04-05-2018, 04:29 PM
#1311 (permalink)
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A good subject to research. Nickel for sure. My [limited] understanding is that it is a non-spherical blob of hot solid iron, surrounded by a molten layer, that has vast crystalline protuberant waves on the core. If you believe NYT from 1995:
Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center
In early stages of Earth's formation about four and a half billion (4.5×109) years ago, melting would have caused denser substances to sink toward the center in a process called planetary differentiation (see also the iron catastrophe), while less-dense materials would have migrated to the crust. The core is thus believed to largely be composed of iron (80%), along with nickel and one or more light elements, whereas other dense elements, such as lead and uranium, either are too rare to be significant or tend to bind to lighter elements and thus remain in the crust (see felsic materials). Some have argued that the inner core may be in the form of a single iron crystal
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04-05-2018, 04:33 PM
#1312 (permalink)
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The Earth magnetic field it's created due movimentation of the iron core material. So I presume it needs to be liquid.
But I bet soon we will have some web believers in a new moviment, claming the Earth's core it's made of cheese. As argument they will ask we to get down there to prove the oposity, and if we can't they will say we can't state they are wrong.
21 century it's the reversal not just of moral and ethic values, but also the reversal of the merit and owner of proof.
Anyway the cheese core belivers will fight the flat Earth belivers, and maybe we get some fusion of both leading to a chesse sandwich Earth moviment.
Last edited by All Darc; 04-05-2018 at 04:38 PM..
04-05-2018, 04:47 PM
#1313 (permalink)
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Would that be Swiss Cheese in the core?
04-05-2018, 04:57 PM
#1314 (permalink)
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The pressure it's too high to allow holes on a swiss cheese. Unles the holes are filed with something else.
Originally Posted by Old Tele man
Would that be Swiss Cheese in the core?
04-06-2018, 02:16 PM
#1315 (permalink)
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Wikipedia on the inner core: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_core
The Earth's inner core is the Earth's innermost part. It is primarily a solid ball with a radius of about 1,220 kilometres (760 miles), which is about 70% of the Moon's radius.[1][2] It is composed of an iron–nickel alloy and some light elements. The temperature at the inner core's surface is approximately 5,700 K (5,430 °C), which is about the temperature at the surface of the Sun.[3
04-06-2018, 02:23 PM
#1316 (permalink)
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How can be solid if the iron fusion point it's 1538 celsius , and the temperature on core it's 5430 celsius ?
And according laws of physic high pressure lowers the melting point.
04-06-2018, 03:17 PM
#1317 (permalink)
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There is also the curie point where iron loses it stops being magnetic.
But what appears to be happening is the same phenomenon that creates metallic magnetic liquid hydrogen like in Jupiter's core and magnetic cryogenic oxygen. Where the elements density is so high to where an element retains or gains magnetic properties. So even though the earths core is something like 10,000°F minimum, the density is higher than sold iron at room temperature here at ground level.
So the hot iron nickel core isn't just magnetic, it's super magnetic compared to normal density iron nickel alloys at surface level.
1984 chevy suburban, custom made 6.5L diesel turbocharged with a Garrett T76 and Holset HE351VE, 22:1 compression 13psi of intercooled boost.
1989 firebird mostly stock. Aside from the 6-speed manual trans, corvette gen 5 front brakes, 1LE drive shaft, 4th Gen disc brake fbody rear end.
2011 leaf SL, white, portable 240v CHAdeMO, trailer hitch, new batt as of 2014.
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04-06-2018, 05:56 PM
#1318 (permalink)
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It's all https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetohydrodynamics
Dynamo theory suggests that convection in the outer core, combined with the Coriolis effect, gives rise to Earth's magnetic field. The solid inner core is too hot to hold a permanent magnetic field (see Curie temperature) but probably acts to stabilize the magnetic field generated by the liquid outer core. The average magnetic field strength in Earth's outer core is estimated to be 25 Gauss (2.5 mT), 50 times stronger than the magnetic field at the surface.
A dynamo trapped between the solid core and a crust that attenuates the leakage to about 2%.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
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04-07-2018, 12:24 PM
#1319 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
You took all wrong my text. First I refered about yellow fever, and deads of vacines applied in areas with no cases of yellow fever and not mosquitos on city carrying the virus. Just wild mosquito in country areas had the virus.
Then I refered about Dengue Fever, for which the vacines increase the risk of a body reaction know as hemorragic fever, a reaction that also happens much more often in second and third or forth infections of dengue virus, since it's related to strong imune response.
Dengue have 4 virus variances, and so you need to get the natural virus infection 4 times to be completely imune, and each time you got it it's more dangerous, more risky to get a hemorragic fever reaction.
The dengue vacine not just have only 60% efficiency (poor), but also can make people prone to hemorragic fever reaction in the same way a earlier virus infection can make people more prone to it in case of a second infection.
So the vaccine it's dangerous in some way.
AND IT'S NOT JUST ME. The health authorities themselves said that people who never got dengue SHOULD NOT take the vaccine.
Got it now ?
I said, and I quote:
"Yes, the vaccine must be used properly."
Proper use means screening to separate seronegative from seropositive recipients.
04-08-2018, 09:24 AM
#1320 (permalink)
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.Over all, 1,600 coal plants are planned or under construction in 62 countries, according to Urgewald’s tally, which uses data from the Global Coal Plant Tracker portal. The new plants would expand the world’s coal-fired power capacity by 43 percent.
All of these green raving articles like the one below quote nameplate capacity and omit the fact that wind and solar will average only 25% of nameplate while thermal electric will make 90% and for twice the service life. Intentionally or ignorance?
APRIL 5, 2018 / 6:08 AM / 3 DAYS AGO
Solar power eclipsed fossil fuels in new 2017 generating capacity: U.N.
Nina Chestney, Alister Doyle
LONDON/OSLO (Reuters) - Chinese solar power led a record 157 gigawatts (GW) of new renewable energy capacity added worldwide last year, more than double the amount of new generation capacity from fossil fuels, a U.N.-backed report showed on Thursday.
Globally, a record 98 GW of solar power capacity was installed last year with China contributing more than half, or 53 GW, according to U.N. Environment, the Frankfurt School-UNEP Collaborating Centre and Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
The new renewable energy generating capacity, also including wind, biofuels and geothermal energy, dwarfed the 70 GW of net new capacity from fossil fuels in 2017, it said.
“We are at a turning point ... from fossil fuels to the renewable world,” Erik Solheim, head of U.N. Environment, told Reuters. “The markets are there and renewables can take on coal, they can take on oil and gas.”
The real takeaway is that new fossil fired electrical generation is still leading rebuildable generation installs 2:1 which tells us that the majority of new capacity isn't replacing anything. It is being installed to keep up with GDP growth as the three Billion people that still burn sticks in order to cook claw there way up to a modern standard of living.
I'm not pro fossil fuel. I'm not pro rebuildable. I am pro human civilization. Energy underpins everything. Every item or service starts with an energy input. Debt is a claim against future energy consumption. World banking has been operating on a fractional (nearly creationist) model. Loans are created from thin air with no actual money taken out of circulation to balance it. The virtual money anihlates itself as it is paid back but the interest becomes real added debt. The only way this has always worked through all time, and continues to work, is if GDP growth outpaces the interest rates. If energy growth outpaces the interest rates. But there is a limit to growth on a planet with finite resources.
The free market also functions only from growth. Workers labor hard for a better tomorrow. What if tomorrow is always a little worse. 50% of Americans have been in that boat since 2000 due to inequity of wealth even with continual growth. Investors will stop if the best payback is 90% over 20 years. Our cornucopian economic model will cease to function as resources continue to get more remote. And then what?
We need to find a different way.
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