Originally Posted by Arragonis
Not sure I understand George and his FE entirely.
My "coast to coast" trip only gave me 54 on the trip out and 53 on the way back - I had time constraints so had to do 65-75 more or less all the way
The higher speed has negated the effect of the more constant speed on a longer trip.
And looking at my fuel log I wasn't hypermiling when I got him (to get a kind of baseline) but I got better MPG than when I "try".
Even though it's been a cold summer , it's a wee bit colder now than it was then.
Especially the cold morning starts hurt - I'm having trouble to work them back off the tank average indication as well.
Try not to hypermile it and see what happens
I've noticed that even when driving
normally v2.0 , my averages went down compared to what they were before when driving
normally v1.0 .
Another positive - got next year's insurance at 1/2 the cost of the Fabia's - a saving of 2 tanks of fuel in cost.
Nice side-effect.