ooo - I totally missed this thread
Metro, some reading for you on moldless sandwich construction by Burt Rutan (you know, the spaceshipOne guy

Unfortunately, I haven't found a digital copy - check your library.
As for your earlier comment on the black paint showing ripples and such... You're totally right - it's just more time (and some fairing putty) to get it smooth. Using proper sanding implements (sandpaper glued to a long straight 2x4 and implements that match the curvature of your rounds) helps a whole lot - necessary, even.
Because I'm thinking about it (recently saw this in application) - a cheap way to add stiffeners to compound curves is to use foam tape or adhesive weather stripping - then glass over that. The foam conforms nicely and is available in a bunch of thicknesses (bonus for lightweight and cheap)
It looks great though - congratulations

Of course, the creator is also the most critical.
And if you didn't think about this already - you now have a working prototype to make a mold and tool from

I'm not precisely sure how big the market would be though