01-11-2011, 10:04 PM
#81 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Old Tele man
...the key to FE success!
Followed closely by... don't go nuts with the gas pedal.
Other popular topics in this forum...
01-11-2011, 10:11 PM
#82 (permalink)
...beats walking...
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...or, as the Chick-Fil-A™ Driving Instructor said: "...drive like you have an egg between your foot and the gas pedal..." and you don't want to clean up the mess at every stoplight!
01-11-2011, 10:46 PM
#83 (permalink)
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Ford Man, Sorry for you loss. I believe you that some better than average milage can be obtained with good driving habits. Good luck with your Ford and let us know how you did!
01-12-2011, 11:19 AM
#84 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Old Tele man
...or, as the Chick-Fil-A™ Driving Instructor said: "...drive like you have an egg between your foot and the gas pedal..." and you don't want to clean up the mess at every stoplight!
Now we've gone from magnets helping gas mileage to unscrambled eggs. I've got a package of probably 30-40 magnets, maybe when the weather warms up this spring I'll put a band or two of them all the way around the fuel filter which is about 3" in diameter then put a hose clamp around the band of magnets to hold them in place and see what my results are. My fuel filter is pretty close to the single fuel injector (throttle body injected, no fuel rail) on my '88 Escort. Before I do it I'll try to get a good baseline mileage over a few tanks of gas after the cold weather and winter blend gas is gone, then I'll put them on. My problem now with this car is that since we moved to KY I live very near town and lots of the driving I'm doing in that car is city/stop and go driving. I think someone back through the thread mentioned that the S pole of the magnet had to be facing the fuel, but I was thinking I had heard years ago the N pole of the magnet. Can someone verify this? I want to be sure they are put on correctly.
01-12-2011, 01:29 PM
#86 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MetroMPG
I've read about the magnets and also doubt their ability to help FE. I know ABA testing is the most accrurate, but being disabled and on a limited income I can't afford to do unneccesary driving, so I think over the span of several thousand miles I should be able to tell if there's any significant change in FE and my day to day driving is near the same day in and day out. Even up to a MPG over several thousand miles could easily be contributed to driving variation. The last time I had a significant change was when I changed my timing belt and for some reason I lost fuel mileage. I've checked and rechecked the timing marks and the ignition timing and everything is dead on, but I lost several MPG.
01-12-2011, 03:49 PM
#87 (permalink)
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Still waiting for hard evidence/numbers, as verified by a neutral/unbiased third party.
When, exactly, may we expect such data?
Any prevarication on your part, in answering this simple question, constitutes complete FAIL on your claims, as far as I am concerned.
I believe you, I would just like to see the verified data by the independent 3rd party, using ABA testing. If you're right, this should be a snap.
Finest regards,
2004 VW TDI PD on bio
want to build 150 mpg diesel streamliner.
01-12-2011, 04:15 PM
#88 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ford Man
As for 8+ MPG above EPA that's not that hard to do if you drive like you've got some sense. My '97 Escort station wagon I think was rated at 37 highway by the old EPA rating and if memory serves me right 32 highway by the new EPA rating. Like you most of it's miles come from longer trips and highway mileage, but just from adding a K&N air filter, running 50 PSI in the tires, driving with the cruise set at 55 MPH and not running the a/c I've broke 45 MPG several times with a lifetime high of 49.85 MPG. I can get 40-44 MPG about anytime I want driving with the cruise set at 60-70 MPH with the a/c on. The only hypermiling techniques I use is watching the road in front of me an not being on the gas then on the brake and back on the gas. I keep a few seconds buffer between me and the car in front of me so if they slow down all I have to do is let off the gas and coast and in most situations never touch the brakes.
And that's exactly how all these fuel savings devices can make apparent changes in mileage. Knowing it's there, and driving more efficiently (and it may be unconscious) will greatly affect mileage.
I'm not coasting, I'm shifting slowly.
01-12-2011, 05:07 PM
#89 (permalink)
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Ford Man, What kind of magnets do you have. I use N42 neomydium rare earth magnets. I have them encased in velcro and simply wraps around the fuel line. I have a picture in my profile page. It should be around the rubber section. I was told that it doesn't matter which way they are oriented as long as they are all facing the same way. I also made a setup to wrap around the air tube.The instructions say to install the magnets and run for several tanks to clean out combustion chamber. The vehicle must be in top shape,tuned up, air filter, clean gas filter and oil. The change in milage will depend on your ECU sensing the change in fuel and making reductions in fuel delivery, hopefully less. During the cleaning process you may even get lower milage as it burns off carbon and cleans injectors. After the cleaning process you should see that your oil is very black and that one thing to look for.
Does your car have an ECU? If not don't expect any milage gain. The magnets should still clean the system.
When I first put on the magnets, I took it for a test drive and I could feel the extra torque immediatly. That car I only drive a few miles a week, so I just drove as needed. After about 400 miles of city driving, i could hear the difference in the engine noise. The motor all of a sudden broke loose and ran smooth and quiet. When I changed the oil it was pitch black and I could feel chunks of what I think was carbon deposits.
If you are going to do the magnet experiment next spring, I would go ahead and put magnets on now and let them get the engine cleaned out. Check for black oil. In the spring you can remove magnets get a baseline and do you experiment.
It is important to put magnets around the rubber section of the fuel line AFTER the fuel filter. Your can attach the magnets to a sticky strip and wrap around the fuel line. Also do the same on the air intake tube, being careful not to get magnets near sensitive areas.
When I put the magnets on the Altima , I immediatly took a trip of about 150 miles each way. Before the magnets ,the best I could do highway was 28 mpg, by the time I got to the destination the fuel monitor said we were getting 35.9 MPG and we had to get off the highway. That was a fully packed car using cruise control.
The Maxima I didn't go on the highway for a year. I took a 90 mile trip each way. I filled the tank when I left and refilled when we got back, We got 34.9 mpg with ethenol fuel, the most I got since it was new was 29 mpg with real gas.
I don't know how big your magnets are. Mine are only about 3/8 of an inch diameter and are axially magnetized discs. If you have any questions I will try and help.
01-12-2011, 05:09 PM
#90 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by UFO
Knowing it's there, and driving more efficiently (and it may be unconscious) will greatly affect mileage.
...in socialogy, that's called "The Hawthorne Effect."