Good points on making the classes understandable. That could give them a more in-depth idea of how far we take each car. As in, you don't need a boat tail to get 20% better MPG!
Originally Posted by Cd
Sven, with your artistic skill, why not complete the look on your car by adding a military shield and leaf logo to make it look official ?
Something like the SAC emblem
For the MPGM? I can work on it, but I've got other stuff to do first.
Good ideas on the shield guys. As the first non-veteran in my family since the Great War, I wouldn't feel right using something too military-like either. The gas can would be easy to understand. Maybe something a little more metaphorical, too. Wind/aero? I'll do some sketching.
I like this Cavalry logo- "The horse they couldn't ride, the line they couldn't cross, and the color [yell oh] speaks for itself!" It's also a nice, simple design.
Always been a fan of the NPS's logo for its description and the Forest Service's for its simplicity.
I've got this patch on my Timbuk2 messenger bag.