
? Where are you seeing E85 for $2.82 a gallon? That's price gouging

That was sometimes early summer. There is only one station I pass that has it. I will try and remember to check and see if they still have it and see if its still more than E10.
"The only explanation for that large of a drop (20% or more) in FE is you're running E85. There's no way around it."
Reality tends to impose itself whether we agree with it or not. Maybe the reasons for my FE drop are wrong but I have seen NOTHING to tell me its otherwise. Off course the issue is I can not test it because I CAN NOT BUY non ethanol fuel.
The DROP from 19mpg to 13-14mpg and then BACK to 19mpg when I stopped using E10 (when it was not everywhere) is REAL. I did not imagine than.
"Ethanol is mucho cheaper than Gasoline and there have been reports of stations using E98 to "cheapen" their fuel and increase their profit."
Ethanol is not cheaper than gasoline. Gasoline is artificially too high and ethanol is artificially too low (heavily subsidized)
"The 6% Ethanol content and the 12% Ethanol content CANNOT make your fuel economy drop more than 6%"
I am not arguing that with you. You don't pay to fill my gas tanks. Until you do I am going to buy and wawa and not lose that 6% for as long as I can.
"Even if it was pure water it would not kill your MPG that much. It's just not possible."
well SOMETHING is doing it and the problem WENT AWAY when I stopped using ethanol. While that is not conclusive scientifically its pretty damming to me and my wallet.
"Which if you believe 12% Ethanol killed your fuel pumps why would you replace them with the same fuel pump that failed in the first place?"
what else should I replace them with? A hand pump?
"It's pretty obvious there was a fuel content problem and your pump was not designed to run that much fuel. The fact that you didn't post anything about your testing of ethanol content means you haven't put your results up for peer review. And replacing your fuel pumps doesn't mean they failed due to ethanol, you should have taken them and had them tested."
Being on ecomodder is a very new thing for me. While I have recorded my FE for hundreds of thousands of miles I have NEVER had a reason to RETAIN those records. I record them note them and dispose of them.
lately in the last few years I do NOT DRIVE the van or jeep much because I simply can not afford to.
"If you want a lawsuit you're going to need to collect evidence

duh - reread my post
"Walbro who sells high flow fuel pumps asked for some guys running E85 to return their (Walbro) pumps for a free replacement so they could examine the damage to the components. I don't have the results myself but none of the guys were returning damaged fuel pumps and Hotrod claimed that the effects was minor (According to Walbro) and all of the pumps were in working order. Hotrod sent his fuel pump in because he's running an E85 fueled Subaru."
?? point? is that statement going to get me my 8 or so fuel pumps back?
i have NO IDEA why the pumps failed and there is no way for me to really know for sure. but i can make an educated guess and the switch in fuel and following failures all in a short time are pretty damned informative with no other suggestions being offered.
"I suspect you were running extremely lean and therefore more "sluggish" than usual. In low Compression gasoline Engines Ethanol is still more efficient than gasoline on an ENERGY basis. Alky race cars run twice the fuel but make twice the HP of race gasoline cars because they can run more units of fuel per air and still get more torque."
maybe more efficient at producing HP but not at producing FE and no they are not running lean QUITE the opposite with ethanol they all seem to want to run RICH hence the lower FE.
"I read this thread completely except for the bulk of others chiming in about Electric cars and junk and I read your comments. And somehow the only thing I keep having a problem with regarding your problem is your results Nerys. I'm not suggesting anything is incorrect, I just can't argue with your reasoning because I looked for test results and records and all I saw was observations and speculations that coincided with your view."
thats because I CAN NOT GET test results HENCE THE ENTIRE POINT OF THIS THREAD. how to get non ethanol fuel SO I CAN TEST AND GET RESULTS.
"Would you please stop telling people that 98% of the energy in a gallon of Gasoline is wasted? That is so untrue it's not even funny."
while i can not do the math I believe its closer to 99.9% of the energy is wasted.
how much energy is contained in a gallon of fuel if you were to matter/anti matter annihilate it?
THAT is the full energy content of a fuel
now someone later corrected me that ENERGY content of the fuel is not considered its ACTUAL energy content but its HEAT content when combusted. 20-30% makes more sense when you look at it that way. that was my confusion and already stastefd as such which means you did NOT read the entire thread
but that 100% of heat extracted of which 20-30% is put to useful work is less than 1% of the total available energy content in a gallon of gasoline.
probably less than 1% of 1% of 1% since a few grams of anti matter can take us to the stars.
My gut and my anecdotal evidence says ethanol is the cause. I could be wrong maybe I am wrong but the only way to know is to TEST IT and they have made it very hard to do that.
HENCE the point of this thread.