01-27-2012, 12:56 AM
#61 (permalink)
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Dynovalve arb e.o d-677 federal emission test results
Originally Posted by ConnClark
These test reports are for all of the specific products tested by EPA under the Aftermarket Retrofit Device Evaluation Program. They are listed alphabetically by product name. There has been diminishing interest in the program however; the most recent report was issued in 2005.
Aftermarket Retrofit Device Evaluation Program | Cars and Light Trucks | US EPA
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01-27-2012, 01:06 AM
#62 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by iceQuity
There has been diminishing interest in the program however; the most recent report was issued in 2005.
That's your problem, not ours.
Spammer, can you show us that this wonder gadget can actually improve average fuel economy?
And can you explain, if this thing is soooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than a stock engine setup, why every single one of the auto manufacturers have not incorporated something like this doodad into their engine designs?
Points will be given for any response that does not contain any implied or explicit reference to "big oil" or "conspiracy."
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01-27-2012, 01:29 AM
#63 (permalink)
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SaviCorp DYNOVALVE EcoModder Challenge?
That sounds like a challenge to me... I like Challenges!
Give me more details on how you would like to conduct your EcoModder.com DynoValve A-B-A Testing Challenge?
I'll forward it to Savicorp... I'm sure they would love to have EcoModder's stamp of approval.

01-27-2012, 01:31 AM
#64 (permalink)
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Just tell me how it's supposed to work.
01-27-2012, 02:10 AM
#65 (permalink)
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POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEM - Inventor: Serge V. Monros
However, that's a rather complicated arrangement, and it would take a fair amount of genius to incorporate that into a gasoline engine without having its engine computer throw a fit of some sort.
Fair amount of genius is needed indeed... If you haven't heard this 1hr Interview with the Inventor and CEO of SVMI SaviCorp Serge Monros... Its very insightful and you will get a better understanding for the product and future inventions.
[link removed]
The Patent is not just for DynoValve thats just a component... but the entire POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEM... That in my opinion thats what other companies are currently trying to implement.
If the Dynovalve is the first computer controlled PCV valve, then all other future computer controlled PCV Valves by any manufacturer will be open to licensing agreement and royalties paid to the patent holders or share holders - IMO
The Pollution Control System includes a PCV valve having an inlet and an outlet adapted to vent blow-by gas out from a combustion engine. A fluid regulator associated with the PCV valve selectively modulates engine vacuum pressure to adjustably increase or decrease a fluid flow rate of blow-by gas venting from the combustion engine. An integral oil trap fluidly coupled to the PCV valve condenses vaporized oil in the blow-by gas into a liquid for re-use in the combustion engine.
Patent US20100180872 - POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEM - Google Patents
What competitors does SVMI have? None... But what corporations are after similar SaviCorp Patented PCV Technologies? How about companies like Ford, Honda, Hyundai, Toyota, Suzuki, GM and even BASF... just to name a few. Wow thats quite some interest in technology some people claim that doesn't really work.
US Pat. App 13023218 - Filed Feb 8, 2011 - FORD GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES,
US Pat. App 12914875 - Filed Oct 28, 2010 - Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
US Pat. App 12881563 - Filed Sep 14, 2010 - Hyundai Motor Company, Kia Motors Corporation
US Pat. App 12856897 - Filed Aug 16, 2010 - TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA
US Pat. App 12793586 - Filed Jun 3, 2010 - BASF Corporation
US Pat. App 12752925 - Filed Apr 1, 2010 - SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION
US Pat. App 12638301 - Filed Dec 15, 2009 - GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS, INC.
Google Patent Search "PCV Valve"
Alibi95 - InvestorsHub
Thursday, January 26, 2012 8:31:00 AM
Re: shawley post# 21379
Post # of 21402
Just remember....
It was not that long ago that everyone knew the earth was flat. What you can not find is anyone that has the Next Gen DV that will tell you it does nothing. It is easier to go with the flow and lump all the fuel saving gizmos into one than to actually do a little DD or get one for yourself.
Be it, reduced emmisions, cleaner oil/engine, increased mpg or increased performance, SaviCorp is slowly getting the word out from people that actually use the product instead of from their own words. It is a painfully slow process due to all the skepticism regarding the "group" of other product claims. We all, or at least most of us, know the truth. Just remember, the independent testing that the EPA does for us, I have always been able to get the mpg they put on every vehicle I have ever owned, NOT. Testmonials are the way to go, if Serge can land, and it sounds like he has, the 13,000 vehicle fleet, that says volumes.
Serge has pushed for fleet sales all along and so far he is sticking to his price point. I can see the wisdom in both. It looks like for most, the DV will pay for itself in fuel savings in less than a year. That is probably what most buyers will be looking at. What they may not see right away is how much longer their engine will last due to cleaner oil and not having major repairs or engine replacement. When Serge talks about a million mile engine, it is no joke. I sometimes wonder why a major automobile manufacturer has not come aboard, could it have something to due with the loss of future sales due to increased longevity?
01-27-2012, 02:42 AM
#66 (permalink)
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Time for Savicorp to step in
Big Buyer
Friday, January 27, 2012 12:57:25 AM
Re: None
Post # of 21402
Time for Savicorp to step in.
California regulators were considering new rules Thursday that would require dramatic cuts in emissions from most cars and trucks by 2025.
The new "advanced clean cars" regulations, proposed by the state Air Resources Board, would require cars and light trucks sold in 2025 to emit 75% fewer emissions of smog-forming pollutants, and about a third less carbon dioxide. The program envisions that one in seven new cars sold in California in 2025 will run on electricity or hydrogen and produce no emissions, or run on electricity and gasoline to produce much lower emissions than conventional gasoline-fueled cars.
The rules would apply to cars and light trucks for model years 2017 and later.
State officials said the clean car rules are in line with a federal proposal to boost fuel efficiency standards for most cars and trucks to 54.4 miles per gallon by 2025. The regulations are the latest in a stream of strict emissions limits, some of which have been suspended pending litigation.
Auto makers including Ford Motor Co. (F), General Motors Co. (GM), Chrysler Group, Daimler AG's (DAI.XE, DDAIY) Mercedes Benz and others said they supported the effort, although they opposed some of the details and asked the board to make changes.
Auto makers also expressed concern about meeting expectations for hydrogen-fueled vehicles amid uncertainty about whether adequate supplies of hydrogen would be available to consumers.
Although GM has developed cars that run on electricity and hydrogen, the company is concerned that such vehicles won't take off if "consumers can't refuel," Robert Babik, a GM representative told the board at a meeting Thursday.
Groups representing oil refiners and service stations, however, criticized a provision of the rules that they said would require service stations to provide hydrogen fuel to support vehicles that have yet to penetrate the market and that they said could cost millions of dollars each.
The provision would unfairly force "non-interested parties" to invest in equipment that may not be profitable, Cathy Reheis-Boyd, president of the Western States Petroleum Association, said at the meeting.
Air Resources Board Chair Mary Nichols said the clean car rules wouldn't impose hydrogen fueling requirements on service stations, but that state regulators hoped station owners would voluntarily provide the fuel.
Auto dealers complained that the rules would boost the cost of making low-emission cars and drive up prices for consumers.
The Air Resources Board has estimated that the rules will add an average of $1,900 to vehicle prices, which the agency said would be offset by savings on fuel purchases that would average about $6,000 over the life of the car.
Consumer and environmental groups voiced support for the proposed rules.
Consumers Union, an arm of the Consumer Reports publication, the Consumer Federation of America and Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety said the rules will protect consumers "by encouraging the development of cleaner, more efficient cars that save families money," according to a statement.
The rules are the latest version of regulations originally adopted in 1990 to improve air quality in California, which has some of the nation's dirtiest air. This time, the clean car rules also aim to cut greenhouse-gas emissions from cars and trucks, in line with the state's 2006 plan to combat climate change.
A federal judge in December suspended a separate set of California rules that aim to cut the carbon content of vehicle fuels, pending resolution of a lawsuit that ethanol and petroleum fuel makers filed against the ARB. The ARB has said that it plans to appeal the ruling, which found that the state's low carbon fuel standard violated federal law.
State and local officials said the clean car rules are essential to clean the state's air, particularly in Los Angeles and other southern California cities that routinely rank as the nation's most polluted.
"We suffer from the worst air quality in the nation," a representative of the South Coast Air Quality Management District told the board Thursday. "We need the acceleration of these technologies and at an accelerated pace."
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01-27-2012, 02:44 AM
#67 (permalink)
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How does it improve fuel economy?
How does the crankcase ventilation strategy differ from stock?
OK so I have read your versions of War And Peace and they don't answer the questions. 
01-27-2012, 03:02 AM
#68 (permalink)
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Recirculates the kool aid...
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01-27-2012, 03:31 AM
#69 (permalink)
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DynoValve ®
Improves Fuel Mileage
Reduces HC, CO, and NOx Exhaust Emissions
Laboratory Tested at EPA Approved Facility
The DynoValve ® is a newly patented Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) Valve. The DynoValve is designed for use in Automotive gasoline powered vehicles. The DynoValve ® replaces OEM PCV valves. The DynoValve TM eliminates the vacuum problems associated with todays standard PCV valves by optimally regulating the flow of engine blow-by gases. SaVi Media Group, Inc. accomplished this unique ventilation with the use of an electronically controlled switch. The Electronically Controlled DynoValve ® precisely regulates the flow of blow-by gases returning to the engine intake system.
See that? Up there? That's about as much explanation of anything as you'll get. And it doesn't explain jack isht. I'll waste no further time on this unicorn crap.
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01-27-2012, 06:50 AM
#70 (permalink)
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The sheet is presenting the results of 2000 Ford Lincoln Towncar, but the smog test readings are from Chevy C1500 Pickup 1997 ??? Why?
And you can see from the smog test readings that the Dynovalve increases the CO2. But the youtube video says that it will reduce carbon footprint. Which one should I believe?
Summer vehicle
My dad's tire pressure is much higher than your dad's!
Last edited by Superturnier; 01-27-2012 at 12:23 PM..