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Old 04-26-2018, 08:04 PM   #31 (permalink)
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In old days we had horrible witch hunter. Now we have something similar, but to male "witches". How would we call it ? Wizard hunter ? Warlock hunter ?

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A university planned a big Mens Rights conference. It was canceled due to complaints. A group held a meeting which attracted more protesters than investigators and then someone pulled a fire alarm.

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Old 04-27-2018, 12:29 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
Type on Google : How to train your dog to urinate over feminazis.
I guess they would feel more pissed off (no pun intended) if I had a male dog instead of Vanessa (yes, that's the name of the b*tch).

Feminsm, the word, in theory was suposed to reach equality, not privileges.
So was communism, and we know it doesn't end well...

Women brain are different, the neurology it's not exact the same as man. Man get nonsense due anger, temper, testosterone making a guy lost his mind and make sh...t. Women brain it's not such thing, but they get nonsense without deep anger but with emotions, desires. They lost the logic before get deep anger.
My mother is a psychologist. But anyway, women may also occasionally display some disproportionate anger, even though it's more noticeable when they have PMS (or TPM as it's known in our country).
Old 04-27-2018, 01:03 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Next time you can say she is a transgender dog, that she choosed to be male, just to the bit-ches go away.

No offense, but I don't really consider psychology a science. It's more to the side of pseudoscience than true science. Too many different fronts, a lot of phylosophy mixtured together, frail or rare proofs...
And they try to controll people, make people calm and accepted by society, without judging too much society itself. Almost a social controll agent. It's more runned by politics than science.

When politics wasn't connected to power for women and gays and trans, psychology had different opinions, said they were ill, but now they "turned the side of the disc" and say the oposite, even with emotional and militant way, forgetting that themselves was the "evil they make critics today". It's like a former nazi making hard critcs to new nazis.

Some psichologists give money to evangelic preachers who says gays and non christian will go to hell, but in professional life they talk about prejudice and the problem of sexism in society. A female psychologist in the fitness academy used to tell me I needed help, just because I don't want relationships, since I consider society horrible. But she is evangelic and post on Facebook memes or articles about prejudice against gays, women and trans.
Interesting how they have prejudice against who want to stay alone, but post things in favor of gays in her professional life to please her colleagues of profession. That's because gays got political power and money, and people who want stay alone have no political power or a movement behind.
So, for me it's all b...ull sh..t.

Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post

Last edited by All Darc; 04-27-2018 at 01:24 PM..
Old 04-27-2018, 02:07 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
Feminsm, the word, in theory was suposed to reach equality, not privileges. That's why we can't just say these dum...b heads are feminists, so we call them feminazis.
I'm not a fan of using inflammatory language or name calling because it serves no purpose. Nobody will be convinced by your argument by name calling, and quite the opposite is more likely. Those offended by the name calling will close their ears and ramp up hostility. The only time inflammatory language is useful is when you need to rally soldiers, build courage, and face an existential threat.

This is where you risk getting reprimanded, because the purpose of the forum is to provide a welcoming environment for those interested in efficiency.

The forum owners/administrators have been very liberal in their acceptance of speech, and I commend them for that. Because I enjoy having a platform to discuss ideas, I try to be careful not to go out of my way to be offensive or antagonistic.

That said, I consider myself a feminist because I am for equal legal rights for women universally. This is why I am against Muslim states (not necessarily the religion), who by law, treat women more as property and less as humans with equal intrinsic value.

Women brain are different, the neurology it's not exact the same as man. Man get nonsense due anger, temper, testosterone making a guy lost his mind and make sh...t. Women brain it's not such thing, but they get nonsense without deep anger but with emotions, desires. They lost the logic before get deep anger.
Well said. While this is a generality, it often holds true. My wife is more rational than most women, but she still holds onto some beliefs that are guided solely by her feeling, and refuses to confront the cognitive dissonance of those beliefs which conflict with logic.

On the other hand, when I am calm I stick steadfast to logic, and quickly abandon any idea that is unreasonable. Then when some jerk on the highway acts like they are the most important person on earth, I lose my mind, and reason gives way to anger. It's not good, because I should not allow others the privilege of controlling my mood. Anger needs to be reserved for when it is absolutely necessary, not for trivial breaches of social behavior.

Women are not angels victms, they also have the bestiality instints as man, but in a more disguised way. They flirt in dissimulated way, also waits man go after them, so women will never blame thenselves for choose bad.

I'm not saying wom,en are bad, but just saying they are no better than man. Same evil but in other way.
Same self-centered flaw, but the outcomes are not nearly equal. When a man gives in to evil, 100 million people can die. Sure, there are women in history that have been the direct cause of death, but it's most often men, and the most horrific incidences are lead by men.

In my view, men are more likely to swing towards extreme ends of good and evil, where they can display enormous acts of heroism, or horrific acts of malevolence. Women are more likely to remain around the center, neither venturing towards extreme evil nor extreme heroism. Of course, this is a broad generalization, and there are always exceptions, but this is often how the different sexes behave.

As an aside, my wife mentioned something last night about babies, and I asked her to repeat what she had just shared because I had been thinking about helicopters. Then she said that I would be thinking about babies too if I were carrying a child, and I said perhaps, but I'd still think a lot about helicopters.

My wife will be much better at attending to the minutia and boring (to me) details of nurturing a child, whereas I'll be most concerned with the broad technical challenges of having a family.

EDIT: A link to the first person I found to broadly described what I had observed about the differences between male and female logic:

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Last edited by redpoint5; 04-27-2018 at 02:38 PM..
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Old 04-27-2018, 02:34 PM   #35 (permalink)
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I'm not a fan of using inflammatory language or name calling because it serves no purpose....

This is where you risk getting reprimanded, because the purpose of the forum is to provide a welcoming environment for those interested in efficiency.

The forum owners/administrators have been very liberal in their acceptance of speech, and I commend them for that....
Thanks. Needs to be said.

That said, I consider myself a feminist because I am for equal legal rights for women universally. This is why I am against Muslim states (not necessarily the religion), who by law, treat women more as property and less as humans with equal intrinsic value.
I find it helpful to discern three waves. First and second wave were right and proper, the third wave failed to hit the brakes.
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Old 04-27-2018, 02:44 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
I find it helpful to discern three waves. First and second wave were right and proper, the third wave failed to hit the brakes.
The 3rd wave will dissipate as most reasonable women take offense to belittling their instinct to child rearing, which the most important job that humans can take on.
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Old 04-27-2018, 03:02 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Sorry for the language. I only use in situations a nonsense it's clear, like the women anoying the guy due his dog's way to urinate. I would not use such words in a real polemic thing where debate it's clear and true it's not easy to find. I'm not angry when I says such words in general, but perplex with the absurds.

I'm in favor of equal rights, but I will never say I'm a feminst cause this word lost the meaning a long time ago. I prefer to say I'm in favor of truth and justice to everyone.

Men have more incidence of psychopath/sociopathy, and they use to be the warlords along human savage history. it's about 3 or 4 psychopaths for men for each woman psychopath.
And remamber women along centuries had no political power, most couldn't even work and live alone. Now that they get power we see a rising in women criminals. In my country the number and proportion (compared to man) of female in prison had raised a lot. The women leading gangs, leading robberies, and even killing in sadistic ways, also raised. In school, fight among girls and teen girls, also increased a lot.

Many evil women like to feels the power and even the evil satisfaction through a man, like a gangster's girls. They like to be the girl of a horrible man in power. It's safer to them. Take the actress Allison Mack, bringing other women to the sadistic religious sect leader, who tortured and starved women.
I want to see feminists demand she get equal rights now, in terms of years in prison. But she will probably say she was dumb, stupid, manipulated, a dum...b women who can't figure things and so deserves a slight sentence or even let free. And no feminst will blame her.
Yes, sexism helps criminal women to get slight sentence, since many male sexist judges thinks women are idiots who follows bad guys, or that women are too stupid to self controll as man.

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
I'm not a fan of using inflammatory...

That said, I consider myself a feminist because I am for equal legal rights for women universally...

In my view, men are more likely to swing towards extreme ends of good and evil, where they can display enormous acts of heroism, or horrific acts of malevolence. Women are more likely to remain around the center, neither venturing towards extreme evil nor extreme heroism. Of course, this is a broad generalization, and there are always exceptions, but this is often how the different sexes behave.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-27-2018 at 04:08 PM..
Old 04-27-2018, 03:32 PM   #38 (permalink)
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Something like 15 - 20% of women identify as feminists. Do the rest want fewer rights than men? I cannot imagine they do, they just do not identify with the loudest feminists. I always feel feminists want more rights for women than men, which is inequality.

I am against any country that oppresses women, regardless of ideology.

Redpoint, is your wife growing a carbon-based life form?

It seems like on most places on the Internet, people attack each other, usually without even knowing them. I have always appreciated that members here almost always behaved in a civilized manner, which include an intolerance of name-calling.

Promote intolerance now!
Old 04-27-2018, 03:35 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
I'm not angry when I says such words in general, but perplex with the absurds.
Your speech doesn't offend me, but I'm very thick-skinned with these things, but many others are not. While you may not be angry or hold hostility towards people when you post here, it isn't so clear to readers because so much intent is lost when all we have is written words. I know, because I'm often misunderstood in forums due to my directness.

I just wanted you to know that others might take offense to your language, and I would hate to lose the ideas you contribute to the forum just because of language.

I'm in favor of equal rights, but I will never say I'm a feminst cause this word lost the meaning a long time ago. I prefer to say I'm in favor of truth and justice to everyone.
I don't want to allow others to abuse the term, which is why I attempt to take ownership of it rather than cede it to extremists. I'm actually saying that extreme feminists are not feminists at all. I deny their wish to be viewed as feminists, because belittling women's innate interest in things other than male dominated traits is actually anti-feminist.

A woman who does not fit traditional feminine attributes still needs a place to exist in harmony with society, but you don't accomplish that by belittling those who do fit traditional attributes, or by attacking men.
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Last edited by redpoint5; 04-27-2018 at 04:14 PM..
Old 04-27-2018, 04:02 PM   #40 (permalink)
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I will try to adequate my speaking to the rules.
In a few years we will probably have a tax over language violation, so it good to me to start to walk the line :

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