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Old 07-06-2009, 10:56 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Imagine if this weasel actually used his ability to promote a real product that's languishing in obscurity? Damn, I could use him for my book!

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Old 07-07-2009, 03:06 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Even if he's crazy I'm getting the Emissions data he's got and using it. Passed without a Cat, the guys at Ranger power sports will love this.

He probably realized no matter how efficient it is unless it gets better MPG it doesn't matter to most people. So he spun it upside down like a top. I'll stick with fueleconomy.gov stats for this, E85 cars only use 1/3 of the Oil that gasoline cars do. Sure there's only 15% Gasoline in the mix, you have to count production.
-Allch Chcar

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Old 07-07-2009, 06:42 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Hilarious faux "press release"

that someone on the Revenge stock forum came up with...Enjoy!

>>>>>>>>>>>DECATUR, IN -- (Marketwire) -- 07/03/09 -- President/CEO Peter Collorafi of Revenge Designs Inc. (PINKSHEETS: RVGD), a specialty car designer and production assembler, is pleased to announce that Mr. Douglas Pelmear, President/CEO of HP2G LLC,
has developed another major automotive milestone.

When Doug showed the prototype engine to me,it knocked me on my rear,said Peter Collorafi of Revenge Designs.We where excited about the E85 engine,but this technology gets behind some major mileage and power.

Savvy investors may have already guessed the new fuel source is natural gas.Burning human natural gas has been a challenge right from the start,says Doug Pelmear of HP2G.We had leakage/odor issues,storage issues,flashing of flatulence,pressure problems,etc. We were about to give up,when we hit on the design that turned it all around,the supply as you go seal pants.

To make the supply as you go seal pants a reality,we had to borrow from some already existing technology.The first problem solved was the ass to engine feed problem.We are using a double seal O-ring design we borrowed from Morton Thiokol's design used on the NASA space shuttle engines.We figured those guys know how to contain some gas,so we jumped on that one.

The next major breakthough was the use of an integrated guide cone built into the pants.When you sit down on the feed tube located on the seat,the cone automatically guides the tube into the double seal O-ring causing an instant gas tight seal.We got this idea from the refueling planes the US Air Force uses to fuel jets in flight.The idea was so simple,it was hard to believe we had overlooked it before.Some of our test subjects have reported some slight discomfort upon fuel line engagement,but we have found that with only a few days use,one developes an ass callous which makes insertion eventually painless.A small price to pay for huge fuel economy.

We also developed an excess capacity tank under the hood.The tank acts as a buffer between you and the engine.When you are producing excess gas,the overage is stored for future use.No waste of gas here my friend.It also provides fuel when you're production is running dry so to speak.

At this time the driver is the fueling person.We are working on a "multiple tap" system to allow all passengers to participate in fueling the engine,but it is still in design phase.

Mileage and fuel economy are also highly dependent upon the individual and personal diet.We recommend a high starch
diet heavy in beans and broccoli.We have also had great results with bell peppers and soda consumption.We have found that every person knows what foods are producers for them.You may want to seek out that stinky friend of yours,because when this technology hits the market,they will be in high demand.

There are so many future innovations on the drawing board for our technology.A plug for your seal pants so no gas is lost when you're in public.A sulphur scrubber for odorless exhaust fumes.Home use applications.The possibilities are unlimited.

We can hardly wait to get these people going,says Peter Collorafi of Revenge Designs.I can't wait to tell OPEC
to stick it where the sun don't shine,cause that's just what we have done!
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Old 07-08-2009, 04:59 AM   #24 (permalink)
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I know that's a wind-up press release but liquid natural gas engines already exist, and i remember watching an episode of Top Gear a few years ago where they tested a standard petrol car, a car running on LNG from cow pats, and one running on LNG made from human waste in a drag race (well it is top gear).
Petrol creamed the gas ones, but cow beat human, probably a youtube clip of it somewhere.

This hp2g bull****, doesn't america have a department that investigates false or misleading advertising?
If this guy tried to sell it in the UK the advertising standards agency and the office of fair trading would be on his ass.
Crooked toothed, tea swilling crumpet eater!
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Old 07-08-2009, 05:14 AM   #25 (permalink)
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The media is so stupid here, they give him free air time and press coverage!
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Old 07-08-2009, 07:16 AM   #26 (permalink)
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so let me get this right - you sit there in your car with your special pants on and a double sealed tube up your ass and whenever you blow out or drop out something the methane etc magically runs the engine??

its not too hard to see what he's shovelling + no matter how good the economy is I don't want to generate an ass callous

re:top ten citreon - thats the weight in Kg, simple mistake on his part. At the BP eco Drive Citreons where getting similar mileage and they have to be stock vehicles, it is feasible
good things come to those who wait, sh*t turns up pretty much instantly

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Old 07-08-2009, 07:34 AM   #27 (permalink)
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Re: Citroen: good to know, thanks.
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Old 07-10-2009, 02:53 AM   #28 (permalink)
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This came out today:

Fulton County Expositor

One comment is surely wrong:
"Developer Doug Pelmear, who also holds several patents on the revolutionary engine, expects to be in production in about 120 days, he said last week"

Palmear does have a patent for his engine bridle, but so far has only claimed to have filed for patents for this new "magic motor"

Most of this has to be BS.......Hard to see how he could be conning so many people.
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Old 07-10-2009, 03:11 AM   #29 (permalink)
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The average family drives about 8,000 miles a year. At a current average cost of $2.50 per gallon they would spend only about $181 per year for fuel.
I especially love that quote. GAWD people are stupid!

This dingus just got schooled by me too. And I'm getting less polite about it.

Last edited by Frank Lee; 07-10-2009 at 04:57 AM..
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Old 07-11-2009, 05:28 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Here's a rather long radio interview Dougie just did. God, this guy is one helluva self promoter. If ya'll can stomach listening, a lot can be gleaned, from the things this charlatan says..or doesn't say...


What a joker....

He hems and haws, stammers, doesn't give many straight answers.

first he says he has 312000 orders, then, when asked what an engine will cost, he stammers, "Well, we're just getting started, we're new at this, we don't have all the costs nailed down yet..."...or words to that effect.

Says he needed the X Prize money to ramp up....yet he's now hired about 20-25 people, and has a mess of motors to work on....where would the money come from to do all this? How could he pay all the parts suppliers--he said they won't be making anything, just assembling.....

He did say he did the Vegas trip on 39 gallons of "gas" Yep, prolly he did, which didn't include another 200 gallons of ethanol....which would be about right--close to 20 mpg....tho that's prolly too high given the btu rating of ethanol is so low.

That radio host guy is an idiot as well....

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