Ankit, I dont know much about ecomodding, but I do have some good experience with issues of health. I am 36 and after 20 years of being a typical sedentary american who eats only lunch and dinner, I decided to get back in shape this year, and I found the secret to completely fixing your metabolism by making it normal. I wont bore you with the details, but this is how I turned my health around in a nutshell:
1.) no matter what, eat a breakfast of some kind that makes you FULL, I mean so full you dont want to finish. Oatmeal is good for this, and an egg, and peanut butter on bread... note that I sad AND not OR. Make breakfast the biggest meal of the day, NOT dinner.
2.) In addition to breakfast, eat 5 more half meals instead of 2 more big meals. This keeps your metabolism 'stoked' like a fire, and essentially you are eating the way babies eat... you know, those healthy, happy little people?
3.) UP the protien intake... this means more chicken and more lean beef and more fish and more cottage cheeese and more milk... boo-hoo all those things are so hard to enjoy right? LOL wait, did I just say to eat MORE and not eat LESS? Yes, yes I did. We dont eat enough protien in our diets, we instead eat tons and tons of starchy filler. Up the protein, and you wont want the bread and crackers any more. Also with lean meats you will get a satisfying amount of fat in your diet, eliminating the need for starchy fries and cookies and chips to fill that void... yes we do need fat and even cholesterol in our bodies to transfer blood sugars and protiens. Dont starve yourself to lose weight... it WONT work!
4.) COMPLETELY eliminate all sweetened drinks... PERIOD. HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) is the number one reason we all suck. Dont be a slave to it any more... Find an unsweetened tea you like, and make it the only drink you drink other than milk, black coffee, occasional red wine, or water. Dont be fooled by a jug of corn syrup that says its healty fruit juice either!
So there it is, go one week at a time, adding one of the above to your routine... I PROMISE you will feel like a million bucks during the second month, and you will never miss the old stuff.
Good luck and get some exercise too! Cheers!
Last edited by hondaworkshop; 09-02-2008 at 09:57 PM..
When I was a young whippersnapper I had the stamina to function on 4-6 hours of sleep for extended periods. The caveat was that I could make up for the lack of sleep on the weekend. Now those days are long gone.
Today at age 42 I need 8 hours to stay healthy, but I rarely get that much, . Too many sub-8-hour days just wears me into the ground. I think my wife needs closer to 9+ hours to have a good day. Every metabolism is different.
I don't want to know any details, but are there other stress factors going on in your life? When I had tough times, I learned to deliberately use lots of sleep to get through them. Maybe your body is just trying to deal with the stress by saying "I'm tired and I want to sleep on it".
Healthy food (especially breakfast) will definitely make a difference. I usually go on Robek's/Jamba Juice binges to try to get through the day when I am getting worn out.
IMO hondaworkshop just said some good stuff.
Hmmmm, I never had allergies in the past, but maybe I have some today. This thread may have helped me more than you, or just fed into my hypochondria, .
Mom's Van - '99 Plymouth Voyager SE 90 day: 25.62 mpg (US)
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I'll start with a good breakfast tomorrow morning (as opposed to cereal and milk OR maybe a banana). I'll see where I go from there and research metabolisms on the internet or whatever. Thanks guys.
I definitely can't really make up for sleep on the weekends but I'll try to get that schedule down pat so that my weekend sleeping schedule doesn't mess it up for the week. I still get 7.5-8 hours of sleep on the weekends but not enough to make up for the draining week.
No extra stress that I really know of, I guess the college application process is in the back of my mind. But that is probably about it.
im 17 and i sleep like 9-9:30 hours a nite when it is good, everyday.
it may be getting up early, when i have to get up early i am tired, no matter how much sleep.
Mom's Van - '99 Plymouth Voyager SE 90 day: 25.62 mpg (US)
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Well somewhat amusing thing happened. I told my mom about this and she said she used to have the same problem when she was young. Maybe it is something that only drugs can cure since it might be genetic. But I'm going for protein and breakfast for a couple of weeks and then see where I am.
well from my own experience, and 2 cents.
Depression [not saying you have it] affects your sleeping patterns and how well you sleep at night. Allergies, as mentioned, does drain your body from energy.
Do you do anything fun,or are you a work/school all day everyday type ? I noticed with myself that i don't feel nearly as tired for a few days after going out and having some fun. Doesn't matter if it's partying, just hanging out with friends, or going somewhere, anything out the ordinary effects how i feel for a few days. I guess it's just the way my mind and body work.
Just thought i'd throw that out there
Some people require more than 8 hours. If your body says sleep, then sleep.
I'll disagree -- I could sleep for 12 hours a night, but I feel better and I'm more productive on 6.5. Everyone is different, though -- so...
Have your doctor draw some blood and (if they're good) run a panel on Thyroid, Monospot, Blood Count, Chemistries, etc. Otherwise, patterns may indicate Depression/Anxiety.
Do you take a multivitamin? Sometimes miscellaneous vitamins or minerals are a missing link in this situation.
__________________ “If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research” ― Albert Einstein