Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
I've actually never ordered from them before. There was a source that was super cheap that has since dried up. I guess it's not that much waste. One of the bars is 12 inches anyway, and the other 2 are about 10". I was hoping to find something cheaper, but maybe I should just try them.
Hi Paul,
I'm a newbie in your very interesting controller thread and I would to insert a comment, have you ever considered to use a bronze bar for power connections instead of pricey copper bars? There is the same or better selection of stock dimensions and available at all times and it is a more rigid component.
I have commercial shunts in my hand and all the electrical blocks are made of solid bronze mounted on a heavy insulation surface.
I have to finish reading the full thread of the controller to get the foremost inside of it and I will consider purchasing the controller kit but I will take the IGBT route of power distribution, I have several dual 300Amps/1200Volts modules left over from a Prius PHEV conversion project that never took of as is and been sitting in storage waiting for a new application since 3 years. Now it is their turn to serve a purpose.
I think, I would have to get in contact with "JackBauer" for some details about his IGBT accomplishment.
Great work from all of you guys

, I must to keep reading, left on page 250 ish..