I can't find the post but someone here suggested that I try breathing deeply when I start to get groggy in class. WOW! It actually worked. By the 3rd semi-deep breath I was awake for a couple of minute. I cut my groggy time in school from 30 minutes in physics to less than 15. Thanks.
Breakfast seemed to help, but I just wasn't hungry enough to eat more than a bagel.
Oh yeah, deep breathing is a general health practice. When babies are born they naturally breath into their belly. By the time we are teenagers we are breathing very shallow and therefore using less of our lung capacity. We basically "unlearn" how to breath.
Whenever I have been in a class that teaches meditation, they emphasize breathing "into your belly". That gets the oxygen into the lower part of your lungs where it can be absorbed.
Mom's Van - '99 Plymouth Voyager SE 90 day: 25.62 mpg (US)
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Well I had a nasty cup of black coffee (no sugar crash) and another bagel for breakfast today. Same amount of sleep at night. Other than that and deep breathing when I get kind of sleepy, I didn't fall asleep today in school. I can't remember the last time that happened.
I get about 7.5-8 hours of sleep at night and am super tired during the day...
I don't know what to do. Should I change something in my diet? Does coffee really help? I need some help staying up, what do you guys do?
I *think* you're getting too much sleep!
I sleep 4-5 hours. I can get by on 2 hours, but I'm here to tell you that there's a world of difference between 2 hours sleep and 4! So, 4-5 hours is perfect for me. If I sleep for 7.5-8 hours, I feel like Death is knocking on the door!
I start my day with mega doses of vitamins & minerals, taken with a large glass of Concord grape juice, and finish off with a large cup of coffee with a scoop of Knox NutraJoint. That's it - that's breakfast and lunch! When I get hungry, several hours later, I usually eat onion sandwiches drenched in Tabasco pepper sauce, popcorn, or Mexican Food covered with table salsa. I NEVER eat meat - fish, chicken, pork, beef - NOTHING! And, NO soy or soy-based products either...
I'll stop there. I got a stomach like barbed wire! I'm a vegetarian and the stuff I eat can strip the paint off cars. I don't recommend my diet, unless you wanna be 'wired' 24/7 - you just don't wanna be sleepy, right?
Another thing - I've noticed that there are two kinds of ppl - robins and owls. I'm an owl - can't stand mornings!!! When I have to do something during morning hours, I feel exactly like you described. Afternoons/nights are perfect for me. So, maybe you're an owl, stuck on a robin's schedule, or vise-verse.
Anyway, knock off all the snoozing and I think you'll feel better in the long run!
.::B16A2 HX/Si Coupe | '98 HX shell with full '99 CiViC Si swap | 40+ MPG Listen to the people who fail. They know what they're talking about!
Last edited by BlackDeuceCoupe; 09-05-2008 at 02:30 AM..
Me too. Not all the time, but when I know I am going to sleep in and I know it will be noisy, I pop-'em in. CarloSW2
When I first started traveling for work and staying in loud hotels (like next to a runway, highway, fire station, etc.) I developed a strange habit of putting a pillow over my ear. I never had luck with earplugs -- a bit painful and irritating, IMO
I once stayed at a hotel that was between runways (Columbus, Ohio).
I'm a side- or stomach-sleeper, so back-sleepers might not get much out of it. It blocks light too, if you get it positioned right.
At home, I have a HEPA filtration fan that's produces enough "white noise" to block out the random nightly noises (and it cleans the air) My 10-year old one just bit the dust so I picked up a new one that isn't as noisy, but does the job.
__________________ “If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research” ― Albert Einstein
You should go to a doctor and talk to him about the problem. For years I had the same problem no matter how much I slept I was still tired. It finally got to a point where I couldn't go to sleep at all and ended up that I was suffering from severe depression. Depression can have either effect, sleeping too much or not being able to sleep at all. Since I am on anti depressants I sleep better than I use to, but still can't go to sleep without the use of prescription medications at bedtime and then it still takes several hours to get to sleep sometimes. If I don't take my medication I will lie awake all night and will continue to stay awake night after night until I start taking my medication on a regular basis. Don't do like I did and keep putting off a visit to the doctor, I think it would be money and time well spent.
For years I had the same problem no matter how much I slept I was still tired. It finally got to a point where I couldn't go to sleep at all and ended up that I was suffering from severe depression.
Dare I say it?!?!?
If you look at my last 'fuel log' entry, you'll see that I spent 4 hours, and a half tank of gas, talking a friend out of their 'depression'. I finally convinced him to figure out the source of his anger and go attack it/them, rather than himself.
Turned out, after hours of talking - his family is driving him crazy - sucking him dry financially, emotionally, and physically. "Great", I said, "Go home and kick their blood-sucking parasite arses out! Or, at least be a man and yell at 'em!"
He's doing MUCH better now - took the noose down in his garage and everything...
Depression, so called, is simply anger directed toward yourself. That is, a depressed person is an angry person with no outlet for their anger, so they turn the anger on themselves. If they don't release this anger, sometimes they kill themselves or someone else.
Putting a 'depressed' person on meds usually just makes the situation worse - sometimes they kill LOTS of people!
Evaluate, medicate, evacuate - that's the mantra of the mental health system - and I think the OP is V smart to stay away from the pill pushers. You're better taking up amateur boxing, or something, and getting it out of your system, than trying to suppress inner anger, e.g. depression with meds...
.::B16A2 HX/Si Coupe | '98 HX shell with full '99 CiViC Si swap | 40+ MPG Listen to the people who fail. They know what they're talking about!
An airplane could crash into my bed and I wouldn't hear it - plus they have a SUPER comfortable, LOW pressure design, e.g. no pain and not irritating. Matter of fact, they take a little getting used to.
They're so soft, it's kinda hard to stick them in, kinda like... um... well...
I'll spare you the sex act analogy!
.::B16A2 HX/Si Coupe | '98 HX shell with full '99 CiViC Si swap | 40+ MPG Listen to the people who fail. They know what they're talking about!