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Old 06-10-2009, 07:35 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Alty-magnet - '06 Nissan Altima SE
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maxi-magnet II - '12 Nissan Maxima S
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Talking Anyone using magnets to increase milage?

Just want to relay my experience using high powered magnets on my 2006 nissan altima V-6 Automatic. Have been using magnets for about a year now and have been getting great results. I've had the car about 3 1/2 years and had never been able to get more than 28 mpg.
I decided to try an ad online for fuel saver magnet. I installed it on the fuel line close to the fuel rails. I took a trip of about 300 miles fully loaded with vacation stuff and my wife. I have a fuel milage gauge on dash board that came with car,so I can monitor milage constantly. By the time we reached our destination the guage indicated 35.9 mpg which is about 8 mpg more than manufacturer estimates. I have been running the setup for about 12 months now and have been consistently getting 36-38 mpg on highway.
I have have outfitted my family's car with magnets and they are seeing improved milage. My father has a merc.marquis v-8 and we took short 160 mile trip. We filled the tank drove and then refilled tank on return. We went about 160 miles on 5.4 gal., which figured out to be about 29+ mpg, which is outstanding even for a 6 cylinder!

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Old 06-10-2009, 07:57 AM   #2 (permalink)
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has this actually been proved to work? your talking about those E-boxes that sort of magnetise the fuel?
there have been some warnings on tv and studies about these magnets in my country. a university study ran 2 exact same engines for dozens of hours in a lab, one with magnets and another without. the result was that both had basically used the same amount of fuel, but the one with magnets had even used verry slightly more. but it was within the error margin i think.
in reality they usually do have a positive effect on the FE of those that use them, but that is mostly a placebo effect. and also that the manual of those magnets said that for it to work you needed to drive non-agressively, accelerate slowly and drive in high gears...
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Old 06-10-2009, 08:10 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Alty-magnet - '06 Nissan Altima SE
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maxi-magnet II - '12 Nissan Maxima S
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I do drive responsibly and don't jack rabbitt start and use cruise control when possible. I don't drive any differently now than before when I was getting 28 mpg.I will comment on "the test". Simply running two identical engines for any amount of time will not show any difference in fuel economy. The engines will be feed fuel at the same volume and will be consumed by the engine equally. The better "lab" test, if you are running two identical engines would be to hook them up to an exhaust analyzer and measure the effiency of the burn. How much pollution is produced by each engine. If thier is a difference in emmissions then you could conclude that the magnets are making a difference. Every car is different and every driver is different. The only way to test a magnets' viability is run the same car over about 500 miles on staight highway miles on cruise control (which removes human error) filling up the tank at beginning and filling up tank at end and measuring how many gallons used. Anything alse is invalid.
I say 500 miles because when using the magnets the fuel burns more efficiently and actually cleans out injectors and removes carbon deposits. The will take some time to remove these. I can say when I changed the oil on the car it was black from carbon and I accidently got my hand in the way of the oil coming out and I felt chunks of carbon in the oil. Now the oil stays clean and golden.
Too add another point, my car has high compression engine which premium fuel is recommended for best performance, I am getting these results using regular fuel and experiencing no pingging even at high load and going up steep inclines.

Last edited by hondo434; 06-10-2009 at 10:08 AM..
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Old 06-10-2009, 11:16 AM   #4 (permalink)
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They don't work. I tried them and they did nothing. EPA has lab-tested them and they did nothing.

I'd guess the seasons and better weather helped you get the mileage gain.

11-mile commute: 100 mpg - - - Tank: 90.2 mpg / 1191 miles
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Old 06-10-2009, 12:00 PM   #5 (permalink)
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New member, two posts total, both boasting of incredible results from magnets, both sounding shockingly similar to advertising spiels.

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Old 06-10-2009, 12:57 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Alty-magnet - '06 Nissan Altima SE
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maxi-magnet II - '12 Nissan Maxima S
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People, I am relaying my experiences with magnets. I can only tell you my results. I have retained the milage gains in all weather situations and all different conditions. Like everybody else I have tried increasing milage though all different ways. Fuel additives, filters,plugs,regulators ect. Nothing has done anything. So when I install a simple magnet and the milage jumps that much then thier has to be a reason. I don't hypermile or do anything special when driving.
If I had tried an experiment and failed and someone had gotten some encouraging results I would want to find more, But that's me.
I've been driving almost 40 years and have no reason to try and send anyone down the wrong path. I'm into environmental issues and decreasing America's dependence on foreign oil.
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Old 06-10-2009, 01:38 PM   #7 (permalink)
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We once tested a road motorcycle on one of our testbenches with and without magnets. No difference in power was measured. The one with magnets though become somewhat warmer, so it does something , but in our case no additonal power.
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Old 06-10-2009, 01:41 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hondo434 View Post
People, I am relaying my experiences with magnets. I can only tell you my results. I have retained the milage gains in all weather situations and all different conditions. Like everybody else I have tried increasing milage though all different ways. Fuel additives, filters,plugs,regulators ect. Nothing has done anything. So when I install a simple magnet and the milage jumps that much then thier has to be a reason. I don't hypermile or do anything special when driving.
If I had tried an experiment and failed and someone had gotten some encouraging results I would want to find more, But that's me.
I've been driving almost 40 years and have no reason to try and send anyone down the wrong path. I'm into environmental issues and decreasing America's dependence on foreign oil.
Take them back off and post the data. Don't change anything else. Route, driving style, etc.
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Old 06-10-2009, 01:47 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hondo434 View Post
...Like everybody else I have tried increasing milage though all different ways. Fuel additives, filters,plugs,regulators ect. Nothing has done anything....I don't hypermile or do anything special when driving.
... I'm into environmental issues and decreasing America's dependence on foreign oil.
Lots of jargon, inconsistent jumping from one standpoint to another, the environmental sweetener...

All the symptoms match... Take it from me guys, there's going to be a URL or a phone number soon... Meet our next Bill Whedon - hondo434 *drum roll*
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Old 06-10-2009, 01:52 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Alty-magnet - '06 Nissan Altima SE
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maxi-magnet II - '12 Nissan Maxima S
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As much as I hate to see a drop in milage I will remove them until I see a drop in Milage and will post the results. Driving in town is useless as you cannot duplicate in town driving. I will do this on a trip as this is the results I am posting. I am going to Virginia In August. If I take another trip by then I will post that.

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