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Old 04-24-2018, 10:31 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Women are more honest in some things, making them less competitive in this corrupt world of lies and tricks. Testosteron domains this sick disgusting warlord world.

I prefer women sellers, since they don't use to get on my nerves, with abusive insistence and lies that most male sellers do. Man tryig to sell digital TV signature for chanels are trouble, since they lie, they insist, some of them don't accept when I tell the system it's a sh...t.
Women sellers are more kind, do not lie so much, accept better when I say the system it's a mess.
I remamber when on street one female seller approached me, very kind and very nice, offering a web and signed digital chanels, and I explained nearly everyting I said in that CRT x LCD thread in this forum. She listened me and keep calm and nice when I said there was no broadcast/sat/cable with good image on Brazil and no good display TV for digital HD images. I was calm and kind too.

I presume some of you will said what I did was a "seller abuse", with all that LCD hate talking you saw in that thread.

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Old 04-24-2018, 10:40 PM   #12 (permalink)
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There is a pay gap, making women get more, if we consider many women have 3 children and take a lot of less time on work in each preganancy. Also consider women retire earlier and in general lives more years than man.

Also consider that patriarcal culture it's still present and man are more required for pay bills, pay divorce bills. Society accept man pay everything for women, but don't accept the oposite.

That's a relevant gap...

Women can easily get sex with man, even drunk man, and demand money if get pregnant, or abort if the man was poor. Man can't get sex with drunk women (it's wrong I agree) since it's a rape, and also can't abort the fetus if he didn't wish to be a father.
I's a easy way to evil women get money. They also relies in the sexist culture that tends to call man as gay if they reject a good looking woman, while women are not called lesbian if they reject good looking man.

Originally Posted by slowmover View Post
There is no pay gap.

But there sure as hell is an efficiency/competency gap.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-25-2018 at 07:05 AM..
Old 04-25-2018, 01:35 AM   #13 (permalink)
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In a forum, like this, we have to listen (read to give a answer), and the fact it's not exactly real time (need to access) give people time to think and explain in details.
Which is why top-posting is so unfriendly. Brittany Pettibone at Patriot's Day in Berzerkley, CA:

2:52 — she doesn't even flinch.
3:46 — the crowd cheers her on.

Cassie Jaye is a good example of the left rejecting dialog. You might also like Candace Owens. She also was ejected from the Left. She's supported by Kanye West, who is a celebrity. (Ben Shapiro is unimpressed).

See Brittany Pettibone

And Blonde in the Belly of the Beast
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Old 04-25-2018, 07:51 AM   #14 (permalink)
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I'm not right or left. I found both insane today, due radicalism in general.

On Brazil we had righ and left, and both did sh...t.
Right now I will not e vote left cause they were 12 years in power and did a lot of damage to economy, and a lot of corruption scandals, the biggest on history. It's not good to any side grow too much and get too much power.
This lefthere needs to be removed from command, but the right here it's also corrupt and will not save the country.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-25-2018 at 08:04 AM..
Old 04-25-2018, 09:03 AM   #15 (permalink)
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My wife makes more than I do. So I can't complain.
Women tend to take stable secure jobs, also our modern society assigns zero value to having and raising your childern, for some reason.
Men tend to aggressively seek out jobs with higher pay.
When an economic down turn happens guess who is more likely to loose their job.
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Old 04-25-2018, 09:57 AM   #16 (permalink)
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I'm quite sure you are in the wrong forum for this kind of discussion.
Old 04-25-2018, 11:08 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Well... it's Off Topic section. And I have no bad intention

Here I found intelligent people, calm, who respect each other, and also variable opinions.
In foruns about politics I probably would found angry people, fanatic people.

Anyway let me know if I broke some forum's rules or if I get off the line.


Originally Posted by samwichse View Post
I'm quite sure you are in the wrong forum for this kind of discussion.
Old 04-25-2018, 11:46 AM   #18 (permalink)
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...or if I get off the line.
I'm hoping you break the habit of top posting.

Originally Posted by samwichse
I'm quite sure you are in the wrong forum for this kind of discussion.
Thank you for your input.

I'm not right or left. I found both insane today, due radicalism in general.

Left-right reduces complexity to a single dimension. Adding even a 2nd dimension, produces a field instead of a spectrum. Imagine what you could do with a third axis.

You can take their test to see where you land. I don't do online surveys, but am probably in the middle of the muddle. Being an anarchist that likes borders.
Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster

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Old 04-25-2018, 12:40 PM   #19 (permalink)
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No system can work where people are pseudo garbage (variable but looking in general).

If you give a Finland standart schools and services, standart city, to people with no moral values, with no respect, with no responsibility, ignorant minds, and they will destroy it. That's why I made the analogy of Heaven gave to bad people turning always back into a Hell.

To fix a bad culture can take many years, and depending of how is the basic culture, how strong iot is connected or pride of the main deffects, it takes even more. And there are cultures that do not accept any fix, too pride of their own ignorance.

-I believe government must exist (so libertarians are uthopic) as long as humans are irrational and stupid imoral, needing control (police/army) laws, to protect society of society itself. The more moral and civilized it's a society, the less controller the government can be.
Any group who split away from society and governments, would create some rules and have their own government or kind of anyway. So the state always exists in a more or less fashion.
If a bunch of people go to a island, in a month they will create a state, rules, something, so a fully free place would be someone alone in a island, and even so he must survive and follow rules to try survive.

-Governent must be for the people and not for few who want controll people to just profit over it. Government must give basic education and health, justice system, and try to keep economy active and productive without overcontroll it.

-But the government, in certain way, it's everyone. People have also responsabilities. They can't just make sh...t and wait government to fix everyting. People should not have kids, being horrible persons which would turn kids life miserable, with horrible families with problems, drugs, bad relation between parents. Society should not demand people to have kids as is was nearly mandatory tradition, since not everyone have talent to.

-Economic must have some competion and also oportunity. You can't make people equal, cause their are not, starting from genetics, from parents creation, influences, natural talents. Competion make human mind sharper, creates a lot more solutions. But economics also enhances killer instint, criminal activity, social violence. The system must be open to differences, as long as the lower side keep dignity too. Money should not give legal privileges. (money should be redefined).

-And there are international competition. Rich and poor countries. Rich want to stay rich and poor want to became rich, and that's why planet ecology are always in second place of priority. Monkeys from different bands in fight.

-Men, women, white, blacks, gays, lesbians, trans, whatever, must have equal rights and no privileges. Equal oportunities it's difficult to garantee, since it's impossible to give equaly good parents creation to everyone or equally good genes.
You can try gave equal schools, but if a couple work harder to pay a better school, they can't be blameed. School don't do much when someone have terrible parents.

-Freedon of belief it's a problem, since many kind of beliefs are against freedon and inforces belief to kids since a age when brain can't judge, what some people call intelectual child abuse. Not all beliefs standarts could be allowed for parenthood, like the most fanatic ones. But how would we stop it ? Sterilization??? So it's a huge problem, and we once again go back to the society own culture and values. A government can't be really good if the people are crap.

-People are free to choice but must pay for bad choices. If they want to be a drunk or use drugs, they should not have kids and pay the heath care thenselves. If they put itself and others around in danger, with heavy drugs, they must be excluded or put aways to not endanger others.

-Above all, people (all social class and all genders and races) must pay for their crimes, since childhood (with educational punishment and checking if parenthood is the problem). Any society where people are not punished for evil behave tends to be a disgrace. Any justice that do not work for all it's no justice at all. You can't have partial justice.
Perople must have the right to not be brin washed by over manipulation of media. Education system should focus a lot to protect people from this, tecahing how manipulation happens, how spot and avoid it.

-Good people should be rewarded, since childhood. Votes should have more or less value according how someone was, in terms of good behave, good acts, and perhaps also how inteligent.

-And there should be laws against LCD & HDTV broadcast marketing lies.

PS: Top posting for me looks the correct. It's not a Freudian desire to be above. :-)

Last edited by All Darc; 04-25-2018 at 01:15 PM..
Old 04-25-2018, 01:34 PM   #20 (permalink)
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You are not wrong.

-Good people should be rewarded, since childhood. Votes should have more or less value according how someone was, in terms of good behave, good acts, and perhaps also how inteligent.
The problem is who decides. See the China 'social credit' scores.

PS: Top posting for me looks the correct. It's not a Freudian desire to be above. :-)
I just like to complain.

Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster

You can't be wise and in love at the same time. -- Bob Dylan
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