For those who didn't see in my
other thread, I got the actuated grill block installed last week. I'm starting to tweak the program and make sure it is working properly.
Beyond that, I have worked on the upper grill block because what is the use of an actuated grill block if your whole grill isn't blocked?
I based my entire design off what
Darin did with his Insight. It looked too nice to go with anything else, and it seemed pretty easy too.
I started by cutting out the rough shape of the opening in cardboard.
Then I traced that on to a piece of foam board. I cut it large so I could taper it all to the contour of the hood and bumper.
Next, I cut a bunch of slits in the back side so it would bend easier. The saw got away from me a couple times and did take some chunks out... no big deal as I'll be adding filler later on.
I taped it to the Insight so it would hold its shape to the contour of the body.
Next, I made a backing piece to hold the contour.
Hot glue was used to bond the two pieces of foam together. I figured it works well for radio control airplanes it should work good here. I do hope there aren't heat and dripping issues. We'll see!
Lastly, I put a coat of bondo on the front. It'll require some more work and a bunch of sanding, but its well on its way to being a pretty and functional piece of the car.