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Old 02-20-2009, 06:59 PM   #21 (permalink)
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I can't see ANY of the videos on the TG site. Just a blank black square that say "send to friend..."

I must be missing some magic somewhere...

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Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Clarke's Third Law
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Old 02-20-2009, 07:18 PM   #22 (permalink)
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I've always viewed TG as the best car-tainment show around. Their episodes are either comedic, satirical and gutturally speak about their unexpected experiences with all kinds of conveniences. The hosts have the magic chemistry of the Three Stooges. Their beautifully choreographed (often helicoptered) visual style is also paired with music-soaked harmonies of throaty manifolds, exhaust tunes & tire scrub frequencies.
But the in/famous intrinsic claim to fame are their ingenuous but cutting commentaries, jingoist & nationalistic quips, and indiscriminate sentiments. Their potential to offend any/all groups are always present.

One needs to be in mindful reserve if this puts ecomodding in the center of the yarn.

Don't sit in the front row of any comedian if you don't want to be part of his/her show.
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Old 02-20-2009, 09:43 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by giff View Post
Hey guys, I'm with TopGear.com America and we're working on a project vehicle I think you'll all find interesting. We used resources on this (and other fuel economy-focused sites) in researching and planning the project, and will continue to do so, so it's only fair that we show what we're up to, right?

The details are still under wraps, but everything will be revealed soon (tomorrow, actually). Feel free to speculate... and there will be opportunities for you all to put in your $0.02. We'll come back and keep you guys updated and (hopefully) entertained.

Check it out here;
Watch Where's Our Nobel? - A Top Gear Car Video - Top Gear US
First, let me say that I really enjoy the show.

I find it strange though that you guys are going to buy a car in New York, drive it all the way up to Canada, and then across the U.S. to California.

Why not just buy the car in California, have it converted there, and then have it aero-tuned while you are still there in California ?

No matter which type of green that you are trying to save, doing it without the theatrics would seem to make more sense to me.

Just think of the amount of money / ozone layer / time ( and hassle ) saved by doing it all at one location.

You guys could use the money you save on explosives for the next show
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Old 02-20-2009, 11:00 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cd View Post
doing it without the theatrics would seem to make more sense to me.
TG = theatrics. That's what makes it so great.

Let's not fool ourselves into thinking this is going to be a serious treatment of the subject matter. If you want that, convince Popular Mechanics to take on the cause!
Project MPGiata! Mods for getting 50+ MPG from a 1990 Miata
Honda mods: Ecomodding my $800 Honda Fit 5-speed beater
Mitsu mods: 70 MPG in my ecomodded, dirt cheap, 3-cylinder Mirage.
Ecodriving test: Manual vs. automatic transmission MPG showdown

has launched a forum for the efficient new Mitsubishi Mirage
www.MetroMPG.com - fuel efficiency info for Geo Metro owners
www.ForkenSwift.com - electric car conversion on a beer budget
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Old 02-21-2009, 02:08 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Classic TG irony. New York City - Canada - Cali to 'show' FE.

This way TG can create another beautifully shot travelogue; the hectic American urban scene, the colorful (probably late fall) foliage along the interstates, expansive snow white vistas of Trans-Canadian roadways, the open freeways of wide, wild West and the picturesque PCH sunset rides. In the meanwhile making fun of the mini-mart cuisine, the local yokels and the sad-state of North American car dealers and manufacturers.

Could the (hopefully not poorly executed) project be lifted as the 'future' face of the next North American malaise. Ala the mid 70's- 80's examples.

Last edited by botsapper; 02-21-2009 at 02:17 AM.. Reason: sic
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Old 02-21-2009, 01:40 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SuperTrooper View Post
I've always been curious why you don't keep a fuel log here jamesqf. 70 MPG would make you the top dog Insight.
Because that would require keeping track of gas purchases & miles & all that stuff, which seems like a lot of extra work when Honda's been nice enough to give me a bunch of electronics to do all work, and show the numbers on a couple of handy dashboard displays. If you're interested, I could snap a picture of the dash :-)

I did do a few checks back when I first bought the car, and the mpg numbers it shows seem pretty close to what I calculated - within a decimal point or so.
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Old 02-21-2009, 06:10 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Lesse, $500 for the car, $1000-$3000 for the conversion, so what's the other $3500-5500 for, travel expenses? For that much coin they better have a 70-140hp electric motor (or two) with a 4-8kWh pack mated to one of the rear spindles on top of a 150hp TDI up front.
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Old 02-21-2009, 06:27 PM   #28 (permalink)
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We need to get an eco version of overhaulin going and get basjoos' car on there. That alone would have saved a ton of time and research. Drop some money into his car and give his car the OEM finish it deserves ...


do a TG vs. Backyard Engineer and see whose car gets better mpg's ...

Kinda like Pinks. Imagine that P&G slow drag .. lol
Thx NoCO2; "The biggest FE mod you can make is to adjust the nut behind the wheel"

I am a precisional instrument of speed and aeromatics
If your knees bent in the opposite direction......what would a chair look like???

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Old 02-21-2009, 06:45 PM   #29 (permalink)
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I love that in one of the comments on one of the TG videos, somebody just made a link straight to Aerocivic.com and said that's how to do it!

$7000 is WAY too big of a budget - UNLESS they are somehow going to "hybridize" to make the 7 second time - use electric torque to launch, and diesel for long range speed.

Hybrids don't need very big batteries, as there is always the gas or diesel engine to recharge them right after use. Even a simple string of Optima YellowTops could provide PLENTY of amps for acceleration.

Does anyone know the timeline on this project?

It sure would be fun to beat them at their own game, for less money.

The Aerocivic already beats 70 mpg flat out. The Forkenswift and Electro-Metro far exceed 100 MPGe. (not great acceleration though!) All three cars cost WAY less than $7 Grand!

MPaul, where's that controleller? Lets beat these guys! I was pushed into my seat at 96V - I think 144V will be more than sufficient...

PS - we would work on the integrated bio-diesel generator later as we beat the VOLT to market.

Here we go:
Pizza pan wheel covers
Rear wheel skirts
Full boat tail
Integrated bio-diesel generator range extender (built-in inside)
144V Open Source motor controller (speed and acceleration!)

That is all still under $7000!

My YouTube Videos

Last edited by bennelson; 02-21-2009 at 07:21 PM..
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Old 02-21-2009, 11:27 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Or see here: Kinetic Vehicles

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