I would like to apologize to anyone reading this and hoping for a quick answer. This is not as cut and dry “my car got 30 mpg and now get 50 mpg” as seen from some of these VX engine and transmission swaps into different vehicles, so please, bear with me. From what I have seen, the potential is there for me to get above 60+ mpg, but just need to master the technique to accomplish it.
As for the HX engine mated with the VX trans, honestly, I am still figuring it out. With the HX engine I have a lot more options and I am still trying to work them all into their ideal spots in my route. My HX engine seems to limit lean burn entry to about 2500 rpm. I have been told that is not normal and I am trying to figure out what is limiting me. After two tanks of “testing “ lean burn at 2500 RPM in 5th gear (or about 75 mph) I can say it stays in lean burn quite well at high speeds. I would like to think my drag would be better than a stock HX by not having power steering, and having a few aero mods to lower the resistance. In any case, it did not struggle at all as long as my RPMs were high enough (2400 to 3000).
Going this fast is not conducive to good gas mileage, so I have all but given up on 5th gear lean burn. With the exception of long trips with the family and speed limits of 70+ mph, I think I will leave that alone. I am sick of getting poor gas mileage in my “Testing”. If my situation changes and lean burn starts working at 1800 rpm, I will then start testing 5th gear lean burn again. Today I tested its “true” ability with a fresh tank of gas, MPGuino, and Scangauge2. My trip in this morning averaged 58 mpg without ANY ECO. This is a personal best for me not using any ECO. There are a few spots where I would like to use EOC, but not I am afraid I would not be able to get back into lean burn fast enough to climb the hills directly after. I guess it just takes some testing to see if it is better to DFCO down the hill and lean burn back up or if it is better to ECO down the hill and then normal burn 5th gear up the hill. My guess is it will vary and depend on the hill.
In the end, I feel the addition of the HX engine is a huge plus. It is like having a tool set and adding a set of gear wrenches to it. The gear wrench might not make the most sense all the time, but it sure is beneficial to have in certain situations. It is always good to have more options!
Sorry to hear your potential VX transmission was stolen. I am sure another will pop up.
Originally Posted by Jakins
Hey so how has your vx tranny been treating you with the hx motor? I might be picking one up real soon! I'm just worried it won't have enough power to get up some of the hills in 5th gear at lower speeds haha
Correction..... The tranny I was going to get got stollen this morning  serves me right for getting excited