05-04-2018, 05:09 PM
#131 (permalink)
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I was suspended many times in second and third grade for getting beaten up. The bullies were usually punished less.
All that I ever did was run away.
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05-04-2018, 05:55 PM
#132 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5
The statistics don't lie.
But they can disagree? (US vs mexico)
I'm no fan of many of the interactions I've had with LEOs...
Another time in grade school I was flipping a quarter I had brought to school. Some nasty girl accused me of stealing her quarter so the principal confiscated it. He then asked me what date was printed on the quarter, and I didn't know, so he gave it to the girl. He then gave me detention for lying about stealing the quarter. In other words, I get robbed and serve detention for the crime.
So, did he ask the girl what the date on the quarter was? Ah-ha!
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu
05-04-2018, 06:18 PM
#133 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard
But they can disagree? (US vs mexico)
So, did he ask the girl what the date on the quarter was? Ah-ha!
Obesity and Overweight are treated as separate states of being on the BMI scale.
The US leads the world in obesity, but Mexico has us beat in overweight population. Obesity and overweight combined, Mexico still has us beat.
Still, we're now at nearly 3/4 of the population being at least overweight. 60% of black women are obese (I looked it up while noticing a trend with the women represented on The Voice). With most things in healthcare, normal and healthy are synonymous. In this case, normal is unhealthy.
Regarding the principal, he did not ask the girl to prove knowledge of the date while also violating "possession is 9/10ths of the law" rule. Her evidence against me was that she had a quarter earlier in the day, and could no longer locate it.
We all know school administrators are looking to redistribute wealth. White male privilege cannot go unpunished! I'm joking here, as the principal likely sought real justice, not just to bring harm to me.
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05-04-2018, 07:30 PM
#134 (permalink)
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I was wrong, since I imagined that was only in my country, but USA looks in danger too :
Racism exist, but it's not the only cause of problems for blacks. The poor culture it's a mixture of primitive tribes descendence, different tribe mix, and oppression along centuries, left stealing the only way many could get someting while slavismm was up. The violence they sufere too, and maybe even in genetic, since many white psychopaths (genetic factor involved) used to rape black women often.
But their culture today it's problematic, and it need to change, and need help to incentives to change, but without recognize that this is now the major problem (not the only) things get difficult. Today, different from some decades ago, blacks have many laws to protect them. Some states still have a lot of hate, like Alabama, Texas, but not as many as decades ago.
If this generation it's like that, what freak will be their sons/daughter ???
People need to take things in both ways. If they damend exagerated respect and exagerated rights, they must accept exagerated duties and exagerated right behavior. But we only see people complain about what is convinient to thenselves.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
I took a sociology class about 10 years ago, and we went through the entire textbook but skipped the section on "Cultural Poverty". We were instructed to not even discuss the topic of cultural values and how they might impact various behaviors.
This is an example of how worthless "higher" education is. Universities aren't looking for solutions to problems, the're looking for victims and victimizers.
If a girl punch a boy or a teen, nothing happens to her in many cases. Boys grows with this in head, like only tehy could get hurt, and like they need to be toughie. They do not interact with girls, or almost don't, in childhood. So these things combined creates a negative feeling in man dugind adult life, specialy if the authority figure and cruel figure during infancy was the mother. If the mother have no tender for the son... Many husbands project their anger they feel about their own mother, against teir wives.
Women violence it's often different, I have to agree, like a slap on face of a man, with reduced power and both understanding that in a fight until the end was clear she would lose, and that's why a agression by man it's more scaring, since it's a signal od=f possibility of spanking. But... there are some women with evil feelings (more "8 or 80" than man in general) that take advantage of this to hit man several times. In a video a jealous girl beat the foyfrind many ways, and keep saying to hin :"Did t=you liked ? Now try to hit me you coward".
On Brazil some péople use to say : "Women are good or evil, because when they are bad they are wortless (a devil)."
hight school it's the best way to judge people. They feel free to show all their evil, with poor dissimulation. Most dissimulation came from women. A age whe this nasty animal called humans, wants to show and test their power.
When I was a teen I didn't liked teens.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
My worthless anecdote is that in middle school, I was talking quietly to a friend about a particular nasty girl and how nasty she was. That friend looked up at her, and she realized we were talking about her. She walked over and punched me in the face, and we both got detention.
I asked why I'm being punished and the answer was that fighting is not permitted. When I mentioned that it wasn't a fight that I was involved in, but instead my face was in the way of her fist, their answer was that it takes 2 to fight.
Another time in grade school I was flipping a quarter I had brought to school. Some nasty girl accused me of stealing her quarter so the principal confiscated it. He then asked me what date was printed on the quarter, and I didn't know, so he gave it to the girl. He then gave me detention for lying about stealing the quarter. In other words, I get robbed and serve detention for the crime.
All that said, protection of women is highly important because they are generally at a physical disadvantage.
05-04-2018, 07:44 PM
#135 (permalink)
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So, is it like we see in USA movies ???
People being beat for nothing by big guys... Big guys stealing the money of smaller guy had for pay the lunch... Big guys throwing smaller guy in large wastbasket ?
It's really no surprise the school shootings happens often in USA But they should shoot just their "hangmans" and not everyone.
A principal who punish innocents more then the victim, should go to jail. Or be beaten on face many times, as poetic justice.
Even so there is a lot of people on TV saying that bullying is natural and should not interfevened by new laws. I bet these people, who said that, was the bullies in schoolt times.
Nature in some fraction took some justice, sometimes. Many bulies get jail during adult like, for wife beaten, and other agressions.
Many nasty girls who enjoyed to see the bulies being evil, became wifes beaten by such animals. Yes, some women likes to be the "gangster's girls", enjoy the evil feeling of the bad guys by being by their side, standing by them.
In a 60 Minutes episode, they showed that USA schools have money for things, ginasium, computers, but teachers were a garbage, with no care for students, and had a syndicated that protected then so much this situation have no way to change. They were never fired. Unless if f... with students...
Originally Posted by Xist
I was suspended many times in second and third grade for getting beaten up. The bullies were usually punished less.
All that I ever did was run away.
Last edited by All Darc; 05-04-2018 at 08:01 PM..
05-04-2018, 08:10 PM
#136 (permalink)
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Obese victimim..., I saw on web, for man and women. Both sides said it was prejudice, that no good looking man/girl would like a fat girl/man.
But they, the obeses who was complaining, didn't liked or desired a obese person neeider.
Maybe the Mechas could solve thing.. Could ???
Last edited by All Darc; 05-04-2018 at 08:29 PM..
05-04-2018, 08:17 PM
#137 (permalink)
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If this generation it's like that, what freak will be their sons/daughter ???
Surprisingly, people can change. I mean, who knew, right?
My sources say that our (US) President's approval rating among black males has doubled in a week. This may be partially due to employment statistics or the situation on the Korean peninsula, but is mostly due to Kanye West, a popular entertainer, red-pilling everyone (excepting the four black panelists on CNN who applauded [his detractor]). His still learning, so he made the mistake of saying 400 years when he should have said 154 years and they jumped on that, but it doesn't make him wrong.
If what follows is too political, better to ask forgiveness than permission....
I notice that at 0:06 Candace Owens says 400 years, so that's where that started. All blacks have to do is wake up and they will have enough power to move the political needle.
The Sage of Vermont:
'Demons are watching over me'? At least he has a shirt on.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu
Last edited by freebeard; 05-04-2018 at 08:28 PM..
05-04-2018, 08:30 PM
#138 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
So, is it like we see in USA movies ???
People being beat for nothing by big guys... Big guys stealing the money of smaller guy had for pay the lunch... Big guys throwing smaller guy in large wastbasket ?
It's really no surprise the school shootings happens often in USA But they should shoot just their "hangmans" and not everyone...
Even so there is a lot of people on TV saying that bullying is natural and should not interfevened by new laws.
In a 60 Minutes episode, they showed that USA schools have money for things, ginasium, computers, but teachers were a garbage, with no care for students, and had a syndicated that protected then so much this situation have no way to change. They were never fired. Unless if f... with students...
Children are sociopaths, so it's no surprise that bigger and more popular (or pretty) kids will take advantage of their elevated status. I imagine poor behavior in children is fairly common throughout the cultures. Even I made fun of the strong but slow kid; I just wanted the thrill of something scary to angrily chase after me. I also made fun of the perverted kid who, in hindsight, was probably abused himself.
The reason school shooters take revenge on everyone and not just the bully is because everyone else is complicit in granting power to the bully.
In high school, the most popular kid punched me in the gut while I was walking down the aisle. Then I wrestled the kid to the floor. Every kid on that bus testified that I had started the fight by punching the popular kid. Exact opposite of facts. I hold contempt for anyone willing to give false testimony just to boost their social standing. Kids have little concept of honor, integrity, or justice; they just want to be cool.
The US educational system is broken in many ways. We have dumb legislation like "no child left behind" which can be interpreted to "every child will be certified to meet minimum standards regardless of actual performance". In other words, we're not holding students to high academic standards, which results in grade inflation, which results in diminishing value in credentials and degrees.
Pay is based on years of service, with no incentive to engage with children. There are excellent teachers who are passionate to teach, but they are treated no differently than those who have no enthusiasm and merely collect a paycheck. The only way I can think to fix this is to go to a voucher system, where parents are allowed a fixed amount of money to spend on private education. It will never happen though; the teacher unions are too powerful, and the public too stupid (do to their poor public education).
05-04-2018, 08:41 PM
#139 (permalink)
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Don't judge all kids/teen from world cultures based in a grap moral value kids cultures from most USA schools. I had imagined it was only on films...
In Japan they honor truth, and kids respect each other way more. Also on Finland. Not ideal, but let's say "less worse".
In my country I disliked many things, unjustices, but what you folks told me about USA schools is shocking. I never saw coletive lie like that or stealing like criminals face to face in any school I went.
USA youth culture it's violent and predatory, despite have some great people and some intelligent people. Heritage from cowboys ? Or evil cowboys ???
This "coolcentrism" it's USA worst enemy.
Brazil have higher homicide hank, the number 1 in total homicide number worldwide (despite not top 1 in homicide per 100.000 habitants). But here police and justice don't work, and most criminals are not captured or even discovered, starting with a homicide solve tax of less than 10%. So, no punishmnet leads to high tax of homicide.
I would never have kids. I consider humanity a bunch of animals, and would hate to be responsible to put someone between such crap civilization/crap species.
Maybe genetic engineering one day manage to fix this mess.
Last edited by All Darc; 05-04-2018 at 08:59 PM..
05-04-2018, 09:04 PM
#140 (permalink)
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For me Trump is a sociopath, and Hilary maybe not much different.
But he is a trained sociopath, focus in fame and fortune, and USA is his new toy, new business.
The fact he is sociopath not means everyting he said it's not right. The lack of diplomacy it's dangerous to a 3th world war.
Originally Posted by freebeard
Surprisingly, people can change. I mean, who knew, right?
'Demons are watching over me'? At least he has a shirt on.