-For great civilized peacefull nice guy people. Idilic gardens, great nice friendly aninmals around, many fruits&food for all tastes, natural swing pool, waterfalls...
2-A second heaven, so nice as the first, but only for people that was not so nice, people with some greed here and there, people that was not very good, but not terrible.
2-A third heaven, just as the others, but this time for the worse people, greed, selfish, antisocial sociopath people too. A bunch of mother f...
The first heaven keeped as a heaven and it's still this way.
The second heaven couldn't keep good, due the problems of people character, and became our world.
The third heaven was completely destroyed and became hell.
So a evil guy died, reach the gates of Hell and asked. God, why don't you give us heaven, if you are all powerfull?
God responded: I gave... I gave... more than one time, but people like you always managed it to became hell again.
Ok, you may say I'm lookingh like a silly religious man advocating for God. But I can say one thing to put God down:
"You was the one who created all this shi...t instincts for manking, all these mutations, all these variances who lead to less civilized people!"
Maybe God, if had existed, was a scientist playing with mices on a lab.
04-17-2018, 11:34 AM
#1363 (permalink)
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My city it's tribal and hypocrite. For one side they doin't like atheist, but they don't follen well their belife.
They judge by sex, like snoop and comment who betray who in a marriege. But they also talk bad if someone do not works to proof virility.
They don't like to people say trhei daughter are w-hore, but hate if someone rejected their daughters if their daughter was looking to have something with the guy.
I became quite public enemy for a lot of people here, because I didn't accept a note (paper) that a woman come to give me saying it was from a friend of her that wanted to meat me. People became hostile in streets, making gestures, or shouting things. If wasn't me but a evil man sho fuc...ked her and discharge and vangloriated hinself to a lot of friends, he would have no problem, but I reserved peacefull person like me lead these people angry.
They are so coward that don't speak on face, but talk to others they know. It's one of the worst sides of brazilian disgusting culture. They judge people from what they heard from other, which heard fromother, which heard from other... and so one, without talk to the person. And people when talk tend to discusse if don't disagree, creating fights easily.
I watched The Bounty (1984), with Mell Gibson, and in 19 century the HMS Bounty reached a "peacefull" Tahiti's Pitcain island tribe, and the daughter of the tribe leader wanted to couple with hin. The captain told hin that in european culture it would be a scandall a woman tried a man, and he would be shamed for the comunity if accept. But in the tribal culture his refusal would be horrobly received, leading even to agression.
This described people of my city very well, just like the tribe in the movie. tribals with iPhone...
Originally Posted by freebeard
Last edited by All Darc; 04-17-2018 at 12:26 PM..
04-17-2018, 12:05 PM
#1364 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
I wonder in countries that are not like Japan or Finland, what would happen if we take off the police, the security guards, the army, and all containment agents, and waith 2 months.
I wonder if they found all genes that leads to sociopathy, and track the incidence in many ethinic groups, countries, states. And a experiment, creating a comunity, isolated, free of sociopath individuals, and see how it would go around.
Maybe the evil would come from others less harmfull genes. I have a theory that good people need some evil from others to be good, not much but a bit. They need to get pissed off, disgusted, with worse people to be able to value good acts, good things.
What if God was nice in the day of Judgement?
Why not give heaven also for evil people, and not just to good people.
So he tried it before. He gave 3 heavens:
I haven't been to Japan since the 80s, and I was very young, but my impression was that police were hardly needed. Japan has a very orderly culture based on honor to family. For instance, I fully expect that if I left something of value on the street, that I would get it back before it was taken.
There is no way to eliminate evil from our genetics since evil is merely anything taken to an extreme. For example, being selfish is not evil unless selfishness is taken to an extreme that it harms others. After all, we need to act in self interest to protect our rights and to thrive, but it should not unduly harm others in the process (and normally should help others).
We do have heaven and hell now, and we all experience these to varying degrees, and we mostly choose which of these to live in. It seems to me that life is equal parts triumph and tragedy though. For every new baby born, there is another death. For every thing gained, an equal amount is lost.
04-17-2018, 12:08 PM
#1365 (permalink)
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There is a third idea about global warming.
This theory says we where responsible for alter the global temperature and clime, but at this point this would be irreversible (they said), even if we stop all cars and industries (according the theory). It mwould be releated to frozed metan crystal on ice seas, that would be realesed into atmosphere with the increased temperature, and on atmosphere it would increase temperature a lot more.
Doomsday theory...
Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
We cannot avoid the effects of climate change, and all of our lives will be changed; no matter what we think about it.
We are all living on the same planet, and the Laws of Nature do not bend.
04-17-2018, 12:17 PM
#1366 (permalink)
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Yeah... That's why I said (about the experiment) in countries that ARE NOT like Japan, cause Japan would behave well due their comunity high values. Quite the opposite of my country.
Finland have some of it goods, but I fear maybe some of it it's due censorship/silence of envy, by given all people good stuff.
Genes are justb a part of good or evil. But a high insidence of bad genes (agressive, steal instint, sexual instint) easily leads to trouble.
Humans need a lot of cultural conditioning and childhood moral (ethic)values of education to rum well, with few viollence. But needs nothing to became savage, cause it do it by itself. Let it run alone and in hell it ends.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
I haven't been to Japan since the 80s, and I was very young, but my impression was that police were hardly needed. Japan has a very orderly culture based on honor to family. For instance, I fully expect that if I left something of value on the street, that I would get it back before it was taken.
04-17-2018, 01:07 PM
#1367 (permalink)
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The climate is going to change, it's just the global warming believers have been completely wrong about what, how and when the whole time.
But they keep changing their story so they can pretend like they were right all along.
I'm going to have to say the church of global warming is full of it and they have no idea what's going on let along what's going to happen.
1984 chevy suburban, custom made 6.5L diesel turbocharged with a Garrett T76 and Holset HE351VE, 22:1 compression 13psi of intercooled boost.
1989 firebird mostly stock. Aside from the 6-speed manual trans, corvette gen 5 front brakes, 1LE drive shaft, 4th Gen disc brake fbody rear end.
2011 leaf SL, white, portable 240v CHAdeMO, trailer hitch, new batt as of 2014.
Last edited by oil pan 4; 04-17-2018 at 01:13 PM..
04-17-2018, 01:21 PM
#1368 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4
The climate is going to change, it's just the global warming believers have been completely wrong about what, how and when the whole time.
But they keep changing their story so they can pretend like they were right all along.
I'm going to have to say the church of global warming is full of it and they have no idea what's going on let along what's going to happen.
04-17-2018, 02:31 PM
#1369 (permalink)
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Ask a doctor exactly when a smoker is going to die from lung cancer. It is impossible to do so. Too many variables.
But most people who do die of lung cancer are heavy smokers.
We cannot precisely predict what effects global warming will have. But we can pretty precisely (give or take a year) predict the ongoing acidification of the ocean and guess which species of sea life are going extinct when. As the acidification is in line with the amount of carbon dioxide we produce, as the acid in the seas is that carbon dioxide.
2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut.
 lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.

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04-17-2018, 03:28 PM
#1370 (permalink)
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Taking a measurement or recording an observation is nothing like making failed predictions.
Even then, the institutional level believers can't leave well enough alone and can't resist the temptation to manipulate the data. So they can't even get that right.
1984 chevy suburban, custom made 6.5L diesel turbocharged with a Garrett T76 and Holset HE351VE, 22:1 compression 13psi of intercooled boost.
1989 firebird mostly stock. Aside from the 6-speed manual trans, corvette gen 5 front brakes, 1LE drive shaft, 4th Gen disc brake fbody rear end.
2011 leaf SL, white, portable 240v CHAdeMO, trailer hitch, new batt as of 2014.