Been working on the car.
I've replaced the stock 8lbs calipers with Wilwood 1.5lb calipers,
and have shaved off some metal from the disc to make them fit,
reducing unsprung weight by 16lbs.
We had a little weather break from the rain, and have almost got the fiberglass body panels done. I'm finishing up the second fender, you can see the finished on, and the mold for the right one. The stock fender is 20lbs,
the fiberglass ones are maybe 3lbs, using foam like the hood.
I'm currently thinking about how to do the hinges and latches for the fiberglass doors.
I removed the stock hinges and latches, there are very heavy.
The doors weigh almost nothing (no windows, etc) compared to the stock 40lbs.
Any suggestions? There are aftermarket bear claw latches for hotrods, but they look to be heavy steel. I'm thinking of fabricating a bear latch in HD plastic (cutting board plastic). And make some hinges from aluminum.
I've removed the steering column and have built a lightweight aluminum column. Got a new steering wheel and have made it removable.
This saved about 6 lbs, and makes it much easier to get in/out.
I've been researching and researching on the lightest wheels and tires
that will fit a Midget. The stock 13x5 wheels and tires are 26lbs.
I weighed my 12in Geo steel wheels and was shocked how light they are 22lbs with 155r80 tires. So I found some 12x4 aluminum trailer wheels that are 4x4 and fit the Midget. Finally arrived, and they cleared the tie rods, which are very tight with the 13in wheels. Yeah! They were only 8lbs, and now my front wheels are only 20lbs each, saved 12lbs in rotating weight.
On the back, I think I've gone crazy, and am working on putting 28-in tall tires back there using the front "skinnies" for drag racers that are 15" tires.
Using 15x4 spare tires rims and wheel adapters, these should position them just right in the wheel-well, but of course 28in tall tires are monstors for a Midget, I will have to cut out all the interior steel and redo it, and may even need to modify the top of the body to allow suspension travel if I keep the car very low. Still waiting on the wheels, using the Aluminum spare wheels that came in early 90's Mustangs, they are hard to find now.
I think I have a source for two of them, but so far the sellers are flakes..